10297 - Beavergnaw

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10297 - Beavergnaw

Post by nerocrux »

Maybe I'm not understand the problem thoroughly but I don't know how to caolculate the volumn of 2 cones.Does the cylinder in the center of "D"?

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Post by Ghost77 dimen »

Try calculus. It's an easy problem.

Good luck. 8)
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Post by Larry »

You can also use binary search..
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Post by nerocrux »

i see,i'll try,thank u guys!!
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10297 -- need formula

Post by nerocrux »

I still cant figur out the formula for this problem.Can anyone give me some hints??THX a lot !!
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Post by Frostina »

the volumn of 2 cones can be calculated by this formula..

1/3 * pi * r * r * h

r of the circle of its bottom

h is the height of the cone
Thanks for your help ! ;)
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Post by bonny »

The formula is:


(but i'm still getting WA :cry: )
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Re: 10297 - Beavergnaw

Post by mukit »

I don't see any reason of getting W.A.
I used double and solved the problem.
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Re: 10297 - Beavergnaw

Post by Obaida »

For every one getting WA...
Check this point..

Code: Select all

Hope this will solve the problem. 8)
This may be the address of success.
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Re: 10297 - Beavergnaw

Post by lnr »

Can anyone give some hint for this problem?
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Re: 10297 - Beavergnaw

Post by avatar »

though the following algorithm is long .but hope it may help u ,as it work fine
1.First find total volume (using the given diameter /height)
2.remaining volume=Total volume - eaten volume
3. then consider the two conic having the base of given D
4.then last remaining volume=(small solid cylinder in the middle-2*small cone)
5. from that find the asked d :lol:
best of luck................... :D
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Post by leo13 »

while submitting my code in ANSI C 4.8.2 language i was getting wrong answer but when i submitted the same code in C++ 4.8.2 language i got accepted..... i am not understanding what differences have been created by changing the submission language.... please help... thanks in advance..here is my code :

Code: Select all

#define pi acos(-1)
int main()
    double d,v,voc,vbc,ar,dic;
    return 0;
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Re: 10297

Post by lighted »

Post in existing thread, use search by problem number (10297).

I think problem is in cbrt function of ANSI C 4.8.2 - GNU C Compiler's library. When you change cbrt to pow judge gives accepted in ANSI C.

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dic = pow(6 * ar / pi, 1.0 / 3);
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Re: 10297 - Beavergnaw

Post by brianfry713 »

Yes, cbrt() is not part of ANSI C, it is returning 1.0 with any argument.
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