414 - Machined Surfaces

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414 - Machined Surfaces

Post by souravvv »

Hi. I have written a solution for this problem. It compiles and produces correct result in my computer. But on the OJ it says runtime error. Help me find the problem. My code is this:

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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned long long int ulli;
int main(){
   string s_n;
   ulli n,least;
   string temp;
   vector<string> data;
   vector <ulli> gap_data;
   ulli ans = 0;
   ulli current_gaps = 0;   
      n = stoi(s_n);
      if(n == 0){
         cout << "" << endl;
            for(ulli i = 0; i < 25; i++){
               if(temp[i]!= 'X'){
            current_gaps = 0;
         least = gap_data[0];
         for(ulli i = 1; i < gap_data.size(); i++){
            if(gap_data[i] < least){
               least = gap_data[i];
         for(ulli i = 0; i < gap_data.size(); i++){
            gap_data[i] = gap_data[i] - least;
         for(ulli i = 0; i < gap_data.size(); i++){
            ans = ans + gap_data[i];
         cout << ans << endl;
         ans = 0;
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