10466 - How Far?

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Post by Moha »

Can anybody post some testcase? this problem looks very easy but i have no idea why mine is WA!
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Post by Solaris »

Hello shamim,

Can u plz post some test cases for which the cosine rule may not work ?? I am stuck ... My code seems to work for all the cases that I can think of :(

thnx in advance :)
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Post by shamim »

Well, the best approach to solve this problem is to consider that the central body has a co-ordinate of (0,0).

This way, the co-ordinates of other planets can be found, hence thier distance from the central planet.
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Post by yiuyuho »

Can someone tell me why the output for

Code: Select all

3 2
20 4
30 4
40 4

Code: Select all

20.0000 50.0000 90.0000
and not

Code: Select all

20.0000 10.0000 30.0000

what I am thinking is that as a planet revolve against its parent planet all of its child planet also get moved along (as suppose to staying at the right (initial position)).

So, If I have a case

3 2
1 4
1 1
1 1

I should get 1,2,3 and not 1, 0, 1

Is that incorrect logic?
little joey
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Post by little joey »

Yes, the description is a bit imprecise in it's definition of 'rotation period'. But you should consider the the rotation period of planet i as seen from planet i-1 relative to the stars. So if the periods of planet i and planet planet i+1 are the same, then planets i-1, i and i+1 are always on one line (the sun is planet 0).

Also the sample data is a bit unrealistic, because the radii increase going outward from the sun. Such a planetary system could never exist in reality. But that doesn't make the problem unsolvable, as long as you ignore planetary collisions.
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Post by andysoft »

Hi people!
I have already received too many AC PE verdicts by judge. And I want to know where my presentation can be wrong...

1) I output exactly one space between the output numbers for each planet.
2) I output NO spaces after the last planet.
3) I output NO blank like after the last test case
4) Here is my code (I will delete it as soon as possible, as it's almost AC, you know):

Code: Select all

program Project2;
  x,x0,y,y0,alpha: extended;
  i,ci,n: integer;
  gt: extended;
  r,t: array [1..100] of extended;
  ci := 0;
  while not eof do
    readln (n,gt);
    if eof then break;
    for i:=1 to n do
      readln (r[i],t[i]);
    ci := ci + 1;

    if ci>1 then
    write (r[1]:0:4);
    alpha := (gt/t[1])*(2*pi);
    x0 := r[1]*cos(alpha);
    y0 := r[1]*sin(alpha);

    for i:=2 to n do
      write (' ');
      alpha := (gt/t[i])*(2*pi);
      x := r[i]*cos(alpha) + x0;
      y := r[i]*sin(alpha) + y0;
      write (sqrt(x*x+y*y):0:4);
      x0 := x;
      y0 := y;



Thanx in advance! :)

PS little joey, 1111 posts, nice :)
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Post by yiuyuho »

I believe you need an end-line after the last number you output: i.e.: the last character of the output is a "\n". I am not familiar with your language, but it seems you didn't put writeln after the last case.
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Post by andysoft »

yiuyuho, man, it is unbelievable!!
I had my program written _as you said_ some time before, and it got AC PE. I posted here modified version, which didn't put "\n" after the last case (made specially), but it got AC PE. Now, I turned back to _as you said_ version, and it got ACCEPTED!!

Thank you!
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Post by yiuyuho »

you're welcome :-) May be you had some other spacing issue before....but anyways strange things happens and that's what makes programming fun !
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Re: 10466 - How Far?

Post by brianfry713 »


Code: Select all

3 5
20 5
30 5
40 5
10 10
20 1
30 2
40 3
50 4
60 5
70 6
80 7
90 8
100 9
110 10
AC output:

Code: Select all

20.0000 50.0000 90.0000
20.0000 50.0000 45.8258 40.0000 52.9150 26.4575 67.6432 119.3608 163.2869 202.1349
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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Re: 10466 - How Far?

Post by Crocodile_009 »

Code: Select all

AC :)
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