11003 - Boxes

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11003 - Boxes

Post by sds1100 »

Why WA.
I don't know
please help

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#include <fstream.h>
int a[10001][2],max,max2,idx,data[10001][2];
void main(){
	int n,i,j;
	cin >> n;
	for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--)cin >> a[i][0] >> a[i][1];
	cout << max << endl;
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Post by Solaris »

The first line of each set of input is an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000). This is followed by N lines, each with two integers, both ≤ 3000, representing the weight and maximum load of each box respectively.

Input ends with a case where N = 0.
There can be multiple input sets. I am not sure whether your code handles that. After you edit your code to take multiple sets .. test with the following Input:
19 15
7 13
5 7
6 8
1 2
19 20
21 50
20 40
20 40
5 5
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Post by Rafski »

I'm getting WA and I don't know what's wrong with my approach. Maybe I didn't think about some tricky case. Please take a look at my code

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    const int N = 1000;
    int n;
    int weight[N];
    int load[N];
    int bestSumWeight[N]; // bestSumWeight[i] - weight of highest tower
                          // built from boxes [1..i-1] + weight[i]
    int bestSumHeight[N]; // height of highest tower from boxes [1..i-1] + 1
    while( scanf("%d", &n) == 1 && n != 0 ) {
        for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i)
            scanf("%d %d", &weight[i], &load[i]);

        bestSumWeight[0] = weight[0];
        bestSumHeight[0] = 1;
        for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
            int bestW = 0;
            int bestH = 0;
            //find highest tower from boxes [0..i-1] with weight <= load[i]
            for(int j = i-1; j >= 0; --j) {
                if( bestSumWeight[j] <= load[i] ) {
                    if( (bestSumHeight[j] > bestH) ||
                        (bestSumHeight[j] == bestH && bestSumWeight[j] < bestW) ) {
                        bestH = bestSumHeight[j];
                        bestW = bestSumWeight[j];
            bestSumWeight[i] = bestW + weight[i];
            bestSumHeight[i] = bestH + 1;
        printf("%d\n", *max_element(bestSumHeight, bestSumHeight+n));
Thanks in advance :)
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Post by Fixxxer »

Consider following case

2 10
2 10
2 21
20 1
1 2

output should be 4

anyway i used memoization but got TLE :wink:
can anyone give any hint
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Post by sclo »

If you defined the correct function to do the dp on, it is not going to TLE
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Post by arsalan_mousavian »

i have solved this problem using DP with O(n^3) algorithm , but i got TLE :cry:
can someone give me a Hint plz ?
Thanks in Advance . . .
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Post by Timo »

Hi arsalan_mousavian :D

This problem very similiar with Knapsack Problem.
In Knapsack Problem we want maximum profit that we can take, but in this
problem we want maximum box that we can take.

I will describe to you my algo

let's we define:

best(i,j) -> the maximum box that I can take from the first i box with j maximum loading.

the base case is :
best(1,maxLoad[1]) = 1
best(2,maxLoad[2]) = 1
best(n,maxLoad[n]) = 1

after that you can create two loop to fill the table best(i,j)
the final answer is the maximum from [best(n,0)...best(n,3000)]

if best(i-1,j) >0 then
// if we choose to take the box
if(j-weight>=0) then
best(i,k) = max(best(i,k) , best(i,j) )

// if we choose to not take the box
best(i,j) = max(best(i,j) , best(i-1,j) )

I hope you understand my algo.
Sorry for my poor English.
The runtime for my algo only O(3000*n), you should get AC with this.

Last edited by Timo on Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WA here...

Post by jan_holmes »

Please Help !!! Got WA here :

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Last edited by jan_holmes on Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Timo »

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code removed...
I have change a little part of your code.
This one should be AC.


"sorry jan_holmes topik yg aku post sebelumnya ada kesalahan sedikit,
gara2 aku kamu jadi dapet WA, thanx untuk koreksi yang kamu berikan, manusia tidak luput dari kesalahan"
Last edited by Timo on Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thx !!! :D

Post by jan_holmes »

ok,Timo... Thx banget yah !!!! :D
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Post by arsalan_mousavian »

i don't know why i got WA ,

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// code removed 
Last edited by arsalan_mousavian on Sun May 21, 2006 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Martin Macko
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Post by Martin Macko »

arsalan_mousavian wrote:i don't know why i got WA ,
Your solution's not working for

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2000 2000
2000 2000
The correct answer is

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Post by arsalan_mousavian »

Martin Macko wrote:
arsalan_mousavian wrote:i don't know why i got WA ,
Your solution's not working for

Code: Select all

2000 2000
2000 2000
The correct answer is

Code: Select all

would you please tell me why this happens , because it gives the right output
for the case :

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800 800
800 800
thanks in advance
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Post by Martin Macko »

arsalan_mousavian wrote: would you please tell me why this happens , because it gives the right output
for the case:...
Small hint: maximum tower weight may be higher than 3000. Read the problem statement more carefully.
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Post by arsalan_mousavian »

thanks a lot , i got AC :lol:
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