893 - Y3K Problem

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893 - Y3K Problem

Post by bsd_lover »

Hi I am trying to use the Java Calendar / GregorianCalendar utility to compute a future date. The following results are produced by my program.
Input :
1 31 12 2999
40 1 2 2004
60 31 12 1999
60 31 12 2999
146097 31 12 1999
999999 1 1 2000
999999999 31 12 2999
365 28 2 2001
365 28 2 2000
730 28 2 1999
1 28 2 1999
0 0 0 0

1 1 3000
12 3 2004
29 2 2000
1 3 3000
31 12 2399
27 11 4737
2 1 2740907
28 2 2002
27 2 2001
27 2 2001
1 3 1999

I keep on getting wrong answer however. Can anyone think of a case where I am going wrong ?
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Post by n00i3 »

hey I got the same answers as you i did

I used C++ but im getting wrong answer too :oops: :oops: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post by erdos »

My program also gives the same answers for those inputs.
(I implemented all the logic myself in C++ efficiently).

Could someone please some tricky inputs and outputs?


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Post by fixit »

I have the same outputs in my program, but W/A :(
I don't know where is the problem :(
Maybe someone give I/O ?
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Post by Ktototam »

Try this test:
Input :
366 1 6 2004
366 1 12 2003
0 0 0 0

2 6 2005
1 12 2004

You should check not only this year, leap he or no, but also following.
My mistake was in this. Good luck!
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Post by sm_hosein »

I am trying to solve this problem in C++ many times, but I got WA. Can anyone say the problem of my code or some Testcases which help me, please?
Here is my code:

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

long long month[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

int main ()
	long long year = 0, i, p, d, m, y, kabiseh = 0, kk, lp;
	long long day400year = 365 * 400 + 100 - 4 + 1;
	long long day100year = 365 * 100 + 25 - 1;
	long long day4year = 365 * 4 + 1;
	while ( cin >> p >> d >> m >> y, p != 0 || d != 0 || m != 0 || y != 0 )
		p += ((y - 1) / 400) *  day400year;
		kk = ( ( y - 1 ) % 400 );
		lp = p;
		p += ( kk / 100 ) * day100year;
		kk %= 100;
		p += ( kk / 4 ) * day4year;
		kk %= 4;
		p += kk * 365;
		for ( i = 0; i < m - 1; i++ )
			if ( i == 1 && y % 4 == 0 && ( y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0 ))
				p += 29;
				p += month[i];
		m = 1;
		y = 1;
		p += d - 1;
		d = 1;
		y += ( p / day400year ) * 400;
		p %= day400year;
		y += ( p / day100year ) * 100;
		p %= day100year;
		y += ( p / day4year ) * 4;
		p %= day4year;
		y += p / 365;
		p %= 365;
		i = 0;
		while ( p > month[i] &&
			!( i == 1 && ( y % 4 == 0 && ( y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0 )) && p <= 29) )
			if ( i == 1 && y % 4 == 0 && ( y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0 ))
				p -= 29;
				p -= month[i];
		m = i + 1;
		d = p;
		cout << d << " " << m << " " << y << endl;
	return 0;
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Post by annhy »

fixit wrote:I have the same outputs in my program, but W/A :(
I don't know where is the problem :(
Maybe someone give I/O ?
I think there are invalid dates, try this:

Code: Select all

1 31 2 2012
365 31 2 2012
0 0 0 0
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Re: 893 - Y3K Problem

Post by x2000 »

if we are inputting dates below, what should be the output line?
1 31 2 2012
365 31 2 2012
0 0 0 0

there are need to printf like this?
printf("you must input the proper dates"); LOL
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Re: 893 - Y3K Problem

Post by brianfry713 »

There are no invalid dates in the judge's input.
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Re: 893 - Y3K Problem

Post by uDebug »

The sample input on this problem got me thinking in the right direction.
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893- Y3K

Post by musfiqur.cse »

I don't know why I'm getting wa!

