136 - Ugly Numbers

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136 Ugly Number Presentation Error

Post by IncreasE »

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It always "Presentation Error". Why ? Help Me Pls TT :(
Last edited by IncreasE on Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mf »

You should print '\n' at the end of line.
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Post by IncreasE »

Thank you very much for you help. :)
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Compile Time Error - Problem 136

Post by OmarOthman »

Hello all,
I'm a beginner with java submissions here and - frankly - I've heard that there are lots of problems with the java compiler. Here's my code to the ugly numbers problem, very simplified to the last result only so that I can ensure the simplicity of the first trial.

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("The 1500'th ugly number is 5624");

But the compile error says:

04470699_24.java:1: Public class `Main' must be defined in a file
called `Main.java'.
public class Main {
1 error

Although I don't even send a file! I paste the code directly at the submission page.

Please reply soon... and thanks in advance.
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Post by chunyi81 »

Delete the word "public" in front of "Main".

Hope this helps.

Putting the word public for a Java class is more useful when you have many packages and you need to make some classes in a package accessible to classes in another package.
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Post by OmarOthman »

Thanks very much for your fast and detailed reply. It worked, but the answer was wrong :oops: ... ( But this is my problem now, not yours :D ). but please if you know any other silly, well-known compilation errors I'll be very grateful if you can benefit us with your expertise, because indeed all my friends warned me that the java compiler here has got a lot of inconsistencies.
Thanks again and good bye.
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Post by bsd31378 »

Thanks your help
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136 TEL ?

Post by darkos32 »

hi,all.im new user here...i got problems with 136,

this is my source code.

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
long a[1501];
void main(){
	int i = 1;
	int byk = 1500;
	i = 0;
	while(i<1500) {
	i = 1;a[1] = 1;
	long hasil = 2;int mulai = 0;
		bool ada = true;int j = 0;
			if(hasil%2==0 || hasil%3==0 || hasil%5==0){
				if(hasil%2==0) {
					if(hasil/2==2 || hasil/2==3 || hasil/2==5 || hasil/2==1) {
						ada = false;
					else {
						j = 0;
							if(a[j]==hasil/2) {
								ada= false;
						//if(a[hasil/2]==1) ada = false;
				if(hasil%3==0) {
					if(hasil/3==2 || hasil/3==3 || hasil/3==5 || hasil/3==1) {
						ada = false;
					else {
						j = 0;
							if(a[j]==hasil/3) {
								ada= false;
						//if(a[hasil/3]==1) ada = false;
				if(hasil%5==0) {
					if(hasil/5==2 || hasil/5==3 || hasil/5==5 || hasil/5==1) {
						ada = false;
					else {
						j = 0;
							if(a[j]==hasil/5) {
								ada= false;
						//if(a[hasil/5]==1) ada=false;
				if(!ada) {
		//if(i>=byk) printf("%ld",hasil-1);
	printf("The 1500'th ugly number is %ld.",hasil-1);

sorry my code is very bad.coz im still amateur.
anyone can help me please ?thanks.
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accepted [136]!

Post by newton »

got AC.
thanks to all.

Code: Select all

for( ; ; )
     printf("Thank you ");

Last edited by newton on Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DP »

hmm. really novice. :wink:

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OK just use double instead of long long
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Post by Bluefin »

There has been a lot of information about Q136 - The Ugly Number

Like this thread:
http://online-judge.uva.es/board/viewto ... hlight=136

I solved this problem a long time ago after reading the thread I gave you!!

And after you solve Q136, you can try Q443. They are similiar !!

Hope it will help !! :lol:
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Post by nev4 »

This problem is easy. You just have to run one loop and check inside if loop counter only divides 2, 3, 5 if so add one to UGLYNR counter(using while and % is easiest).
When u get 1500th just output it according to problem sample output, insert that number and just print out that one statement.
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The 1500th ugly number

Post by Hio »

I tried with a straight-to-the-problem solution, i mean i made a procedure that returns 1 if a given number is ugly and 0 otherwize. Well as you can suppose the result needs a lot of time.
The function is that:
int fact[3]={2, 3, 5};

int fact_div(int num1, int st_at);
int fact_div(int num1, int st_at)
int i, res, rem;
int start_at1;
div_t div_result;
if (num1==1) return ugnum;
else ugnum=0;
for (i=st_at; i<=2; i++)
div_result=div(num1, fact);
res=div_result.quot; rem=div_result.rem;
if (rem==0)
fact_div(res, start_at1); i=3;
return ugnum;

If some one can find a way to speed this up. I will be greatfull for help.
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1500th ugly number

Post by Hio »

I got the answe <removed> is it right?
Because when i submited the code the online-judge said "Wrong Answer".
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Post by ranban282 »

Yes, it is. Are you sure that you are formatting your output correctly? It should be The 1500'th ugly number is<space><number><fullstop><\n>
Remove your answer once you get acc.
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