10926 - How Many Dependencies?

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10926 - How Many Dependencies?

Post by CodeMaker »

Hi, will anyone plz explain this case:

1 --> 2 --> 4
1 --> 3 --> 4

then will I consider 1's count = 3 ( i mean, will '4' be counted once) ?

here is my algo, will anyone plz tell me why it fails.

I am using dfs and DAG. i select a starting node and visit all the nodes i can visit. (not visiting a node more than once). if the count is max, storing the node. then i start with another node refreshing the marking. did i miss something? :(
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Re: WA in 10926 [ how many dependencies ]

Post by SRX »

CodeMaker wrote:Hi, will anyone plz explain this case:

1 --> 2 --> 4
1 --> 3 --> 4

then will I consider 1's count = 3 ( i mean, will '4' be counted once) ?

here is my algo, will anyone plz tell me why it fails.

I am using dfs and DAG. i select a starting node and visit all the nodes i can visit. (not visiting a node more than once). if the count is max, storing the node. then i start with another node refreshing the marking. did i miss something? :(
My algorithm is almost the same as you
do you initialize "gone array" after each node's dfs ?
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Post by CodeMaker »

Got Accepted :) , there was a few mistakes in my code :x [ mixing up i,j ]
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Post by sumankar »

1. There already are threads relating to this problem, check them out.
2. I used Floyd-Warshall, my favourite, though there are a host of other
possible alternatives. And it was slow. But it works ;)
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Post by Timo »

I only use DFS to get accepted from this problem.
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Post by cypressx »

Timo , did you use the dfs for making a topological sort ? If yes , after this how did you count the value for every vertex ? :oops:
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Post by Timo »

I am not use DFS to make topological sorting.

I only use DFS to count the value for every vertex.
So if there are N vertex my program will call N DFS Function to count the value for every vertex, but I am not count the same vertex twice. I mark every vertex that I used in my DFS function. After I count the value for all vertex then I find the maximum value.

I hope you understand with my explanation.
Sorry for my poor English.

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Post by cypressx »

Thank you for your reply , I did it the same way .. but a friend told me that it could be done with topological sorting(if someone knows how it is done with top. sorting please tell) , this is why I asked you :) Anyway , thank you !
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10926 - How Many Dependencies?

Post by Ghust_omega »

Hi !!!! to all
I stuck in this problem please help me

I use DFS to count the value for every vertex.
so I call DFS for every vertex, but I not count the same vertex twice.then I memorize every count for vertex that I used in DFS.
finally when I count the value for all vertex , I find the maximum value.

its all
if you have I/O or some hints please help me
if with this I/O i found my bug I will be very gratefull

Thanks in advance
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Post by daveon »


I only considered verticies whos in-degrees are 0 but DFS does run through the whole graph.
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Post by Ghust_omega »

Hi ! daveon

thanks for your pront answer

I consider the whole graph but I seek for the best of the values for all the vertices, I think that the best values are from the vertices that have in-degrre = 0 so this vertices are considered in my algo

thanks in advance
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Post by daveon »

You're right, I only considered in-degree of 0 for an optimized solution.
Taking it out still gives me AC.

Hmmm, it would help me if you could explain your algorithm in more detail.
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Post by Ghust_omega »

Hi ! daveon

thanks for your pront answer

here are a seudo code commented about mi algo I hope that you understead the algo is very simple just iniciliation of arrays and then do dfs,

Code: Select all

int Deps[102];

Graph graph;

int DFS(int v){
  if(Deps[v] != -1)
    return Deps[v];
  int sum = 0;

  // graph[v].size() give the size of list adyancencies for v
  //graph[v][i]  give the node adyacen to v that mean 
  // v --> graph[v][i]
  for(int i,i<graph[v].size()){
    sum+=(1+DFS( graph[v][i] ));
  Deps[v] = sum;
  return sum;

int main(){
  int n,a,b;
    graph.clear();//clean the graph
     read the graph 
    //fill de array Deps of Dependencies 
    for(int i=0;i<102;i++)//is 102 because its the size of array
      Deps[i] = -1;

    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
      DFS(i);// Do DFS for all the vertices

    int maxi = -1;//A max inicial
    int res = 1;//the first node
    for(int i=1,i<=n;i++){
      if(maxi<Deps[i]){//Look the max in the array deps
	       maxi = Deps[i];
	       res = i;
    print res;
  return 0;

Thanks in advance
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Post by daveon »

Seems like even my corrections to your DFS gets WA.

Code: Select all

int DFS(int v){
  if(Deps[v] != -1)
    return Deps[v];
  int sum = 0;

  // graph[v].size() give the size of list adyancencies for v
  //graph[v][i]  give the node adyacen to v that mean
  // v --> graph[v][i]
  // only DFS if not visited  <- CORRECTION
  for(int i,i<graph[v].size()){
    sum+=(1+DFS( graph[v][i] ));
  Deps[v] = sum;
  return sum;
It seems alright to me but gets WA. My only other advice is to code it another way.

You may try a DFS that has 2 parameters.

Code: Select all

void DFS(int base,int node)
  int i;

  if(base!=node) Deps[base]++;

  if( (i adj to node) && (not visited[i]) )



      // reset visited array to false
      DFS(i,i);// Do DFS for all the vertices

These were one of those problems where I didn't even consider creating critical test cases.
Creating random IO takes a while because cyclic dependencies are not allowed.
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Post by Ghust_omega »

Hi ! daevon

Thanks for your pront answer

Thanks !!!!!!!! gives me AC !! at last!!!!!!!!!!!! this problem make me mad because I didn't find the error, but with your algo I found, thanks again

Thanks in advance
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