10683 - The decadary watch

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Post by pipo »

thanks krijger..

well.. i understood the first and second you told.

but.. i didnt understand the third...

what is difference between the third and casting in my code.. ?

what is 'avoiding small rounding error' you said ...

please show me examples about the small rounding error through source code.

thank you...
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Post by krijger »

Code: Select all


int main() {
	for(int i=0;i<100;++i) {
		double val=sqrt(double(i))*sqrt(double(i));
		if(i!=(int)val) printf("%3d: %24.20lf %3d %3d\n",i,val,(int)val,(int)(val+1e-10));
Obviously (int)val should be the same as i, but sometimes it isn't. If you use (int)(val+1e-10) everything goes well. Try it, you'll see.
Note that this method is by no means exact. The idea is that if something is only a very little less than a integer number, it was probably a rounding error, so we should use that integer number instead of the one far below it.
Also note that you have the same problem when checking for equality,lower/greater than, etc. Therefore I use this for floating point testing:

Code: Select all

#define ABS(a) ((a)<0)?-(a):(a))
#define EPS 1e-10
inline bool lt(dbl a,dbl b) { return a<b-EPS; }
inline bool le(dbl a,dbl b) { return a<=b+EPS; }
inline bool gt(dbl a,dbl b) { return a>b+EPS; }
inline bool ge(dbl a,dbl b) { return a>=b-EPS; }
inline bool eq(dbl a,dbl b) { return ABS(a-b)<=EPS; }
inline bool ne(dbl a,dbl b) { return ABS(a-b)>EPS; }
(lt=lower than,le=lower equal,gt=greater than,ge=greater equal,eq=equal,ne=not equal)
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Post by pipo »

krijger.. thank you for answer..

i finally got accepted.

its problem is precision you told the second case.

and additionally i got the round error..

it's very interesting of me.

thank you again.. :)
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10683-WA plz help

Post by dust_cover »

Hi can someone tell me what is the problem with my code?
I have read all the topics before but cannot fix it :(
Moreover i have used all integer type to get over precision error.

Code: Select all

removed after ACC
thnax in advance!
Last edited by dust_cover on Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
i wanna give it a try....
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Post by sakhassan »

Try to use double & floor

Try this input

ur output is

mine in:
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thnx buddy

Post by dust_cover »

hi Sakhasan,

thnx for your quick reply. I fixed my code & finally got ACC. I am too much grateful to you :D
i wanna give it a try....
Mushfiqur Rahman
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Where's the bug?

Post by Mushfiqur Rahman »

I tried this problem for many times but got WA. I didn't found my bug.
Anybody help please. :oops: :oops:

Here is my code.

Code: Select all

Removed after AC.
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Post by Jan »

Try the cases


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Hope these help.
Ami ekhono shopno dekhi...
Mushfiqur Rahman
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Thanks for cordial HELP

Post by Mushfiqur Rahman »

Thanks for your cordial help and data set. The bug was in floating division.
I replaced it by integer division and got AC. Can u tell me how can i remove the problem given bellow ?

double temp ;
long a;

temp = 5184/86.4 ; // here temp = 60.000000

a = temp ; // here a will be 59, but why?
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Post by Jan »

It is called precision error. Try reading the following thread
http://online-judge.uva.es/board/viewto ... 5&start=15
Hope it helps.

And don't forget to remove your code.
Ami ekhono shopno dekhi...
Mushfiqur Rahman
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Post by Mushfiqur Rahman »

Thanks for the given link. I think it will also help more preson.
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Re: 10683 - The Decadary Watch

Post by arifcsecu »

not so hard ...Integer Division is sufficient
long int h,m,s,c,tt;


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Re: 10683 - The Decadary Watch

Post by plamplam »

Goddamn it.....this thing pissed me off so freaking much....I still don't understand why the following code doesn't get Accepted.
Consider this:

Code: Select all

    for (; ;)
        if (feof(stdin)) break;
This gets a straight wrong answer but If I replace it with:

Code: Select all

It gets Accepted right away...any explanation for this? Thanks in advance.
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. -Homer Simpson
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Re: 10683 - The Decadary Watch

Post by Hithrow »

plamplam wrote:Goddamn it.....this thing pissed me off so freaking much....I still don't understand why the following code doesn't get Accepted.
Consider this:

Code: Select all

    for (; ;)
        if (feof(stdin)) break;
This gets a straight wrong answer but If I replace it with:

Code: Select all

It gets Accepted right away...any explanation for this? Thanks in advance.
I don't know the reason why it is not accepted, but thanks for the code replaced itself. You've helped me a lot! cell phone spy
Last edited by Hithrow on Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10683 - The Decadary Watch

Post by plamplam »

Glad to help :)
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. -Homer Simpson
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