Problems using LCA form arhive.

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Problems using LCA form arhive.

Post by diac_paul »

Does anyone knows problemes in the arhive that use or can use LCA (Lowest common ancestor)? Or from other sites ...
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Post by Giorgi »

can anybody explain me O(log n) LCA algo or give any link?
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Post by misof »

For each vertex V and each X, compute and store the vertex (2^X) steps above the vertex V.

This can be done in O(N log N).

Think how to do it, and then how to use this information to find the LCA for a pair of vertices in O(log N) time.
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Post by Darko »

In Gusfield ("Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences"), ch.8, they describe a constant time LCA with linear preprocessing.

I tried reading it, but that just went (waaay) over my head. They map the tree to a complete binary tree in linear time in some funky way, that part I don't understand. Then finding LCA is easy (that part I kinda understand).

It is actually a good book, but is a bit hard for me to follow.
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Post by Giorgi » ... kiefer.pdf

very interesting link :)
this algorithm finds LCA using minimizator
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Post by »

You should try what misof said, it's pretty intuitive and it should be at most 30 lines of code.
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Post by david »

There is also a very easy to code algorithm due to Tarjan, in which you find the lca of several pairs of vertices during a dfs of the tree (in O(V+Q+alfa(V+Q)), where V is the number of vertices, Q the number of queries and alfa is the very slow-growing inverse of the Ackermann function). You can find it in an exercise somewhere in Cormen's book.
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Post by Larry »

Actually, you can do the precalc in O(nlogn) time by converting into an +/-1 RMQ problem in linear time, and then do the queries in O(1).

Of course, you can also precalc in O(n) and queries in O(1), and that part isn't so bad using the big/small universe paradigm. The general RMQ->LCA is probably the hardest part, but the other parts are very easy to understand.

The paper is here:
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