10496 - Collecting Beepers

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Re: 10496 - Collecting Beepers

Post by mf »

Greedy shouldn't work here.

BFS can work, with a special graph, of course - each state should be a triple (x, y, m), where m is a bitmask, representing the subset of collected beepers.
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Re: 10496 - Collecting Beepers

Post by Articuno »

Thank you mf. I will try to sove it using BFS. Thanks for ur help. :)
May be tomorrow is a better day............ :)
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Re: 10496 - Collecting Beepers

Post by Shafaet_du »

I solved it using recursive backtracking.
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Re: 10496 - Collecting Beepers

Post by dhruba07 »

This problem can be solved by recursive backtracking.

The only thing to look at is :http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Manhattan_distance

Because this grid has no obstacles in path, so the distance can be directly calculated by Manhattan Distance.

So choose one beeper,backtrack and then choose another :D

Thanks Brianfry for his concern :)
Last edited by dhruba07 on Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10496 - Collecting Beepers

Post by brianfry713 »

Post your full code.
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