501 - Black Box

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Post by x140l31 »

mf wrote:I don't know if your algorithm is correct, I'm no C++ guy.

The problem as I implemented it: with each "ADD" query add the number to your data structure. With the i-th "GET" query print the i-th smallest number in the data structure.

The problem comes from NEERC' 1996 regionals. You can use the tests at http://www.acm.inf.ethz.ch/ProblemSetAr ... NERC/1996/ as a last resort.
EDIT: I tried this input's and I get correct answers...

I use a balanced AVL

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class AVL
        struct Node
            int val;
            Node* nleft;
            Node* nright;
            int hei;
            int num;

            Node(int v, Node* fe, Node* fd, int a, int n)
                :   val(v), nleft(fe), nright(fd), hei(a), num(n)
            { }

        Node* arrel;

            arrel = NULL;

        void insert(int n)
            insert(arrel, n);

        int search(int x)
            search(arrel, x);

        static int height(Node* p)
            return p ? p->hei : -1;

        static int number(Node* p)
            return p ? p->num : 0;

        static void update(Node* p)
            p->hei = 1 + max(height(p->nleft), height(p->nright));
            p->num = 1 + number(p->nleft) + number(p->nright);

        static void LL(Node*& p)
            Node* q = p;
            p = p->nleft;
            q->nleft = p->nright;
            p->nright = q;

        static void RR(Node*& p)
            Node* q = p;
            p = p->nright;
            q->nright = p->nleft;
            p->nleft = q;

        static void LR(Node*& p)

        static void RL(Node*& p)

        void balanceLeft(Node*& p)
            if(height(p->nright) - height(p->nleft)==2)
                if(height(p->nright->nleft) - height(p->nright->nright) == 1) RL(p);
                else RR(p);
            else update(p);

        void balanceRight(Node*& p)
            if(height(p->nleft) - height(p->nright) == 2)
                if(height(p->nleft->nright) - height(p->nleft->nleft) == 1) LR(p);
                else LL(p);
            else update(p);

        void insert(Node*& p, int val)
                if(val <= p->val)
                    insert(p->nleft, val);
                    if(height(p->nleft) - height(p->nright) == 2)
                        if(val <= p->nleft->val) LL(p);
                        else LR(p);
                    insert(p->nright, val);
                    if(height(p->nright) - height(p->nleft) == 2)
                        if(val > p->nright->val) RR(p);
                        else RL(p);
            else p = new Node(val, 0, 0, 0, 1);

        int search(Node* p, int x)
            int aux = number(p) - number(p->nright);
            if (x == aux) return p->val;
            if(x > aux) return search(p->nright, x - aux);
            return search(p->nleft, x);

int main()
    int k, n, m;
    scanf("%d", &k);
    while (k--)
        scanf("%d %d", &m, &n);
        int A[m], u, ins = 0;
        AVL T;
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) scanf("%d", &A[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            scanf("%d", &u);
            while (ins != u) { T.insert(A[ins]); ++ins; }
            printf("%d\n", T.search(i + 1));
        if (k) printf("\n");
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Re: 501 - Black Box

Post by uDebug »

stcheung wrote: You can definitely solve this problem with C++ STL multiset in less than 1 second. So if you still get TLE, most likely each time you do a GET, you are resetting your iterator to the beginning of your multiset and incrementing it one by one until you arrive at the proper position. This will take way too long. You should instead remember your iterator's position, and manipulate it accordingly when new elements are inserted to your multiset. To be precise, you need to decrement it when you are inserting an element that's smaller than what your iterator is pointing to.

To answer Fernando's question, the hint is to not instantly increment the iterator after you do a GET operation. In other words, after you do a GET, leave you iterator alone. Then decrement the iterator each time you are inserting a new element that's strictly smaller than what your iterator is currently pointing to. Then when it's finally time for another GET operation, now do the iterator increment.
This was some amazing insight! Thanks so much for sharing. It really helped me optimize my program and see an an amazing idea in action.

Here's some input / output that helped during testing / debugging. Note that the second test case was culled from an earlier post in the forums and credit goes to the OP, rio.

Also, note that in the output, there's a blank line only in between data sets. So, there's no blank line after the last output.


Code: Select all


7 4
3 1 -4 2 8 -1000 2
1 2 6 6

9 5
1 -8 3 5 1 0 4 2 1
1 3 3 6 8

10 5
1 -2000000000 2000000000 999 82746 -12894 -88 32234 1212 -278
1 5 5 5 9

13 3
-468606385 388978246 -660049128 773379450 -6889397 -589131515 257901044 475125477 345048443 -78014404 -190001670 -218815409 525924744 
3 3 4 
AC Output:

Code: Select all




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Re: 501 - Black Box

Post by longted »

can tell me why is TLE.how to Solve TLE program

Code: Select all


using namespace std;
#define MAX_SIZE 20000
int main()
	int case_count=0;
		set<int> my_set[MAX_SIZE];
		int my_set_count=1;
		int m=0,n=0,get_command=0;
		scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);
		for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
			int data=0;
				set<int> tmp;
				for(int i=1;i<=my_set_count;i++)
					set<int>::iterator it;
						int get_data=*it;
/*		for(int i=1;i<=my_set_count;i++)
			set<int> tmp=my_set[i];
			set<int>::iterator it;
					printf("%d ",*it);
		int orders=1;
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
			set<int> tmp=my_set[get_command];
			set<int>::iterator it;
			int count=0;
	return 0;

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Re: 501 - Black Box

Post by brianfry713 »

Read this thread.
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Re: 501 - Black Box

Post by Mukit Chowdhury »

So this problem can't be solved using java Collection. :(

Bradley, Folleck, Hurit and Hogar Virgin islands, u.s.

Post by Zakoshnon »

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