10125 - Sumsets

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10125 - Sumsets

Post by yatsen »

How to solve this problem effectively?
I got TLE :cry:
Please help!
Whinii F.
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Post by Whinii F. »

I actually didn't program this problem :') but my teammate did.
I think this IS A SPOILER, so be careful to read.. =)

Try finding sums of every pair (a, b) of numbers in S, and storing them in a sorted array.
Then every pair of c and d, you can find (d-c) in the sorted array with binary search :')
That will give you O(n^2logn) and I think it's sufficient to solve the problem within the time limit.

Note: be aware that a, b, c, d must be unique.
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Post by Whinii F. »

Just got AC. :D But my program runs about 1.8sec.. :(
There are much faster solutions. Is there a better algorithm?

Can anybody got below 0.5sec, answer my question?
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Post by yatsen »

I just got AC in 0.461 sec.
Thank Whinii F. for your algorithm.
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Post by hank »

I programmed this problem and I used the method that Whinii F said.
But I still got TLE. What's wrong?
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Re: well,

Post by hank »

Whinii F. wrote: Try finding sums of every pair (a, b) of numbers in S, and storing them in a sorted array.
Doesn't it cost much time?
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Re: well,

Post by yatsen »

hank wrote:
Whinii F. wrote: Try finding sums of every pair (a, b) of numbers in S, and storing them in a sorted array.
Doesn't it cost much time?
n <= 1000, not too big.
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Post by hank »

I solved this problem,it ran 0.205 sec. But on the rank list there is someone solved this problem and only ran 0.00 sec.How can it run so fast?
Almost Human
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Post by Almost Human »

Hi , experience posters. Can you help me with this coding ? why I got WA ????

please help !!!

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( void )
  long sequence[1010] , input ;
  int NumOfElement , i , j , k , l ;
  char flag ;

/*  freopen ( "10125.in" , "r" , stdin ) ;
  freopen ( "10125.out" , "w" , stdout ) ;*/

  while ( 1 )
	 scanf ( "%i" , &NumOfElement ) ;

	 if ( !NumOfElement ) break ;

	 for ( i = 0 ; i < NumOfElement ; i ++ )
		scanf ( "%li" , &input ) ;

		for ( j = 0 ; j < i && sequence[j] <= input ; j ++ ) ;

		for ( k = i - 1 ; k >= j ; k -- )
		  sequence[k+1] = sequence[k] ;

		sequence[j] = input ;

	 for ( i = NumOfElement - 1 , flag = 0 ; i > 2 ; i -- )
		for ( j = i - 1 ; j > 1 ; j -- )
		  for ( k = j - 1 ; k > 0 ; k -- )
			 for ( l = k - 1 ; l >= 0 ; l -- )
				if ( sequence[i] == sequence[j] + sequence[k] + sequence[l] ) { flag = 1 ; break ; }
			 if ( flag ) break ;
		  if ( flag ) break ;
		if ( flag ) break ;

	 if ( flag )
		printf ( "%li\n" , sequence[i] ) ;
	 else printf ( "no solution\n" ) ;

  return 0 ;
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Post by craniac »

Try using a table with hashing function: You store the values of (a+b) there, and check them for appropriate values of (d-c). If you use a very good hashing function or a double-hashing algorythm and choose the best constants, then your program may run faster than 0.5s!!!
Whinii F. wrote:Just got AC. :D But my program runs about 1.8sec.. :(
There are much faster solutions. Is there a better algorithm?

Can anybody got below 0.5sec, answer my question?
I want to know God's thoughts
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Post by rasel04 »

1. Get all a+b and sorting them.
2.Find all (d-c) and find this by binary search from the above array.

But why wrong answer. PLS help.
Here is my code:

Code: Select all


typedef int LONG;
#define INF 2000000000

LONG arr[1005],data[1000009];
int index;

int sfunc1(void const *a,void const *b)
	LONG p,q;
	p=*(LONG *)a;
	q=*(LONG *)b;
	if(p>q) return 1;
	else return -1;
	return 0;

int binsearch(LONG x)
	int low,high,mid;

		if(x<data[mid]) high=mid;
		else low=mid;
	if(x==data[low]) return low;
	return -1;

void main()
	int i,j,N,flag,r;
	LONG a,max; 


	while(scanf("%d",&N)==1 && N)
		for(i=0;i<N;i++) scanf("%d",&arr[i]);
					if(arr[i]>max) max=arr[i];


		if(flag==1) printf("no solution\n");
		else printf("%d\n",max);	
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Re: WA-10125 (Sum Sets)

Post by minskcity »

rasel04 wrote:Procedure:
1. Get all a+b and sorting them.
2.Find all (d-c) and find this by binary search from the above array.

But why wrong answer. PLS help.
Read problem description more carefully:
where a, b, c, and d are distinct elements of S.
And come back when you get TLE. :wink:
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10125 WA :(

Post by neno_uci »

I am trying to solve this problem using a brute force algorithm and I am getting WA, I don't know why!!!

This is my code:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 1000

int a, b, c, d, n, arre[MAX + 1];

int pepe(const void *a, const void *b)
	return *((int*)a) - *((int*)b);

void ReadData()
	for (a = 0; a < n; a++)
		scanf("%d", &arre[a]);

void MakeSolu()
	qsort(arre, n, sizeof(int), pepe);
	for (d = n - 1; d >= 3; d--)	
		for (c = d - 1; c >= 2; c--)
			for (b = c - 1; b >= 1; b--)
				for (a = b - 1; a >= 0; a--)
					if (arre[a] + arre[b] + arre[c] == arre[d])
						printf("%d\n", arre[d]);
	puts("no solution");

int main()
	scanf("%d", &n);
	while (n)
		scanf("%d", &n);	
	return 0;
I think a TLE error could be logic but WA!!!, what do you say???, waiting for your help,

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Post by mf »

A simple test case which your program does not pass:

Code: Select all

-8 4 10 11 14
The answer is 10, which can be written as: 10 = -8 + 4 + 14.
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Post by neno_uci »

Thanx mf, I will try to solve this with another algorithm. :D
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