How to detect blank/empty line in input?

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How to detect blank/empty line in input?

Post by evandrix »

Hi to all reading this,

How do i detect a blank/empty line in input using JAVA?
Thus far, I have been using the following 2 ways to read input data to be processed in my solution.

1. using the sample code under "How to submit in JAVA" on
make use of this function defined in Main:

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static String ReadLn (int maxLg)  // utility function to read from stdin

calling it:

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while ((input = Main.ReadLn(300000)) != null) { data

but this returns the following error if i input a blank line in stdin (i want my program to exit on encountering a blank line, but i'm not sure what condition to check for - =null, .length()==0 both don't work)

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Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
	at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)
	at Main.Begin(
	at Main.main(

2. Another way is to use the following code:

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class MyBufferedReader { 
    private InputStream in;
    public MyBufferedReader (InputStream in) { = in;}
    public String readLine() throws IOException { 
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); 
        int i  = 0; 
        while (((i = != '\n') && (i != -1)) 
            if (i != '\r') 
            sb.append((char) i); 
        if (i == -1) 
            return null; 
	return sb.toString();}

...then calling it from my function...

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final MyBufferedReader console = new MyBufferedReader(;

catch (IOException ioex) {}

Not sure how i should test for whether the input is a blank/empty line..i have tried

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idata = new StringTokenizer(temp);
if (!idata.hasMoreTokens()) return;

to test it or even using

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while (idata.hasMoreTokens()){ input

...but this does not work very well all the time.

I have experienced getting compiler error for using trim() function.(althought i find this the most reliable) ie.

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final MyBufferedReader console = new MyBufferedReader(;

catch (IOException ioex) {}

if (temp.trim().length() == 0) return; //blank or empty line detected

Anyone can suggest the most elegant way of reading IO and detecting blank/empty lines in input for JAVA?

Any assistance is much appreciated.
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Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Post by mf »

Why not use standard

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BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
while (true) {
    String line = reader.readLine();
    if (line == null) {
        // end of file
    } else if (line.length() == 0) {
        // a blank line
    } else {
        // not a blank line
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