How to submit your source codes
You can do it by using one of two ways: email and Submit-o-matic
Submitting via Email (NOT MORE AVAILABLE)
If you already are a member (a registered user) and thus you have your own User ID, you can send by E-mail your C/C++/Java/Pascal sources, solving any of the problems available in our database, to, in order to test whether they reach a correct answer or not. For example, under Unix, and being p.c your solution for a problem in our Problem Set:
mail < p.c
Your program must contain a line (at any location) with a @JUDGE_ID field. Usually, this line is placed inside a comment. For example, using C languaje (comments in C are placed inside /* and */) :
/* @JUDGE_ID: 1000AA 100 C "Dynamic Programming" */
The first field after the @JUDGE_ID: is your User ID (1000AA in the example). It is followed by the program number (100 in the example), and, optionally, by the languaje used (it may be C, C++, Java or Pascal). Don't worry about upper or lower cases. If you don't specify the languaje, the judge will try to autodetect it.
If you have used any special algorithm or method, you can optionally include it between quotes (Dynamic Programming in the example): be careful in typing, and do not use more than 63 characters: it will appear in some Web Ranklist's. Please: don't place the problem title in the algorithm field (this will be redundant in the ranklists!). Also, please remember to be polite with the other users: don't write disgusting comments, please. NOTE: algorithms have been partially disabled because of some abusing people.
If your mail system adds extra lines at the end of your letter (as Hotmail or Yahoo do), you'll get a compile error. A way to skip this problem is to place a "@END_OF_SOURCE_CODE" or a "@end_of_source_code" message in a single line just after the last line of source code. Do not place any source code in this line!.
If your mail system adds extra lines in the first body lines of your letter, you'll also get a compile error. A way to skip this problem is to place a "@BEGIN_OF_SOURCE_CODE" or a "@begin_of_source_code" message in a single line before the first line of source code. Do not place any source code in this line!.
Submitting via Submit-o-matic
If submitting via email is not an option, try the Submit-o-matic system. Just fill in your user ID, the problem ID and the language the problem is written, and then copy/paste your source-code or upload it from your machine.
Using Submit-o-matic, you don't have to include any @BEGIN_OF_SOURCE_CODE, @END_OF_SOURCE_CODE or @JUDGE_ID as everything is handled by the system.
As an example you can see the solution for problem 100 in C, Java and Pascal: ... .java.html
How to submit your source codes
Moderator: Board moderators
Re: How to submit your source codes
Submitting via e-mail is not more available
enjolras wrote:How to submit your source codes
You can do it by using one of two ways: email and Submit-o-matic
Submitting via Email
If you already are a member (a registered user) and thus you have your own User ID, you can send by E-mail your C/C++/Java/Pascal sources, solving any of the problems available in our database, to, in order to test whether they reach a correct answer or not. For example, under Unix, and being p.c your solution for a problem in our Problem Set:
mail < p.c
Your program must contain a line (at any location) with a @JUDGE_ID field. Usually, this line is placed inside a comment. For example, using C languaje (comments in C are placed inside /* and */) :
/* @JUDGE_ID: 1000AA 100 C "Dynamic Programming" */
The first field after the @JUDGE_ID: is your User ID (1000AA in the example). It is followed by the program number (100 in the example), and, optionally, by the languaje used (it may be C, C++, Java or Pascal). Don't worry about upper or lower cases. If you don't specify the languaje, the judge will try to autodetect it.
If you have used any special algorithm or method, you can optionally include it between quotes (Dynamic Programming in the example): be careful in typing, and do not use more than 63 characters: it will appear in some Web Ranklist's. Please: don't place the problem title in the algorithm field (this will be redundant in the ranklists!). Also, please remember to be polite with the other users: don't write disgusting comments, please. NOTE: algorithms have been partially disabled because of some abusing people.
If your mail system adds extra lines at the end of your letter (as Hotmail or Yahoo do), you'll get a compile error. A way to skip this problem is to place a "@END_OF_SOURCE_CODE" or a "@end_of_source_code" message in a single line just after the last line of source code. Do not place any source code in this line!.
If your mail system adds extra lines in the first body lines of your letter, you'll also get a compile error. A way to skip this problem is to place a "@BEGIN_OF_SOURCE_CODE" or a "@begin_of_source_code" message in a single line before the first line of source code. Do not place any source code in this line!.
Submitting via Submit-o-matic
If submitting via email is not an option, try the Submit-o-matic system. Just fill in your user ID, the problem ID and the language the problem is written, and then copy/paste your source-code or upload it from your machine.
Using Submit-o-matic, you don't have to include any @BEGIN_OF_SOURCE_CODE, @END_OF_SOURCE_CODE or @JUDGE_ID as everything is handled by the system.
As an example you can see the solution for problem 100 in C, Java and Pascal: ... .java.html