1048 - Low Cost Air Travel

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Re: 1048 - Low Cost Air Travel

Post by Lim.YuDe »

I used dijkstra and stored the path history to get to each state (city, cost) in order to print the path.
I am getting correct output for my test cases including the given sample test cases, but TLE when submitting it to the judge :(
I think the TLE is not due to the algorithm but due to the way I store the path of tickets, but cannot find the problem.
Can anybody help?

My test input:

Code: Select all

225 3 1 3 4 
200 2 1 2 
50 2 2 3 
2 1 3 
100 2 2 4 
100 3 1 4 3 
200 3 1 2 3 
3 1 4 3 
3 1 2 4 
100 3 1 2 3
50 2 1 4
150 2 2 4
50 2 3 1
10 3 4 5 3
100 3 1 2 3
50 2 1 4
150 2 2 4
50 2 3 1
10 3 4 5 3
100 3 1 2 3
50 2 1 4
150 2 2 4
50 2 3 1
10 3 4 5 3
100 3 1 2 3
50 2 1 4
150 2 2 4
49 2 3 1
10 3 4 5 3
3 1 3 1
4 1 2 3 5
5 1 3 2 5 4
My test output:

Code: Select all

Case 1, Trip 1: Cost = 225
  Tickets used: 1
Case 2, Trip 1: Cost = 100
  Tickets used: 2
Case 2, Trip 2: Cost = 300
  Tickets used: 3 1
Case 3, Trip 1: Cost = 109
  Tickets used: 2 5 19
Case 3, Trip 2: Cost = 209
  Tickets used: 1 19 2 5
Case 3, Trip 3: Cost = 417
  Tickets used: 2 5 19 1 19 2 5 19 2
My code:

Code: Select all

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define REP(i, a) for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
#define REPP(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i < b; i++)
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<ii> vii;

#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f

int ntickets;
int price, ncities;
int city;
int nitineraries;

vi tickets[20]; // each ticket has a list of cities in order
int prices[20]; // each ticket's price
vi buy[200]; // index of tickets purchaseable at the city
vi itinerary;

map<int, int> id2idxmp; // city id to index map
map<ii, int> mp;

vi prevtickets; // prev tickets
vi bestidxs; // biggest indices

void addcity(int c) {
    if (id2idxmp.count(c)) return;

    int idx = id2idxmp.size();
    id2idxmp[c] = idx;

int index(int c) {
    return id2idxmp[c];

pair<int, ii> pp(int cost, int ticketidx, int neededidx) {
    return make_pair(cost, make_pair(ticketidx, neededidx));

pair<int, pair<ii, vi> > ppp(int cost, int ticketidx, int neededidx, vi &path) {
    return make_pair(cost, make_pair(make_pair(ticketidx, neededidx), path));

int dijkstra() {
    if (itinerary.size() < 2) return 0;


    vi path;
    int st = itinerary[0];
    set<pair<int, pair<ii, vi> > > ppq; // cost, ticketidx, neededidx, path
    set<pair<int, ii> > pq; // cost, ticketidx, neededidx
    REP(i, buy[st].size()) {
        int tic = buy[st][i];
        pq.insert( pp(prices[tic], tic, 1) );

    int cost, ticketidx, neededidx, city, curneededidx;
    while (!pq.empty()) {
        set<pair<int, ii> >::iterator it = pq.begin();
        cost = it->first, ticketidx = it->second.first, neededidx = it->second.second;

        curneededidx = neededidx;
        REPP(i, 1, tickets[ticketidx].size()) {
            city = tickets[ticketidx][i];
            if (itinerary[curneededidx] == city) {
            if (!mp.count(make_pair(city, cost))) {
                mp[make_pair(city, cost)] = prevtickets.size()-1;
            } else if (bestidxs[mp[make_pair(city, cost)]] < curneededidx) {
                prevtickets[mp[make_pair(city, cost)]] = ticketidx;
                bestidxs[mp[make_pair(city, cost)]] = curneededidx;
            if (curneededidx == itinerary.size()) {
                return cost;
            REP(j, buy[city].size()) {
                int tic = buy[city][j];
                pq.insert( pp(cost + prices[tic], tic, curneededidx) );

    return -1;

void printtickets(int st, int ed, int cost2) {
    if (cost2 <= 0) return;
    int tused = prevtickets[mp[make_pair(ed, cost2)]];
    int nexted = tickets[tused][0];
    int nextcost2 = cost2 - prices[tused];
    if (nextcost2 == 0) {
        printf("%d", tused+1);
    printtickets(st, nexted, nextcost2);
    printf(" %d", tused+1);

int main() {
    int tc = 0;
    while (scanf("%d", &ntickets), ntickets) {
        REP(i, 200) buy[i].clear();

        REP(i, ntickets) {
            scanf("%d%d", &price, &ncities);
            prices[i] = price;
            REP(j, ncities) {
                scanf("%d", &city);
                if (j == 0) buy[index(city)].push_back(i);

        scanf("%d", &nitineraries);
        REP(i, nitineraries) {
            scanf("%d", &ncities);
            REP(j, ncities) {
                scanf("%d", &city);
            int cost = dijkstra();
            printf("Case %d, Trip %d: Cost = %d\n", tc, i+1, cost);
            printf("  Tickets used: ");
            printtickets(itinerary[0], itinerary[itinerary.size()-1], cost);
    return 0;
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Re: 1048 - Low Cost Air Travel

Post by dibery »

I got

Code: Select all

Case 1, Trip 1: Cost = 225                
  Tickets used: 1                         
Case 2, Trip 1: Cost = 100                
  Tickets used: 2                         
Case 2, Trip 2: Cost = 300                
  Tickets used: 3 1                       
Case 3, Trip 1: Cost = 109                
  Tickets used: 17 20 19                  
Case 3, Trip 2: Cost = 209                
  Tickets used: 16 19 17 20               
Case 3, Trip 3: Cost = 417                
  Tickets used: 17 20 19 16 19 17 20 19 17
I think you should report the ticket ID, not the city ID.
Also, your input doesn't lead to unique solution.
In case 3, trip 2, the path can also be "1 19 17 20"
Life shouldn't be null.
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Re: 1048 - Low Cost Air Travel

Post by Lim.YuDe »

Thanks for your reply dibery.

My bad that the input doesn't lead to a unique solution.
However, I am printing the tickets; otherwise I would not be printing a 19 (no city has id 19 in case 3).

Would you happen to have any input? I would be much obliged. I've tried a few test cases but I can't seem to find what's wrong. (Can't find a way to TLE my solution)
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