10720 - Graph Construction

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Post by mf »

Can someone show me a graph for the case below?

10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
(the first number is the number of vertices)
This graph realizes it, for example:

Code: Select all

   / \  |  / \
  *---* | *---*
   \ /  |  \ /

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Re: 10720 - Graph Construction

Post by raj »

Need Help I am getting "Wrong Answer"..... :cry: :cry:

I applied Erdos-Gallis Theorem..

Code: Select all

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class IntegerPair implements Comparable {
    Integer _first;
    public IntegerPair(Integer f) {
        _first = f;
	public int compareTo(Object o) {
           return ((IntegerPair )o).first() - this.first();
    Integer first() { return _first; }
public class Main{
	public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {
		BufferedReader kk = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
		PrintWriter z = new PrintWriter(System.out);
		ArrayList<IntegerPair> q;
		String line;
		while(!(line = kk.readLine()).equals("0")){
			StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(line);
			int n = Integer.valueOf(s.nextToken());
			q = new ArrayList<IntegerPair>();
			q.add(new IntegerPair(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
			//int [] d = new int[s.countTokens()+1];
				q.add(new IntegerPair(Integer.valueOf(s.nextToken())));
				int k = n;
				int sum = 0;
				boolean first = true;
				int sumA = 0;
				boolean aso = true;
				for(int i = 1;i<=k;i++){
					sumA = sumA + Integer.valueOf(q.get(i).first()+"");
					int sumB = 0;
					for(int ii = k+1;ii<=n;ii++){
							sumA = sumA + Integer.valueOf(q.get(ii).first()+"");
							aso = false;
						sumB = sumB + Math.min(Integer.valueOf(q.get(ii).first()+""), k);
					sumB = sumB + (k*(k-1));
					int cheq = Integer.valueOf(q.get(i).first()+"");
						first = false;
				if(first && sumA%2==0) z.println("Possible");
				else z.println("Not possible");
Last edited by raj on Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10720 - Graph Construction

Post by brianfry713 »

It should be "Not possible" instead of "Not Possible".
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Wrong Answer: 10720 - Graph Construction

Post by raj »

Thanks sir for finding the mistake :) but still i am getting Wrong Answer :cry:
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Re: 10720 - Graph Construction

Post by brianfry713 »

Try the I/O in this thread.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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