10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle

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10432 -WA - precision error?

Post by jjtse »

My code is simple enough to understand. It is clean and simple. From the other topics regarding this issue, it's most likely a precision problem, but I can't see how I can improve precision from what I already have. Please take a look, thanks.

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\\code removed after accepted.

Last edited by jjtse on Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jjtse »

you know the weird thing is?? I converted the code to C++ and it was instantly accepted.
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Post by Darko »

I have a different formula and I use my own formatting. I never used DecimalFormat, what does"#####.000" do? Does it round it? What if there are more digits to the left of the decimal point?

And, instead of

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angle = 360.0 / n;
otherAngle = (180 - angle)/2;          
height = Math.sin(otherAngle*Math.PI/180) * r;
why not use

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angle = 2 * Math.PI / n;
otherAngle = (Math.PI - angle)/2;
height = Math.sin(otherAngle) * r;
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Post by jjtse »

"#####.000" does the following:

Each "#" symbol represents a digit : (0,9].
Each "0" symbol represents a digit: [0,9].
and it does round.

3.14159 ==> 3.142
0.1 ==> .100

I have did a trial experiment and even if there are more than 5 digits before the decimal, it will still print regularly.

What formatting method do you use?
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Post by Darko »

Well, that .100 should probably be 0.100?
I use this (not much, but works for me):

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private String fmt(double d, int prec) {
	long pow10 = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < prec; i++) {
		pow10 *= 10;
	long l = Math.round(pow10 * d);
	String sign = "";
	if (l < 0) {
		sign = "-";
		l = 0 - l;
	String s = Long.toString(l);
	int len = s.length();
	for (int i = 0; i < prec + 1 - len; i++) {
		s = "0" + s;
	len = s.length();
	return sign + s.substring(0, len - prec) + "."
			+ s.substring(len - prec);
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Post by jjtse »

you are absolutely right.

I changed my code from "#####.000" to "####0.000" and it worked.

IT should be 0.100!
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Post by ranacse05 »

My calculator gives me 12.566 as output for input 2 2000 but my program gives output 12.571 where is the bug?

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#include  "stdio.h"
#include  "math.h"

int main()
     int R,L;
     double r,l,area,con,pi=22.0/7.0,re=pi/180.0;
     double x,s;

       while(scanf("%d %d",&R,&L)==2)


    return 0;
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Post by Darko »

Does you calculator give you 22/7=pi? :)
Define it as acos(-1) or something like that.
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Re: 10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle

Post by wjomlex »

I'm having the same sort of precision issue, but in Java. I'm assuming that Math.PI is the closest value to PI that a double can hold. I've tried acos(-1.0) and 2*acos(0.0) and I've tried three different ways of calculating the answer (as you can see). None of them are good enough for the judge. Does anybody have any ideas on how to make this work in Java?

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import java.util.*;

public class Main
	public static void main(String args[])
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

			double r = scan.nextDouble();
			double n = scan.nextDouble();

			double c, C, a, s;

			C = 2*Math.PI / n;

			c = 2*r*r * (1.0 + Math.cos(C));
			c = Math.sqrt(c);

			s = (r + r + c) / 2.0;
			a = 0.25 * Math.sqrt( (r+(r+c)) * (c-(r-r)) * (c+(r-r)) * (r+(r-c)) ); //STABLE
			//a = Math.sqrt(s * (s-r) * (s-r) * (s-c)); //UNSTABLE
			//a = 0.5 * r * r * C; //SIMPLER/INACCURATE
			a *= n;

			System.out.printf("%.3f\n", a);
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Re: 10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle

Post by newkid »

My accepted code uses this formula to compute the result in C++,

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         //a = 0.5 * r * r * C; //SIMPLER/INACCURATE
the only difference is my variables are long doubles..

In java i think there is no long double.. the doubles are 8 bytes long.
From the old ranklist http://acm.uva.es/p/problemstatnew.php?prob=10432&d=0 i see only few has solved it in java.
as (0<r<20000) & (2<n<20000), you can try multiplying with some large number i.e: 1000000 and divide the result later.. but i am not sure whether it will work..
vahid sanei
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Re: 10432 - ***Strange***

Post by vahid sanei »

i found size of polygon side
and i calculated area of each triangle with this formula :
*** B is radius and A is side of polygon

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 return sqrt(((A*A+B*B+B*B)*(A*A+B*B+B*B))-2*(pow(A,4.0)+pow(B,4.0)+pow(B,4.0)))/4.0;
i thought here exist error for result of area so i use EPS but i got WA
i change my formula to :

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	double beta ;	beta = acos((A)/B);
	double precu;	precu=B*sin(beta);
	return A*precu;// area of each triangle
and i got Acc , why ????
Impossible says I`m possible
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Re: 10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle

Post by mahi_seu.bd »

shuld be ac..... :P
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problem with 10432

Post by nazmul.acmicpc »

Uva is not accepting the following code. It's saying the program is running beyond the time limit ! Can anyone help me out plz..

#define pi 3.1416

int main ()
int n,r;
float a;
scanf("%d %d", &r, &n);

a = n*r*r* sin( 2*pi*pi/(n*180) )/2;

printf("%.3f", a);

return 0;
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Re: problem with 10432

Post by masum93 »

nazmul.acmicpc wrote:Uva is not accepting the following code. It's saying the program is running beyond the time limit ! Can anyone help me out plz..

a = n*r*r* sin( 2*pi*pi/(n*180) )/2;
Your angle finding formula is not correct. A regular convex n-gon has a total of (n-2)*180 degrees, and convert it into radian using pi radian=180 degree
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Re: 10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle

Post by evniiuc »

My output is ok bt um getting WA dont knw why.plz help me out.
here is my code

int main()
double n,r,s;
return 0;
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