10465 - Homer Simpson

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Post by htl »

I solve it in a traditional way. I used a array with t items. Could someone tell me the faster way?
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Post by aoc90058 »

I got TLE QQ~~
using namespace std;
int sum(vector<vector<unsigned int> > &h,int flag,int _sum=0){
return _sum;
int main(){
unsigned int m,n,input;
vector<unsigned int> t(2);
if(input<t[0] && input<t[1]){
cout<<'0'<<' '<<input<<endl;
vector<vector<unsigned int> > h(input+1,vector<unsigned int> (2,0));
for(unsigned int i=1;i<h.size();i++){
for(unsigned int j=0;j<t.size();j++){
if(i<t[j]) continue;
if(i-t[j]==0 || h[0]<h[i-t[j]][0]+1 && h[i-t[j]][1]){
int flag,_sum;
for(int i=h.size()-1;i>=0;i--){
if(flag==h.size()-1) cout<<h[flag][0]<<endl;
else cout<<h[flag][0]<<' '<<input-_sum<<endl;
} [/cpp]

plz help me ^^
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Post by jackie »

I use traditonal DP algorithm O(n) max(n) = 10000 and got AC, but it takes the program 2 sec to generate the right output .

I see many people got AC quite fast. Is there some better algorithm or i just code a program not good enough?

if any plz contact me via the private message or mail to: jackie@hit.edu.cn because i may not come this topic soon.


BTW for the person who got WA

you should minimize the time for drinking beer(0 is the best) then maximize the number of burgers.
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10465 Homer Simpsons TLE Help

Post by Betty »

Hi, I am trying to get better with my DP type problems so i thought i'd have a go with Homer Simpson, my program works and seems to get the right results using a DP solution however i get a TLE when I submit. I tested my program on some high values and yes it does take a while to return them which is why I think I'm missing something that simplyfies the numbers a bit.

Anyone got any tips for this problem?

#include <stdio.h>

int a[4][10000] = {0}; // DP Structure

int t[2]; // time it takes for each type of burger

void check(int val, int type) {

if(type > 0)
check(val, type-1);

// can i skip down more then val - 1? maybe min(t[0], t[1]) then use mod to work out beer
if(val > 0)
check(val-1, type);

int index1 = val - t[type];
int value1 = 0;
int wasted1 = val%t[type];

if(val < t[type]) //set wasted correctly when can't eat burger
wasted1 = val;

if(index1 >= 0) {
value1 = a[type][index1] + 1;

if (a[type+2][index1] < wasted1) wasted1 = a[type+2][index1];

int value2 = 0;
int wasted2 = 0;
if(type > 0) {
value2 = a[type-1][val];
wasted2 = a[type+1][val];

//check for min wasted time, then amount eaten
if(wasted1 != wasted2 && value2 > 0){
a[type][val] = (wasted1 < wasted2) ? value1 : value2;
a[type+2][val] = (wasted1 < wasted2) ? wasted1 : wasted2;
} else {
a[type][val] = (value1 >= value2) ? value1 : value2;
a[type+2][val] = (value1 >= value2) ? wasted1 : wasted2;
if(value1==value2 && value2 > 0)
a[type+2][val] = (wasted1 < wasted2) ? wasted1 : wasted2;



int main() {
char line[1000];
int val;

//overkill to make sure loop ends
while(!feof(stdin)) {
fgets(line, 1000, stdin);

if(feof(stdin)) break;
if( sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", &t[0], &t[1], &val) < 3)

//swap t[0] and t[1] if they're the wrong way around
if(t[1] < t[0]) {

//do a cheat if val can be divided by the smaller of the times
if(val % t[0] == 0) {
a[1][val] = val / t[0];
a[3][val] = 0;
} else {
//run the dp solution
//print answer
printf("%d", a[1][val] );

// if homer drink beer then output it
if(a[3][val] !=0)
printf(" %d", a[3][val]);

return 0;

Ghost77 dimen
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Post by Ghost77 dimen »

The problem you request is

ax+by=c find maximum x+y if existed

otherwise decrease the c

There is a well-known formula to examine the possiblity of the statement.

That is wheather gcd(a,b) | c.

If not don't waste any time to find the maximum x+y, otherwise

try it.

The formula work at the x and y are interger, that is maybe negative.

However, the problem only allowed x and y non-negative.

So, if gcd(a,b) | c , maybe still no solution you can find out.

Don't worry, just decrease c again.

Good luck. 8)
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Post by Betty »

I'm not sure what you mean by

gcd(a,b) | c.

I know what a greatest common divisor is, and I presume a and b are the times it takes to eat each type of burger, is c the time it takes overall?

is this a big change i have to make to my code or a simple statement + the gcd function?
Ghost77 dimen
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Post by Ghost77 dimen »

gcd(a,b)|c means c can be divided by gcd(a,b)

maybe the symbol '|' isn't quite common in your country.

Well, maybe the method I mentioned before doesn't fit your request.

You want do that by DP.

If I were you, I'll do that by this.

Now I read a, b, and t.

a represented the needed time1, and b ... time2

t is the request time

now I declare an array, the index represented the t

and the value stored in index t means the maximum coresponding to t

if you can't find that, the value should be -1

now the opt-table can be derived from below

int i,j,k;
int a,b,t;
int opt[Max];

/*^you should notice here, not typing error*/
and then let i from t back to 0

if opt !=-1

then opt is what you want, perhaps t-i is also needed.

