10197 - Learning Portuguese

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Explain Plz:

Post by sumankar »

You mean something of
se laver(thats french though)
exists as a verb???
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Post by deddy one »

if the portuegese verb doesn't end with 'r'
then print the unknown conjugation right away.
Joseph Kurniawan
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Post by Joseph Kurniawan »

Hello sumankar, maybe it'll be more helpful if you post your code here so it can be evaluated. Or at least you can tell where your confusion lies. Besides I think (only a thought, not yet a conclusion) that the judging for this prob is buggy (Note that this is merely an assumption). I'll post later my AC code and my 'should be AC' code.
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10197 - Runtime Error

Post by mooseelkdog »

I compile and run this fine off my computer, using g++, why does UVA give me a runtime error for this?

Code: Select all

/*Learning Portuguese #10197*/
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#define PORT_O 243

class CPort

		CPort(string, string);

		void setVerb(string);
		void setTransl(string);
		void setRoot();
		void setTv(string);
		void setKnown(string);

		string getVerb() const;
		string getTransl() const;
		string getRoot() const;
		string getTv() const;
		bool getKnown() const;

		string verb, root ,transl , tv;
		bool known;


ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const CPort &);

int main()
	CPort * word;
	string ve, tr;

	while(cin >> ve)
		cin >> tr;
		word = new CPort(ve, tr);
		cout << *word;
	} // end while

	return 0;

} // end main()

	verb = "";
	transl = "";

} // end default CPort constructor

CPort::CPort(string v, string t)

} // end explicit CPort constructor

	verb = "";
	transl = "";

} // end CPort DESTRUCTOR

void CPort::setVerb(string v)
	verb = v;

} // end setVerb()

void CPort::setTransl(string t)
	transl = t;

} // end setTransl()

void CPort::setRoot()
	root = verb.substr(0, verb.length() - 2);
} // end setRoot()

void CPort::setTv(string l)
	tv = l;

} // end setTv()

void CPort::setKnown(string v)
	known = true;
	string ar = "ar";
	string er = "er";
	string ir = "ir";
	string temp;
	int length;
	length = v.length();

	if((v.substr(length - 2, 2) == ar) ||
		(v.substr(length - 2, 2) == er) ||
		(v.substr(length - 2, 2) == ir))
		setTv(v.substr(length - 2, 1));
		known = false;

} // end setKnown()

string CPort::getVerb() const {return verb;} // end getVerb()
string CPort::getTransl() const {return transl;} // end getTransl()
string CPort::getRoot() const {return root;} // end getRoot()
string CPort::getTv() const {return tv;} // end getTv()
bool CPort::getKnown() const {return known;} // end getKnown()

ostream &operator<< (ostream & out, const CPort & A)
	string temp, eu, tu, ele, vo, eles;
	char nos[] = {'n', PORT_O, 's', '\0'};
	char vos[] = {'v', PORT_O, 's', '\0'};

	(A.getTv() == "i") ? tu = "es" : tu = A.getTv() + "s";
	(A.getTv() == "i") ? ele = "e" : ele = A.getTv();
	(A.getTv() == "i") ? vo = A.getTv() + "s" : vo = A.getTv() + "is";
	(A.getTv() == "i") ? eles = "em" : eles = A.getTv() + "m";

		temp += A.getVerb() + " (to " + A.getTransl() + ")" +
			"\neu         " + A.getRoot() + "o" +
			"\ntu         " + A.getRoot() + tu +
			"\nele/ela    " + A.getRoot() + ele +
			"\n" + nos + "        " + A.getRoot() + A.getTv() + "mos" +
			"\n" + vos + "        " + A.getRoot() + vo +
			"\neles/elas  " + A.getRoot() + eles + "\n\n";

		out << temp;

	} // end if
		out << A.getVerb() << " (to " << A.getTransl() << ")"
			<< "\nUnknown conjugation\n\n";

	return out;

} // end ostream operator<< overload
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Post by Ivor »

Thought I just might drop this one. A word can consist of only a valid suffix, ie length of the root of the word is 0. I assumed otherwise, so got a bit of nasty testing.

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10197 WA

Post by Guest »

Hi Sohel,

I'm also getting WA for this problem. You've posted "I consdered two lettered portugese words as having no conjugation. But in this program this is not so. ", could you please explain what do you mean by this?

I thought that every word in the input should have two letter suffix at the end. So two letter words can be the suffixes only. But still I'm getting WA. So please help me.

It would be better if you'd provide some critical inputs. That way it would be easier for me to find my mistake.

Thank you. :)
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test cases

Post by sohel »

I thought two lettered words ( suppose ir ) had no conjugation. But I was wrong.

Here is some test cases you can try :

falar talk
ir sohel
or turjo
i cry
sir pray
tirr con
abcdef do

falar (to talk)
eu falo
tu falas
ele/ela fala
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Post by Guest »

A B-i-G thanks to Sohel :wink: for the help, (and so fast too :D )
I've got accepted.

My mistake was that for 2 letter words i was printing the word as well, where i was supposed to print the "o,es,e,imos" etc only.

Thanks again!
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10197 -learning portugese-WA?

Post by GVahe »

plz, help me i always get WA
give me some i/o for test
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Post by JackBauer »

Hello, I'm having trouble with this same problem. I'll use this thread to avoid creating a new one. The code is getting WA.

My algorithm and some implementation info:

Code: Select all

while loop fetching two strings with scanf until eof
  show the portuguese verb and the english correspondent
  get last char and the tv char into char variables
  switch the tv var
    case 'a', conj = 1
    case 'e', conj = 2
    case 'i', conj = 3
    default, conj = 0
  get the root to a string variable
  if last char is not 'r', conj = 0
  if conj = 0
    show unknow
  else if conj = 1 or conj = 2
    show 1st or 2nd conjugations
  else if conj = 3
    show 3rd conjugation
Any suggestions?
Raiyan Kamal
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Post by Raiyan Kamal »

Dear JackBauer,

What is your output for this case ?

Code: Select all

partir go away
my ac code gives this output

Code: Select all

partir (to go away)
eu        parto
tu        partes
ele/ela   parte
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Post by JackBauer »


indeed that breaks my code since I was assuming the english verb part would be a single word.

Fixed that, still gives WA.
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Post by Raiyan Kamal »

to JackBauer,

I used to scanf("%s") the Portugese part then scanf("%c") to get the spaces and then gets() to take the english part. Your algo seems OK to me. Chek the spellings carefully, very carefully. You know what sort of problem is this one. :)
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10197 PE

Post by acMustaine »

I post my code and i get PE. I have 2 ideas about:

a) I dont know if the words (english or portuguese) can have spaces. I supposse that they won't have.
b) I suppossed that i get PE because i always in each case print two '\n' at the end of the output.

If you know something about please write.
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Post by jurajz »

Before AC of this problem, I had 2 PE's.

a) I read the line with two words, I found first space (ASCII 32) and I supposed, that before this space is portuguese word and behind this space is english word. Also - portuguese word cannot have space (if it not so, I will have WA), english word may have spaces.

b) Empty line should be behind each case except the last case. Or - empty line should be before each case except first case. Also, at the end of the output shouldn't be blank line.

I had PE because I printed too many blanks between conjugators and verbs. I printed the verbs in 12th column (correct is 11th column).

I have no more idea for having PE.

Please sorry for my bad english.
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