12555 - Baby Me

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Re: 12555 - Baby Me

Post by Shahidul.CSE »

1) In this problem, do ? and ? hold space of three characters each? Because, my compiler (CodeBlocks) shows the length of first simple input
(i.e. 35 ?2 ?) is 11, length of 2nd simple input also 11, and the length of the last simple input is 5.

2) Shouldn't the output contain any trailing zero after decimal point ? such that sample output 1 is 2.6 , if the output be 2.600, will the program get WA?

3) If the output is an integer, shouldn't it contain decimal point ? such that sample output 1 is 3 , if the output be 3.000, will the program get WA?

5) If ans for abpve 2) and 3) is yes, how to control it ?

6) Please give some sample input and output for this problem.

My bellow program getting WA-

Code: Select all

int main()
    char dis[500];
    int len,c,t;
    double w;
            w=(dis[0]-'0')*0.5 + (dis[6]-'0')*0.05;
        printf("Case %d: %lf\n",c,w);
    return 0;
Md. Shahidul Islam
Dept. of CSE at Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh
UVa id: http://uhunt.felix-halim.net/id/438420
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Re: 12555 - Baby Me

Post by lighted »

1) I don't know. I made a loop for all string length and checked for integer values '0'..'9'.

2) Problem description says: "For each test case, print the ACCURATE weight in kg (without trailing zeros)." Yes you will get WA.

3) Third case in sample output shows that if result is integer, than it shouldn't have decimal point. You will get WA for 3.000.

4) You haven't got 4th question. :)

5) Answer for 2) and 3) is YES. scanf and printf have lots of features to do anyway you want. Use %g specifier instead of %lf. printf("Case %d: %g\n", t, result).
If you want to do it manually, try this

Code: Select all

result = a * 50 + b * 5;
printf ("%d", result / 100);
result %= 100;
if ( result ) {
    if (result % 10 == 0) printf (".%d", result / 10);
    else                  printf (".%d", result);
6) Input

Code: Select all

Acc Output

Code: Select all

Case 1: 0.55
Case 2: 5.45
Case 3: 2.75
Case 4: 3.3
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Re: 12555 - Baby Me

Post by Shahidul.CSE »

Thanks lighted ! I now understood it :D
Md. Shahidul Islam
Dept. of CSE at Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh
UVa id: http://uhunt.felix-halim.net/id/438420
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Email me: shahidul.cse.brur@gmail.com
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Re: 12555 - Baby Me

Post by vcrazy2 »

I don't know what the bug is, so far I can guess it's showing me right answer.
Please let me know what the problem is. Some critical testcases would be great.

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Removed after AC... Thanks

Last edited by vcrazy2 on Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 12555 - Baby Me

Post by brianfry713 »

It looks like you figured it out.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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