12506 - Shortest Names

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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by sdipu »

I am getting WA in this problem. I am debugging my code for hours, but can't find any mistake in my code. Please help.

My idea is as follows-
I used Trie Tree to store the names. Then I used DFS to find out the total length.

Suppose I am given following names-

Code: Select all

So my tree will look like this-

Code: Select all

        /      \
     [a:2]    [c:1]
    /     \          \
  [c:1]  [d:1]    [e:1]

Here, every node follows this format [character : number of names it occurs]. 
Now I find nodes with number of names == 1. And add the distance of this node from root to the total length.
So total length will be = 3 + 3 + 2 = 8

Is my approach wrong or am I making any silly mistake here?
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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by lighted »

You can post your code
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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by sdipu »

Here is my code

Code: Select all

code removed ;)
Last edited by sdipu on Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by lighted »

invalid input removed
Last edited by lighted on Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by sdipu »

Problem description says-
It is guaranteed that no name is a prefix of another name (as a result, no two names can be equal).
As "a" is a prefix of "aaaaa", doesn't that make above input-ouputs incorrect? Am I missing something?
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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by lighted »

Yes you are right, i deleted invalid input. I checked your code for many input and it passed them all.

I don't know why it gives WA when you submit it with C++ 4.8.2. But it gives accepted when you submit your code with C++11 4.8.2. :D
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Re: 12506 - Shortest Names

Post by sdipu »

Thanks a lot for your help lighted.

I worked with this problem for hours but found nothing and never thought about submitting it in C++ 11. Thanks again for your time.
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