I pass the problem long time ago by math formula, around 0.117sec.

Now I try it by simple DP, around 1.389sec.

Good luck.

If you want more dp problems, contact me by pm. 8)
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Post by jaracz »

My critical I/O was:

9 11 21
9 11 19

my prog printed

2 1
1 8 <----- it was obviously wrong
should be : 2 1

Maybe you did same mistake as me
If yes, fix it and have a nice AC;)

keep it real!
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Post by jaron.yeh »


Why WA?

I test all the test data that I can find

but my program is WA as well.......

My code is here

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main(){
	int m , n , t ;
	while( cin >> m >> n >> t ){
		int Mx = 0 , My = 0 , Ma = 0 ;
		for( int i = t / m ; i >= 0 ; i -- ){
			if( ( t - m * i ) % n == 0 ){
				Mx = i ;
				My = ( t - m * i ) / n ;
				Ma = i * m + ( ( t - m * i ) / n ) * n ;
				break ;
			else if( Ma < i * m + ( ( t - m * i ) / n ) * n 
					&& i * m + ( ( t - m * i ) / n ) * n < t ){
				Ma = i * m + ( ( t - m * i ) / n ) * n ;
				Mx = i ;
				My = ( t - m * i ) / n ;
			else if( Ma == i * m + ( ( t - m * i ) / n ) * n 
					&& i * m + ( ( t - m * i ) / n ) * n < t )
	      			    if( Mx + My < i + ( t - m * i ) / n ){
					    Mx = i ;
					    My = ( t - m * i ) / n ;
		if( Ma == t )
			cout << Mx + My << endl ;
			cout << Mx + My << " " << t - Ma << endl ;
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10465 TLE O(n^2) ??

Post by smilitude »

I coded 10465 like this -->

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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int i,j,m,n,t,best[10010];
    int time[10010];
        for(i=0;i<=t;i++) {
        for(j=1;j<=i/2;j++) {
            if(time[i]<time[j]+time[i-j]) {
            }else if(time[i]==time[j]+time[i-j]) {
        if(t-time[t]) cout<<" "<<t-time[t];
    return 0;
I am getting TLE - is there any better dp approach?
#include <smile.h>
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Post by asif_rahman0 »

You can simply do it by

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mx+ny=t then (x+y=maximum time)
If it remains extra TIME then it should go for beer.

Your DP code give some overflow value in my compiler(VC++). ;)
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Post by smilitude »

Thanks a lot!
But i think you wanted to tell me x+y=maximum burger, when m, and n are the eating time of each burgers respectively!
I am not sure, but if i start to check from given time t, to lower t--, and check whether its possible to get a valid equation for mx+ny=t, it would involve some serious modular arithmatic! :( I thought for a nice sweet dp thing!
Hmm... I use devcpp, I thought GNU compilers ints are 32 bit, 2147483648 is the highest, not sure, why you get overflow... :roll:
#include <smile.h>
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Post by sunny »

i solved it in O(n) time.

my dp part looks like :

initialize best[10001] array by 0;


if(i>=m && best[i-m]+1 > best && best[i-m]) best=best[i-m]+1;
if(i>=n && best[i-n]+1 > best && best[i-n]) best=best[i-n]+1;

if best[t]!=0 then simply output best[t].
if best[t]=0 that means u must have some beers. so do a simple linear search 2 find the amounts.
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Post by smilitude »

nice solution sunny!
i made it really complicated, thanks!
#include <smile.h>
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Post by sklitzz »

sunny wrote:i solved it in O(n) time.

my dp part looks like :

initialize best[10001] array by 0;


if(i>=m && best[i-m]+1 > best && best[i-m]) best=best[i-m]+1;
if(i>=n && best[i-n]+1 > best && best[i-n]) best=best[i-n]+1;

if best[t]!=0 then simply output best[t].
if best[t]=0 that means u must have some beers. so do a simple linear search 2 find the amounts.

Firstly I was amazed that your code looked so much like mine! But there's one problem I get WA.

I did it with the same idea( actualy the variable's names are very simmilar ). But I don't get it why my code fails.

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;

int n, m, t;
int best[10001];

int main() {
	while( cin >> m ) {
		cin >> n >> t;
		int sol = 0, beer = INT_MAX;
		memset( best, 0, sizeof( best ) );
		best[m] = best[n] = 1;
		for( int i = min( m, n ); i <= t; ++i ) {
			if( i >= m && best[i - m] != 0 ) best[i] >?= best[i - m] + 1;
			if( i >= n && best[i - n] != 0 ) best[i] >?= best[i - n] + 1;
		for( int i = 1; i <= t; ++i ) {
			if( best[i] != 0  && ( t - i ) < beer )  {
				sol = best[i];
				beer = t - i;
			if( best[i] != 0  && ( t - i ) == beer ) 
				sol >?= best[i];
		if( beer > 0 ) cout << sol << " " << beer << endl;
		else cout << sol << endl;
		/*for( int i = 1; i <= t; ++i ) cout << best[i] << " " ;
		cout << endl;*/
	return 0;
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