334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

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334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by helloneo »

In spite of this thread..

I had to print an extra space after an each concurrent event to get AC..
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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by arinkverma »

plz plz help me out with PE issues!
Even after lot struggle i am still getting PE
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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by Bidhan »

Nice problem with ugly dataset. You need extra spaces in two aspects to avoid PE.
1.Print an extra space after the string "no concurrent events."
2.Print an extra space after each pair of concurrent events (both one pair and two pairs)
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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by Imti »

what was intention of the problem setter with this problem?why this disgusting PE?? :evil:
BTW,would anybody clearly show whats behind this damn PE??I already got more than 12 times PE.Please help anyone with clear specification because only describing where to put "spaces" making me more confused like previous post of bidhan and helleoneo made me understand *nothing" :-?
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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by Imti »

After Getting More PE ..finally Got It Accepted..... :D
What I did is
You just have to print an extra space after each pair of concurrent events.Look at the example(Lets denote space as 'X')

Code: Select all

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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by SyFy »

Solved this task, but I really... really... really HATE such problems with such output :D
Imti wrote:After Getting More PE ..finally Got It Accepted..... :D
What I did is
You just have to print an extra space after each pair of concurrent events.Look at the example(Lets denote space as 'X')

Code: Select all

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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by cosmin79 »

I have followed the advice in this thread, but I would still get PE. However, if I don't put a "\n" after the last testcase, I receive WA. I suspect it's supposed to be PE again. Can someone take a look at my code and tell me if there's anything strange? Thanks in advance!

Code: Select all

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#define pii pair <int, int>
#define x first
#define y second
#define mp make_pair
#define NMAX 205
using namespace std;
string curr, words[NMAX];
map <string, int> H;
int n, m, r, t;
bool marc[NMAX][NMAX];
pii A[3];

int main()
    //freopen("input", "r", stdin);
    //freopen("output", "w", stdout);
    int i, j, k, no, x, y, test_no = 0;
    while (scanf("%d", &n), n)
        if (test_no > 1)
            cout << "\n";
        for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            scanf("%d", &no);
            if (no)
                cin >> curr;
                if (!H[curr])
                    H[curr] = ++r, words[r] = curr;
                x = H[curr];
            for (j = 2; j <= no; j++)
                cin >> curr;
                if (!H[curr])
                    H[curr] = ++r, words[r] = curr;
                y = H[curr];
                marc[x][y] = 1; x = y;
        scanf("%d", &m);
        for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
            cin >> curr;
            if (!H[curr])
                H[curr] = ++r, words[r] = curr;
            x = H[curr];
            cin >> curr;
            if (!H[curr])
                H[curr] = ++r, words[r] = curr;
            y = H[curr];
            marc[x][y] = 1;
        for (k = 1; k <= r; k++)
            for (i = 1; i <= r; i++)
                for (j = 1; j <= r; j++)
                    marc[i][j] |= (marc[i][k] & marc[k][j]);
        for (i = 1; i <= r; i++)
            for (j = i + 1; j <= r; j++)
                if (i != j && !marc[i][j] && !marc[j][i])
                    if (t <= 2)
                        A[t] = mp(i, j);
        printf("Case %d, ", test_no);
        if (!t)
            printf("no concurrent events.");
            printf("%d concurrent events: \n", t);
            cout << "(" << words[A[1].x] << "," << words[A[1].y] << ") ";
            if (t >= 2)
                cout << "(" << words[A[2].x] << "," << words[A[2].y] << ") ";
        memset(marc, false, sizeof(marc));
        r = t = 0;
    return 0;

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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by brianfry713 »

Put a newline at the end of the last line.
Here is the correct sample output if you delete everything in between [ and ], note where the trailing spaces are and are not.

Code: Select all

Case 1, 2 concurrent events:[no trailing space]
(e1,e4) (e2,e4) [trailing space]
Case 2, 10 concurrent events:[no trailing space]
(two,four) (two,five) [trailing space]
Case 3, no concurrent events.[no trailing space]
Case 4, 1 concurrent events:[no trailing space]
(alpha,gamma) [trailing space]
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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Re: 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events.. PE!!

Post by ree975 »

I followed the advice and generate the right output

Code: Select all

Case 1, 2 concurrent events:
(e1,e4) (e2,e4)_
Case 2, 10 concurrent events:
(two,four) (two,five)_
Case 3, no concurrent events.
Case 4, 1 concurrent events:

However I still got PE, does anybody know why?
Then I tried all the combinations of (all 8 combinations = 2^3)
1. space after "concurrent events:X" or not
2. space after "no concurrent events.X" or not
3. space after pairs like "(e2,e4)X" or not
but all PE...

My code

Code: Select all


using namespace std;

bool graph[100][100];
map<string,int> nameToNum;
map<int,string> numToName;
queue< pair<string,string> > ansQ;

void floyd_warshall(int maxNum){
	for(int k=0; k<maxNum; k++){
		for(int i=0; i<maxNum; i++){
			for(int m=0; m<maxNum; m++){
				graph[i][m] = graph[i][m] || (graph[i][k] && graph[k][m]);

void init(){
	for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
		for(int m=0; m<100; m++){
			graph[i][m] = 0;
	while(!ansQ.empty()) ansQ.pop();

void checkConcurrent(int maxNum){
	for(int i=0; i<maxNum; i++){
		for(int k=i+1; k<maxNum; k++){
			if(graph[i][k]==0 && graph[k][i]==0){
				//???????? -> ??????

int main(){
	int lines, events, maxNum=0, cases=0;
	string str,strOld;
		if(lines==0) break;
		init(); maxNum=0;
			cin.ignore(5,' ');
			str.clear(); strOld.clear();
				if(events==0) getline(cin,str);
				else getline(cin,str,' ');	//????' '??????
					nameToNum[str]=maxNum; numToName[maxNum]=str; maxNum++;
				if(!strOld.empty())	graph[nameToNum[strOld]][nameToNum[str]]=1;
			//if there is ele not appear in previous section? test!! with assert
			getline(cin,strOld,' ');
			if(!nameToNum.count(str) || !nameToNum.count(strOld) ) assert(0);	//??????????
		checkConcurrent(maxNum);	//now we have ansQ
			int count2=2;
			cout<<"Case "<<++cases<<", "<<ansQ.size()<<" concurrent events:\n";
				if(count2==0) break;
				//if(count2==1) cout<<"("<<ansQ.front().first<<","<<ansQ.front().second<<") ";
				//if(count2==0) cout<<"("<<ansQ.front().first<<","<<ansQ.front().second<<")";
				cout<<"("<<ansQ.front().first<<","<<ansQ.front().second<<") ";
		}else cout<<"Case "<<++cases<<", no concurrent events.\n";
	return 0;

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