WA should have been PE on 793-network-connections?

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WA should have been PE on 793-network-connections?

Post by VengadoraVG »

Hello! I might be wrong, but this is what happened to me:

I was solving this problem ( http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?op ... roblem=734 ), and my logic was ok (the judge just AC'ed my code)... i get 2 WA, because on the last line, I printed a blank line, i corrected my code so it wouldn't print the last blank line, and got AC.

Maybe this should have been a PE instead of WA? there are lots of WA on this problem's statics, after all, maybe it is because of this, this isn't a very hard problem after all...
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Re: WA should have been PE on 793-network-connections?

Post by brianfry713 »

Missing or extra newlines will usually result in WA. Don't ever count on getting PE.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!

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