Code: Select all

using namespace std;
long long p[1000];
int main()


    long long int rd,dd,mm,yy;
        if(rd==0&&dd==0&&mm==0&&yy==0 )
            //cout<<" Check"<<rd<<"\t"<<mm<<"\t"<<yy<<endl;

       cout<<rd<<" "<<mm<<" "<<yy<<endl;

return 0;

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Re: 893- Y3K

Post by brianfry713 »


Code: Select all

934883506 20 3 2477
931977712 26 10 2063
382035070 17 7 2686
513994357 17 12 2583
25263981 11 4 2574
102172969 6 10 2694
76503508 8 1 2970
118437952 20 6 2061
677284329 11 7 2651
221377439 10 5 2133
186935713 14 10 2248
140911081 19 10 2498
636192756 19 1 2460
631047599 3 8 2043
884528666 28 10 2075
435277482 3 3 2264
732099539 12 6 2118
603326795 27 9 2553
301191290 22 9 2855
622418286 4 12 2717
401817541 7 6 2718
42746448 14 5 2038
302191172 3 5 2984
137454847 7 10 2357
913893311 20 6 2610
724559443 15 2 2351
861933603 18 4 2703
192683279 10 9 2955
544042725 25 8 2023
559589086 26 2 2148
883258385 3 1 2026
398450295 25 6 2365
431199104 11 8 2072
913350654 4 9 2139
755852339 2 9 2688
693107385 27 11 2164
972735002 15 7 2256
358315426 5 1 2450
897407705 28 3 2358
705214398 1 12 2701
391017168 7 7 2807
99975166 7 6 2178
943174529 22 1 2771
572083528 27 4 2378
337932778 7 5 2062
150472992 9 11 2540
137247392 18 8 2989
25310889 27 10 2814
62352790 6 1 2143
564859486 21 1 2241
664799706 16 7 2380
137532611 12 2 2013
682733726 18 2 2434
707771221 16 6 2760
424742779 2 5 2418
144380881 1 1 2804
610050206 4 7 2550
502523678 17 9 2254
324833787 25 1 2654
370171111 16 4 2063
569916289 27 1 2223
334179102 27 2 2904
107123199 22 8 2829
1705744 18 11 2039
72500290 23 9 2306
624581878 5 3 2806
969516156 11 9 2180
300076821 24 6 2632
426773699 7 2 2195
161000748 19 1 2550
753220439 28 8 2963
771821973 12 1 2355
362714217 12 10 2683
885538886 25 8 2405
275862020 27 11 2756
813205792 6 6 2683
981136189 1 12 2273
684130130 22 7 2637
922304379 26 2 2347
317820102 17 9 2299
269855717 5 1 2921
939619247 24 1 2995
363101413 4 6 2228
612657185 18 1 2294
651095446 4 6 2207
758156785 26 5 2393
43694575 9 11 2303
933877192 6 5 2497
690961796 6 10 2626
871970647 4 1 2209
99932632 13 8 2121
399997999 10 7 2635
359983067 14 1 2387
8635518 1 3 2961
91362532 14 1 2927
906355481 13 4 2752
575838590 14 3 2992
630324472 26 1 2468
941639275 25 3 2371
184508287 3 6 2864
AC output:

Code: Select all

27 4 2562101
16 2 2553732
14 1 1048663
17 9 1409852
15 9 71744
7 11 282434
6 7 212429
27 7 326333
12 1 1856993
13 3 608244
20 5 514061
28 3 388300
27 8 1744296
25 3 1729793
21 1 2423833
9 6 1194013
26 11 2006538
26 5 1654406
20 6 827489
23 4 1706841
28 6 1102857
2 3 119074
1 9 830355
9 5 378696
14 5 2504765
2 7 1986127
5 5 2362597
4 8 530504
14 1 1491562
13 1 1534251
1 5 2420305
2 5 1093285
30 8 1182655
30 10 2502808
1 2 2072142
22 6 1899828
8 7 2665514
30 4 983484
29 1 2459377
11 5 1933513
27 2 1073376
21 2 275901
18 3 2585095
26 10 1568689
13 11 927290
1 12 414521
24 3 378760
6 9 72113
26 2 172859
20 10 1548773
24 4 1822540
13 8 378564
2 8 1871695
29 3 1940572
25 7 1165324
5 6 398105
29 3 1672811
23 10 1378117
8 10 892018
15 5 1015557
15 11 1562600
18 6 917855
31 12 296122
19 1 6710
11 10 200805
10 4 1712853
10 10 2656625
29 11 824214
21 10 1170661
16 2 443355
5 3 2065211
27 10 2115531
29 7 995761
8 10 2426928
18 6 758041
7 4 2229165
25 7 2688533
26 3 1875722
11 10 2527530
5 8 872461
14 11 741760
9 3 2575585
30 4 996366
12 6 1679692
16 3 1784846
4 3 2078156
16 7 121935
3 4 2559366
27 11 1894415
22 7 2389583
14 11 275727
4 11 1097792
14 3 987987
30 5 26604
25 2 253069
21 4 2484269
17 9 1579584
10 11 1728237
30 12 2580491
15 12 508030
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