621 - Secret Research

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Re: 621 - Secret Research

Post by BaronRED »

My mind is blowing, I got 11 Runtime Error but I can't find where is the problem! Damn! And more important, I'm exactly sure: RE means that there was a problem while my program was running, right? Is possible to know which kind of error?
Please I'm going mad!

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <regex>

int main (){
	std::regex neg ("[0-9]*35");
	std::regex failed ("9[0-9]*4");
	std::regex notComp ("190[0-9]*");
	std::string exper;
	long long N;
	scanf ("%lld", &N);
	for (long long i=0; i<N; i++){
		std::cin >> exper;
		if (strcmp(exper.c_str(), "1") == 0 || strcmp(exper.c_str(), "4") == 0 || strcmp(exper.c_str(), "78") == 0){
			std::cout << ((i==N-1)? "+" : "+\n");
		if (std::regex_match(exper, neg)){
			std::cout << ((i==N-1)? "-" : "-\n");
		if (std::regex_match(exper, failed)){
			std::cout << ((i==N-1)? "*" : "*\n");
		if (std::regex_match(exper, notComp)){
			std::cout << ((i==N-1)? "?" : "?\n");
	return 0;
I did it both with regex and not, but still RE. D:
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