964 - Custom Language

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Post by mf »

I'm getting a TLE, and I can't understand why. Could anyone point out a mistake in my code, please?
Or is that because the code is just inefficient, and I should switch to hand-made data structures instead of STL's?

Code: Select all

Last edited by mf on Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rio »

I found two points that might cause TLE.

In your code reading section, i think this is a mistake.

Code: Select all

if (!isalpha(s[0])) continue; 
This ABORTS valid case like

Code: Select all

    POP    defined 
PUSH defined
and doesn't ABORTS invalid case like

Code: Select all

777 good luck!
POP defined
PUSH defined
The second point is that your code executes the program without parsing.
I think this is very inefficient, especially with case like

Code: Select all

PUSH 10000000
POP counter
PUSH counter
POP counter
PUSH counter
DIE This aborts! (*_*)b
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Post by mf »

Thanks! I've got accepted. The code was just slow.

But there are no cases with invalid inputs or leading whitespaces like what you mentioned. I've verified with asserts.
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Post by sclo »

I keep getting either TLE or WA. Is there any extra white space or empty lines in the input?
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Post by sclo »

In particular, I used assert to detect that there are lines with '#' containing leading spaces. Could someone please check the validity of judge input?

Anyway, here's part of my code:
The judge now always says WA with 0.004s, which is very strange.

Code: Select all


Last edited by sclo on Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
little joey
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Post by little joey »

I'm pretty sure the judge input is valid. The case you mention doesn't occur:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

int main(){
   static char line[1024];
   int i;
         if(line[i]=='#') assert(i==0);
   return 0;
gives WA on the judge, not RE.

If you send me your complete code, I can run it against the judge input. Since I'm not great with C++, it would help if it produced sensible error messages in case of irregularities, not just abort().
I'm away for the weekend, so it may take some time for me to respond.
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Post by sclo »

Little joey: I'll first rewrite my I/O routines. If there's still a problem, I'll send it to you. Thanks.

Edit: There was indeed some problems with I/O, now I got AC.
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Re: 964 - Custom Language

Post by sdipu »

This problem is driving me completely crazy. No matter what I do, I can't get Accepted!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Please help! Here is my code-

Code: Select all

Never mind! Accepted. 
It was a problem with taking input.
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Re: 964 - Custom Language

Post by metaphysis »

The specification of input data format is not so clear.
I submited so many times (>=27) and used a lot of assert, finally, I got AC, YEAH!
There is some tips:
1. End of instruction block or data block is a line start with '#', no leading space, but may with tailing space, so use line.front() == '#' but not line == "#";
2. In data block, there are all integer, means there are all REALY integer, for example, 100, -23, 10902, etc. but may with leading space.
3. There are NO empty line in judge input.
5. You can find more useful tips from other posts above.
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