My Statistics

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My Statistics

Post by sa072686 »

I found out that some problems in browse problem have green background, mean i've solved.

But it's NOT appear in My Statistics, and I count the number of problems in solved problem list..

The number of problems in solved problem list is less than SOLVED written in My Statistics.

I find 275 and 608 is not in problem solved list, but they have green background in Browse Problem.

Then I look for my submissions in My Submissions, I can find 275 and 608 Accepted, no rejudge and no rejudge mails.

Also I check these two problems' Problem Statistics, and find..

All of these two problem can't see my rank, and the top 20 rank is strange..

Below is one of them, problem statistics in 608.


I try to submit my old code of 275 and get AC, then the rank in problem statistics is correct and appear in solved problem list, but solved number does not increase.

I've not tried to re-submit my old code of 608.
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Re: My Statistics

Post by Carlos »

statistics should be ok now.
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