637 - Booklet Printing

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637 - Booklet Printing

Post by and »

Does anybody notice that even though problem 637 has more than 60% accepted, but only 10% of them is really correct. all 90% have Presentation Error. It means only 6% overall is accepted.
I don't know what's wrong with my program below. It produced exactly the same output as the sample output, but still got PE.
can anybody help ?

[c]void main ( void ){
while (1){
int i, n;
int a, b, c;

scanf ( "%d\n", &n );
if ( !n ) break;

printf ( "Printing order for %d pages:\n", n );
a = (n%4) ? n/4 + 1 : n/4;
b = a * 4;
c = 1;
for ( i = 1; i <= a; i++){
printf ( "Sheet %2d, front: ", i );
if ( b > n )
printf ( "Blank" );
printf ( "%d", b );
printf ( ", %d\n", c );

if ( (c > n) && (b > n) )

printf ( "Sheet %2d, back : ", i );
if ( c > n )
printf ( "Blank" );
printf ( "%d", c );
if ( b > n )
printf ( ", Blank\n" );
printf ( ", %d\n", b );
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637:Booklet Printing : P.E.

Post by and »

Does anybody notice that even though problem 637 has more than 60% accepted, but only 10% of them is really correct. all 90% have Presentation Error. It means only 6% overall is accepted.
I don't know what's wrong with my program below. It produced exactly the same output as the sample output, but still got PE.
can anybody help ?

[c]void main ( void ){
while (1){
int i, n;
int a, b, c;

scanf ( "%d\n", &n );
if ( !n ) break;

printf ( "Printing order for %d pages:\n", n );
a = (n%4) ? n/4 + 1 : n/4;
b = a * 4;
c = 1;
for ( i = 1; i <= a; i++){
printf ( "Sheet %2d, front: ", i );
if ( b > n )
printf ( "Blank" );
printf ( "%d", b );
printf ( ", %d\n", c );

if ( (c > n) && (b > n) )

printf ( "Sheet %2d, back : ", i );
if ( c > n )
printf ( "Blank" );
printf ( "%d", c );
if ( b > n )
printf ( ", Blank\n" );
printf ( ", %d\n", b );
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Post by and »

My program is [c]printf ( "Sheet %d,...[/c] not [c]printf ( "Sheet %2d,...[/c]
the %2d was my experiment.
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637...why PE??

Post by Ashis »

Would you plz chq where is the problem in my code that results Presentation Error??? number 637.

Here is the code..
//637...Booklet printing

#include<math.h> //for ceil()

int main()
int a[25][4];

int i,j,count,page_req;
int x;

while( (1==scanf("%d",&page_req))&&page_req)
printf("Printing order for %d pages:\n",page_req);
x= (int)ceil(page_req/4.0);

for(i=0; i<x; i++)
if(count<=page_req) a[1]=count++;
else a[1]=0;
if(count<=page_req) a[2]=count++;
else a[2]=0;

for(i=x-1; i>=0; i--)
if(count<=page_req) a[3]=count++;
else a[3]=0;
if(count<=page_req) a[0]=count++;
else a[0]=0;

for(i=0; i<x; i++)
printf("Sheet %d, front:",i+1);
for(j=0; j<2; j++)
if(a[i][j]==0)printf(" Blank");
else printf(" %d",a[i][j]);
printf("Sheet %d, back :",i+1);
for(j=2; j<4; j++)
if(a[i][j]==0)printf(" Blank");
else printf(" %d",a[i][j]);
return 0;

Thank you in Advance
sirf_A S H I S
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637 - Booklet Printing - Need outputs!

Post by Jemerson »

Hi guys, ive got no trouble on coding the problem, and my answers seems all to be correct, but i'm getting WA's. I'm gonna post my program output for the following input just to show that i've coded this problem, in fact what I'd like to receive in my email (jemersonfd@gmail.com) is all possible outputs (1 to 100) so that I could compare them with mine to find the bug, or, if any Java programmer decide to help me I can show my code here. Thanx!


