10252 - Common Permutation

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Post by Jan »

Nope. If the solution is 'ab' then of course 'ba' is a solution, too. right?
Ami ekhono shopno dekhi...
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Post by jackpigman »

I've got all the test cases I could find right but still get's Wa....
Here's my code.

Code: Select all

removed after AC
Thanks for your help :D
Last edited by jackpigman on Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jan »

There can be multiple cases. Your code works for only one case.
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Post by jackpigman »

I changed my code, but got a RTE :cry: :cry: :cry:
Please help me.......

Code: Select all

removed after AC
Last edited by jackpigman on Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
emotional blind
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Post by emotional blind »

when length of a = 1000, and strlen(a) = 1000 then you can't access a[strlen(a)] ie a[1000], coz your size of array is 1000 so that you can access 0 to 999. try increasing size by 1 ie set the max size to 1001.
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Post by jackpigman »

Thanks a lot emotional blind!!
finally got an AC :D :D :D :D
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by palash »

pls help WA. I didn't find my bug in my code.every time i got WA here is my code

Code: Select all

At last Acc
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by maruf »

Given two strings of lowercase letters, a and b, print the longest string x of lowercase letters such that there is a permutation of x that is a subsequence of a and there is a permutation of x that is a subsequence of
what is meant hear by "permutation" && "subsequence"??
i am totally in dark :cry:
please help :oops:
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by Jan »

Subsequence: Suppose you are given two strings A and B. B will be said the subsequence of A, if you can make B from A by deleting some (or none) characters.
Permutation: Suppose you are given two strings A and B. B will be said the permutation of A, if you can make B from A by re-arranging some (or none) characters.

So, 'abc' is a subsequence of 'adbfc' and 'aabc' is a permutation of 'caba'.
Ami ekhono shopno dekhi...
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by Galileo »

Can someone tell me what is the output for?
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WA Plz help

Post by Galileo »

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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by ExUCI »

Hi, I just got AC without caring about such cases with uppercases like aaAAAaaa or whatever and there is no such thing. And yes, LCD can be used, I used it but I gonna change it for the simpler alg now!!

I read too many posters for nothing :evil:
Remove your code after AC :)
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by wsb7metal »

I got AC!
I read just letters a..z and <space>
And ignore the last output, I dont know why, but work. =/
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by banglacity »

After suffering a lot, finally i got Ac :D

The only problem is- take input by gets() rather than scanf()

Hope it will work !
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Re: 10252 - Common Permutation

Post by amishera »

My problem is rather simple. I used the print_LCS from the cormen book:

Code: Select all

PRINT-LCS(b, X, i, j )
1 if i = 0 or j = 0
2 then return
3 if b[i, j ] = “&”
4 then PRINT-LCS(b, X, i ? 1, j ? 1)
5 print xi
6 elseif b[i, j ] = “?”
7 then PRINT-LCS(b, X, i ? 1, j )
8 else PRINT-LCS(b, X, i, j ? 1)
and implemented in 2 ways:


Code: Select all

void print(char a[], int i, int j)
	if (i == 0 || j == 0)
	if (op[i][j] == 3)
		print(a, i-1,j-1);
		printf("%c", a[i-1]);
	else if (op[i][j] == 1)
		print(a, i-1,j);
		print(a, i,j-1);
and iterative:

Code: Select all

void print(char a[], int i, int j, int len)
	char pr[MAX];
	int k = len-1;

	while ((i != 0) && (j != 0))
		if (op[i][j] == 3)
			pr[k] = a[i];
		else if (op[i][j] == 1)
	pr[len] = '\0';
	printf("%s", pr);
The recursive is giving AC, but iterative is giving WA. While calling I pass the same parameters and for len pass the maximum length. The test cases passes for both implementations. Isn't this peculiar that it still gives WA for iterative one?
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