10323 - Factorial! You Must be Kidding!!!

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Post by zhangl »

why die i got wrong?
who can help me?
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Post by turingcomplete »

To the problem setter: thanks for wasting an hour of time. If you want to make up some function then don't call it factorial, as it's really confusing to those of us who know that factorial is only defined for 0+.

Ghost77 dimen
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Post by Ghost77 dimen »

Come on, turingcomplete. 8)

The title is so clear that it play a trick on us.

Didn't you think for a while why it said that " You must be kidding."?

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Post by ec3_limz »

Why WA? :roll:

[cpp]#include <iostream.h>
typedef unsigned long long ULLT;

int main() {
const ULLT UNDER = 10000LL, OVER = 6227020800LL;
ULLT limit, fact, i;

while (cin >> limit) {
fact = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= limit; i++) {
fact *= i;
if (fact > OVER) {
cout << "Overflow!\n";

if (fact <= OVER) {
if (fact < UNDER)
cout << "Underflow!\n";
cout << fact << '\n';

return 0;
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Post by angga888 »

The problem doesn't state the minimum input, so you must handle negative factorial, like : -1!, -2!, -3!, ...
To find the answer of that problem, just simulate this formula :
(n-1) ! = n ! / n

Good Luck ! :D
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Post by knightmare »

For negative numbers it's always underflow or overflow (depends on whether the number is even or odd).

This problem is completely stupid (mathematically incorrect), as you can read on this thread:


You can start flaming me for posting the "solution" here, I don't care... People shouldn't be supposed to guess, only to think about logical things.
Red Scorpion
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P 10323

Post by Red Scorpion »

How if the input is :
Input :


Is This Right ?
Red Scorpion
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Post by Red Scorpion »

Yes, I Got AC,
when it is a negative number, I look if it is EVEN,
then the output should be Underflow!, else if
it is ODD then the output should be Overflow!

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Post by angga888 »

Yes, you're right, Red Scorpion. :D
And that pattern will repeat again and again (for negative factorial).
However, I still think that negative factorial is undefined. :wink:
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Give some explanation

Post by razibcse »

I can't understand how to calculate factorial of negative numbers...if u put n=0 in the formula (n-1)!=n!/n, u get
-1!=0!/0...how is this possible?

pls give some explanation of the process how negative even numbers get Underflow! and odd numbers get Overflow!...


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Post by Jalal »

Yes! no doubt about it!
One of the most stupid problem it is!
As far i know acm is for updating our brain.
Not for damage our topic's with bad theory
just to make a problem ubsolved :x
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Post by VitorRodrigues »

Hisoka and razibcse, you do not have to use any formula to calculate factorial of negative numbers. Jus print "Overflow!" if the number is odd, or "Underflow!" if the number is even.

Good luc :)
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Post by Eric »

I get WA.
I think the problem is :
  • It used to contain the correct algorithm, but I deleted.
Can anyone help me?
Last edited by Eric on Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
little joey
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Post by little joey »

Eric: You do Pascal, don't you? PM me your code, and I'll have a look.
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Post by Eric »

I get Accepted now. Thanks Joey.
It is really a careless mistake.
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