10923 - Seven Seas

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Post by tywok »

Your CE is because sort takes as third parameter a StrictWeakOrdering object. See http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/sort.html for more info.

In your case you should use something like this

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struct Comparator{
 bool operator()(const GridCond &a, GridCond &b){ 
  if(a<b)return true;
  else return false;
and when you call sort, just call it with your comparator

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   sort(gcNext, gcNext+nComb,Comparator());
Right now i'm not sure if it needs the double parenthesis after Comparator in the sort call, but im little tired to try it out :roll:
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Krzysztof Duleba
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Post by Krzysztof Duleba »

operator mustn't take reference as the parameter. It should be either const reference or value type. So 33rd line should read

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   bool operator<(const GridCond &ob) const
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Post by Solaris »

Krzysztof Duleba wrote:operator mustn't take reference as the parameter. It should be either const reference or value type.
Thank you very much Krzysztof ... CONST keyword is what I was missing. The code runs faster without the sorting though :P
tywok wrote: Your CE is because sort takes as third parameter a StrictWeakOrdering object.
In the same site that u referred u will find the following variation of sort function that I have been trying to use. :)

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template <class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
Thanks again to Krzysztof and tywok and will anybody who got AC in near zero seconds like to share his / her algo ??
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Post by ayon »

why problem description so unclear ?
"A ship is destroyed if it moves to a cell that contais a rock."
again, "If an enemy ship reaches your ship, you are dead", then what will be if my ship move to a rock ?

if my ship can move to a rock, it should be told that "only enemy ship is destroyed if it moves to a cell that contais a rock."
and if my ship cannot move to a rock, it should be told that "If an enemy ship reaches your ship or your ship moves to a rock, you are dead",

please clarify me
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Post by the LA-Z-BOy »

A ship is destroyed if it moves to a cell that contais a rock.
Both your ship and the enemy ships are `ships', right ?
Istiaque Ahmed [the LA-Z-BOy]
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Post by Moha »

My code passed all of these testcases, but still WA. the problem statements says that less than 10 moves so 10th move is not correct ok?
can anybody help me?
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Post by Moha »

Could anyone test these testcases?

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I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
Oh no! I'm a dead man!
Oh no! I'm a dead man!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
Oh no! I'm a dead man!
the LA-Z-BOy
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Post by the LA-Z-BOy »

My AC program gives

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I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
Oh no! I'm a dead man!
Oh no! I'm a dead man!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
I'm the king of the Seven Seas!
Oh no! I'm a dead man!
Istiaque Ahmed [the LA-Z-BOy]
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Post by Moha »

I got it at last. I did a very nasty mistake in my dfs function. anyway, this is a very simple problem, so a simple dfs is enough, also I think this problem has so many vagueness because I got it with different answers for the posted testcases, especially for my own testcases.
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Post by Bunda001 »

Hi people, is someone here, who could send here AC program code - i really need it - please... i am hopeless :(
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Re: 10923 - Seven Seas

Post by red_apricot »

One vagueness of the problem: "you move and then the ship moves" --- this constitutes *one* move.
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Re: 10923 - Seven Seas

Post by just_yousef »

I solved this problem with BFS But without the need of a visit array, would it make any difference if used it ??
and how can i use a map with the following key and value:

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struct node{
  int arr[10][10];
the above code does not work most of the time
thanks :)
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Re: 10923 - Seven Seas

Post by brianfry713 »

I solved this and got AC in 4 different ways:
DFS no visit set: 0.219 seconds
DFS with set<string> visit: 0.015 seconds
BFS no visit set: 0.342 seconds
BFS with set<string> visit: 0.015 seconds

Adding the visit set speeds up DFS and BFS. In DFS you should not remove a visited state when backtracking. It is not possible to reach the same state with a different number of moves.

You should use a set for visit instead of mapping to a bool. Then you can check if the state is in the set or not.

An array address is really a pointer, so you would need to make sure that the data you are pointing to is not changing. It is easier to use a string or vector and then the data instead of the pointer is pushed into the set.
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Re: 10923 - Seven Seas

Post by just_yousef »

brianfry713 wrote:I solved this and got AC in 4 different ways:
DFS no visit set: 0.219 seconds
DFS with set<string> visit: 0.549 seconds
BFS no visit set: 0.342 seconds
BFS with set<string> visit: 0.015 seconds

Adding the visit set slows down DFS because it's impossible to reach the same state, however it speeds up BFS.

You should use a set for visit instead of mapping to a bool. Then you can check if the state is in the set or not.

An array address is really a pointer, so you would need to make sure that the data you are pointing to is not changing. It is easier to use a string or vector and then the data instead of the pointer is pushed into the set.
You are totally right :D :D
I changed my 2D array into a 1D vector and used "map<vector<int>,bool>" for the visit and and my timing became 0.016 - 11X times Faster -
Thank you brianfry713
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