111 - History Grading

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Post by junjieliang »

The sequence in sample input 2 is:
3 1 2 4 9 5 10 6 8 7
Note that the number 1 is in the second position, so it has rank 2.
2 has rank 3.
3 has rank 1, etc etc.
So the rank is
2 3 1 4 6 8 10 9 5 7

Hope I didn't get it wrong...been some time since I solved this problem.
kurnia w
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ANYBODY, HELP ME... Prob 111

Post by kurnia w »

i've got TLE for this problem...is there any way to make it more faster ?? anyway here is my code... thank's
#define max 20
int angka[max+1],temp[max+1],temp2[max+1],length[max+1];
int n;
void table() {
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%d",&angka);
void main() {
int i, j, k,count;

while(1) {
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(i=1; i<=n; i++) {
if(temp2<temp2[i+1]) count++;
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Post by turuthok »

How did you get out of the while(1) break ?

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).
kurnia w
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Post by kurnia w »

Yes i see that, but in what condition that i should make it stop ??
i still new in here...last time i'm use this way...i.ve got Output limit exceeded...
[c]for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
if(scanf("%d",&temp)!=1) break;
else temp2[temp]=angka;

Thank's for the advance...
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111: WA (Can't undestand the problem). please, help

Post by minskcity »

According to problem description:
1 point for each event in the longest (not necessarily contiguous) sequence of events which are in the correct order relative to each other.

One of samples:

Code: Select all

Sample Input 2
3 1 2 4 9 5 10 6 8 7
2 10 1 3 8 4 9 5 7 6

Sample Output 2
Can anybody tell me where these 9 "events" have place?? :oops:
Where is "longest (not necessarily contiguous) sequence" and how it looks like?? :cry:
kurnia w
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Post by kurnia w »

see this page :

Hope can help u understand the problem :-?
kurnia w
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Post by kurnia w »

Hi Hisoka...can you give me more test case for this problem...
i've modify my code & got WA for that...
deddy one
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Post by deddy one »

hi kurnia,

maybe this web page can help you get AC

http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~cburch/pgss99/ ... zsoln.html

read the last part of that page :wink:
kurnia w
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Post by kurnia w »

Got it AC, Terima kasih semuanya... :D
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Post by deddy one »

hehe :P

smuanya yg disini dari indo ya, baru sadar..
:D :D :D
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Post by turuthok »

It's a great feeling to see friends from Indonesia in this forum ... Hisoka, I was also from Binus ... graduated 1997.

By the way, friends, let's follow suit by using English in this public forum ...

Take care and good luck :)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).
deddy one
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Post by deddy one »

BINUSIAN 2006 too
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Post by xbeanx »

Yes, there is a problem with the search. I've been experiencing it for a while.
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111 - Is it LIS or LCS

Post by Master »

Hi everybody,
I have tryed to solve the problem 111 but could not be able to understand the problem. so i have searce the board and others help page like Steven Halim's website and i find that this is a LIS problem. But i feel this is a LCS problem and so i solve this like an LCS problem and got AC.

M H Rasel
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Post by UFP2161 »

Since the numbers can't repeat, LCS by treating the list of numbers as characters, or LIS by treating the list of numbers as A<B pairs, amount to the same thing in this particular case.

You can use either method, depending on how you want to interpret that first line.
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