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Printing order for 1 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Printing order for 2 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
Printing order for 3 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 3
Printing order for 4 pages:
Sheet 1, front: 4, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 3
Printing order for 5 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 5
Sheet 2, front: 4, 3
Printing order for 6 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
Sheet 2, front: 6, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 5
Printing order for 7 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 7
Sheet 2, front: 6, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 5
Printing order for 8 pages:
Sheet 1, front: 8, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 7
Sheet 2, front: 6, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 5
Printing order for 9 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 9
Sheet 2, front: 8, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 7
Sheet 3, front: 6, 5
Printing order for 10 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
Sheet 2, front: 10, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 9
Sheet 3, front: 8, 5
Sheet 3, back : 6, 7
Printing order for 11 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 11
Sheet 2, front: 10, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 9
Sheet 3, front: 8, 5
Sheet 3, back : 6, 7
Printing order for 12 pages:
Sheet 1, front: 12, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 11
Sheet 2, front: 10, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 9
Sheet 3, front: 8, 5
Sheet 3, back : 6, 7
Printing order for 99 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 99
Sheet 2, front: 98, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 97
Sheet 3, front: 96, 5
Sheet 3, back : 6, 95
Sheet 4, front: 94, 7
Sheet 4, back : 8, 93
Sheet 5, front: 92, 9
Sheet 5, back : 10, 91
Sheet 6, front: 90, 11
Sheet 6, back : 12, 89
Sheet 7, front: 88, 13
Sheet 7, back : 14, 87
Sheet 8, front: 86, 15
Sheet 8, back : 16, 85
Sheet 9, front: 84, 17
Sheet 9, back : 18, 83
Sheet 10, front: 82, 19
Sheet 10, back : 20, 81
Sheet 11, front: 80, 21
Sheet 11, back : 22, 79
Sheet 12, front: 78, 23
Sheet 12, back : 24, 77
Sheet 13, front: 76, 25
Sheet 13, back : 26, 75
Sheet 14, front: 74, 27
Sheet 14, back : 28, 73
Sheet 15, front: 72, 29
Sheet 15, back : 30, 71
Sheet 16, front: 70, 31
Sheet 16, back : 32, 69
Sheet 17, front: 68, 33
Sheet 17, back : 34, 67
Sheet 18, front: 66, 35
Sheet 18, back : 36, 65
Sheet 19, front: 64, 37
Sheet 19, back : 38, 63
Sheet 20, front: 62, 39
Sheet 20, back : 40, 61
Sheet 21, front: 60, 41
Sheet 21, back : 42, 59
Sheet 22, front: 58, 43
Sheet 22, back : 44, 57
Sheet 23, front: 56, 45
Sheet 23, back : 46, 55
Sheet 24, front: 54, 47
Sheet 24, back : 48, 53
Sheet 25, front: 52, 49
Sheet 25, back : 50, 51
Printing order for 100 pages:
Sheet 1, front: 100, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 99
Sheet 2, front: 98, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 97
Sheet 3, front: 96, 5
Sheet 3, back : 6, 95
Sheet 4, front: 94, 7
Sheet 4, back : 8, 93
Sheet 5, front: 92, 9
Sheet 5, back : 10, 91
Sheet 6, front: 90, 11
Sheet 6, back : 12, 89
Sheet 7, front: 88, 13
Sheet 7, back : 14, 87
Sheet 8, front: 86, 15
Sheet 8, back : 16, 85
Sheet 9, front: 84, 17
Sheet 9, back : 18, 83
Sheet 10, front: 82, 19
Sheet 10, back : 20, 81
Sheet 11, front: 80, 21
Sheet 11, back : 22, 79
Sheet 12, front: 78, 23
Sheet 12, back : 24, 77
Sheet 13, front: 76, 25
Sheet 13, back : 26, 75
Sheet 14, front: 74, 27
Sheet 14, back : 28, 73
Sheet 15, front: 72, 29
Sheet 15, back : 30, 71
Sheet 16, front: 70, 31
Sheet 16, back : 32, 69
Sheet 17, front: 68, 33
Sheet 17, back : 34, 67
Sheet 18, front: 66, 35
Sheet 18, back : 36, 65
Sheet 19, front: 64, 37
Sheet 19, back : 38, 63
Sheet 20, front: 62, 39
Sheet 20, back : 40, 61
Sheet 21, front: 60, 41
Sheet 21, back : 42, 59
Sheet 22, front: 58, 43
Sheet 22, back : 44, 57
Sheet 23, front: 56, 45
Sheet 23, back : 46, 55
Sheet 24, front: 54, 47
Sheet 24, back : 48, 53
Sheet 25, front: 52, 49
Sheet 25, back : 50, 51
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dumb dan
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Post by dumb dan »

I think if you solve this case correctly, you'll likely solve all cases correctly:


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Printing order for 5 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
Sheet 2, front: Blank, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 5
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Post by Jemerson »

Ow man.. , as you can see I hadn't check my output very well :oops:
Thanx for showing my mistake.
UFCG Brazil - Computer Science graduate student
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Post by plAnadecU »

planadecu@default ~/concurs/acm/637 $ diff in out
< Sheet 1, back : 2, 5
< Sheet 2, front: 4, 3
> Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
> Sheet 2, front: Blank, 3
> Sheet 2, back : 4, 5
< Sheet 1, back : 2, 9
< Sheet 2, front: 8, 3
< Sheet 2, back : 4, 7
< Sheet 3, front: 6, 5
> Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
> Sheet 2, front: Blank, 3
> Sheet 2, back : 4, 9
> Sheet 3, front: 8, 5
> Sheet 3, back : 6, 7
< Sheet 25, back : 50, 51
\ No newline at end of file
> Sheet 25, back : 50, 51
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Re: 637 - Booklet Printing

Post by uDebug »

Replying to follow the thread.
Check input and AC output for over 7,500 problems on uDebug!

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Post by rockson »

Hi guys what's wrong with my code?

Code: Select all

Thanks :)
I get PE
Last edited by rockson on Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 637

Post by lighted »

My advice to you -> always copy/paste output format from sample or problem description. :)

Your output

Code: Select all

Sheet 1, back: 2, Blank
Sample output

Code: Select all

Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
Don't forget to remove your code after getting accepted. 8)
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