371 - Ackermann Functions

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mohiul alam prince
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371 can any body explain a good algorithm

Post by mohiul alam prince »

i am getting TLE again & again can any body explain a good algorithm
mohiul alam prince
Last edited by mohiul alam prince on Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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mohiul alam prince

Post by osan »

ya i have seen that u are using double.
but stupid buddy i told about m & n.(where u r getting input)
they told input range will 32 bit integer.
so i told u to use unsigned long substitute of long.
like that->>>
scanf("%lu%lu", &m ,&n);

& mr sohel i can use unsigned long, which supports Turbo C++ && Visual C++.

so i'm not interested to use long long. long long only support in GCC.
this time WA
what next...............?
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algo of 371

Post by osan »

i used same algo in 371 & 100.
special case 1. cycle length 3.
data type
for 100 int
for 371 unsigned long.
(cause input range is 32 bit integer)

hope u will get AC now
this time WA
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Post by alu_mathics »

Three mistakes in a single program.

Mind it this is like 100 but not 100.

1. max = cycle(m);
for(i=m+1;i<=n;i++) {
temp = cycle(i);
if (temp > max){
max = temp;
x=m; //No excuse.

2. The largest value in the sequence will not be larger than can be accomodated in a 32-bit Pascal .
so u can use long long(%lld) or unsigned long(%lu) both for input
&& output && also temp.(or, change all data to lld or lu)

3.Between L and H, V generates the longest sequence of S values.
L = the lower boundary value in the sequence
H = the upper boundary value in the sequence

so print m && n even after swapping, not mOriginal,nOriginal.(does not match with 100)

Hope i am clear 2 u.

And don't forget to remove the code after u get AC :wink:
Last edited by alu_mathics on Thu Apr 01, 2004 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
cuii e
mohiul alam prince
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Post by mohiul alam prince »

Why don't u understand
i have used unsigned long for all variable and submitted but getting WA
also use double for all variable but still getting WA
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Post by osan »

prince u told u were getting TLE
so i told abt that.
well u r getting WA cos
for input
1 20
Between 1 and 20, 18 generates the longest sequence of 20 values.
20 1
Between 1 and 20, 18 generates the longest sequence of 20 values.

got it?
i hope u will AC now.

take care
this time WA
what next...............?
Md. Azam Khan
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Post by Md. Azam Khan »

You solved 100 and 694, but TLE in 371! You can use same algorithm and code of 100, but think what will be output if input is 1 and 1. For this input loop will continue.

int cycle(long long m)
int i=0;
while(m!=1||i==0) // see this condition
return i;

in main():
max_value=i; //update this value, i from for loop

Another trick in this problem is- smaller input alway first output:
input: 55 35 then output 35 55
input: 35 55 then the output also 35 55

Hope this will help u and soon it will be added in your solved problem.

I born to code :evil:
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371:Ackermann Functions, Confusion

Post by Guest »

In the problem statement, it says:
"V = the first value that generates the longest sequence, (if two or more values generate the longest sequence then only show the lower value) S = the length of the generated sequence. "

In the next line: "In the event that two numbers in the interval should both produce equally long sequences, report the first."

Don't these two statements create a contradiction?
If the given range is like 55-35, then should i report 55, or 54, as both generate the longest sequence.

Thank you!
Md. Azam Khan
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Post by Md. Azam Khan »

Please read the two statements again that u write and also the whole problem . The both statements saying that from a given range u should print the lower one if two or more values generates same (longest) sequence. Suppose u are given to generate the range 55 35 then u proceed from 35 to 55 and again if u are given 35 55 then u also proceed from 35 to 55. So the lower or the first value is 54 not 55, isn't it?
Anyway don't think that u will not proceed from 55 to 35. But u should always think the value according to mathematical order to consider lower of first one: 0,1,2,3,.....,54,55,56,...............................

I hope this can help u if u need.

I born to code :evil:
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Post by Guest »

Finally, I got accepted by testing my exe with an accepted exe.

The trick is:

Input: 35 55

Output: "Between 35 and 55, ....."

Input: 55 35

Output: "Between 35 and 55,...."

and not "Between 55 and 35,...."
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371 gives T.L.E .Help me.

Post by efr_shovo »

371 gives T.L.E . How Can I solve This Problem?Please Help


long int max,m,d;

long int ALGORITHOM(long int n)
long int k=0;
if ((n%2)!=0)

return 0;

int main ()
long int j,w,y,i,a,b;
scanf("%ld %ld",&i,&j);
printf("Between %ld and %ld, %ld generates the longest sequence of %d values\n",a,b,d,max);
else return 0 ;
return 0;
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Post by jagadish »

i used long long for this problem.. now your code gets WA
if u can think of it .. u can do it in software.
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Post by jhonny_yang »

MAXX^FACTOR wrote:your method is too slow .............and "TIMELIMITEXCEEDED" is happened :x :x :x

OH! CRAP~~~~~~
I'm using ... method

typedef struct{
int low,high;
int Number,Sequence;
} Data;

Data Buff[1000];

I save all in buff and the counting it. It's more fast.

Another trick : 3*n+1 -> but the limit is integer so you must use long long or long double in this case.

Hope my solution acceptable. and yours too
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371 Akerman TLE is denied now why WA

Post by sumanali »

I am a student Of Jinnah University Pakistan I have been
trying to solve the Problem "Akerman" prob#371
I have been getting time limit execede Error
Plz Tell Me the error In MY code

Thanks in advance for your help.. and plz reply

Problem Akerman
# 371

using namespace std;

int AckermennFunction(int val);
void main()
int x=0;int y=0;
while(x!=0 && y!=0) {
int MAX=-1;int i=0;
for(int t=x;t<=y;t++)
int temp=AckermennFunction(t);
cout<<"Between "<<x<<" and "<< y<<", "<<i<<" generates the longest sequence of "<<MAX <<" values.\n";
int AckermennFunction(int val)
// All the Odd Numbers Have Least Significient Bit==1
int count=0;
{ count++;
if(val%2==0){ val = val/2;}
else{val = 3*val+1;}
return count;
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Post by alu_mathics »

i hope you have change ur datatype to unsigned long or long long or __int64.

consider the case
2147483647 2147483647
then you can get overflow.
coz 2147483647*3+1 is out of range of int(long) indeed.

input can be
12 10
so swap them and thus you can avoid tle.
remember the word "between" all the time.atleast i do. :wink:
cuii e
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