113 - Power of Cryptography

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Joseph Kurniawan
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Post by Joseph Kurniawan »

Try the formula:
a log b = log b / log a

PS: a in a log b is the base of the log. So when a=2 and b=16,
then a log b is 4 since a^4=b.
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Post by shamim »

Why not using the pow() function. :wink:
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Post by Maarten »

why would you?
the formula exp( log(p)/n ) correctly calculates the nth root of p
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Post by bignad98 »

Try the formula:
a log b = log b / log a
Maybe my math skills are a little rusty, but I thought the formula was

a log b = log (b^a) :wink:

and for the compiler warnings (Visual C++ doesn't have any problem with that,) the problem statement guarantees k to be less than 1E9. i used double for the precision in the log statement, and then since it is guaranteed by problem statement to fit in long, i did the basic round-and-convert. i also tried submitting the answer as a double with the ios::showpoint flag off, but no dice.

thanks for the replies...although i haven't had any problems previously either copy and pasting or uploading the code from visual, could that be a problem?

thanks again
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Joseph Kurniawan
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Post by Joseph Kurniawan »

To bignad:
Yes, a log b equals log(b^a). That's why I added some note since I don't know how to type 'a' in superscript model. The 'a' in 'a log b' here doesn't mean a * log b, get it?? :wink: :wink:
I recommend this formula since it's more precise.
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Post by bignad98 »

Ok I'm sorry but I'm still having some problems understanding that formula. i think i understand it now to mean

a log(a) b = log(a) b / log(a) a

where the a in parenthesis means log(base a) of.
PS: a in a log b is the base of the log
so using natural logs, it seems that the formula would be

e ln b = ln b / ln e --> e ln b = ln b

can you tell me where i'm going wrong? and even after that, i'm unclear on how to express p=k^n in the form ln b / ln a:

ln p = ln k^n --> ln p = n ln k --> 1/n = ln k / ln p -->(by blind app of formula) --> 1/n = p ln k

sorry, i have been out of school for a while.. :(
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Joseph Kurniawan
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Post by Joseph Kurniawan »

Sorry, I got the problem wrong! :oops: :oops:
shamim is right. use pow() function :
Good luck!! :wink: :wink:
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113 - Why Wrong Answer? :'(

Post by lord_burgos »

113 - Why Wrong Answer? :cry:
This is my code.

k = 10^(log10(p)/n);

Power Criptography
problem: 113
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <string.h>

int n,val,c,i;
double x;
int k;
char p[200];
while(scanf("%d\n",&k) != EOF){
n = strlen(p);
c = 100;
val = 0;
for(i = 0; i<4;i++ , c /=10){
if(p == NULL) break;
val += (p-'0')*c;
x = log10((double)val);
x = x-3+n;
x /= k;
return 0;
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Post by shamim »

[cpp]char p[200];
while(scanf("%d\n",&k) != EOF){

The given numbers will actually fit in the double data type, so there is no need to consider string. :wink:[/b]
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Post by sohel »

Why don't you use pow(p,1/n);
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Power of Cryptography (#113)

Post by Sensor »

I have a problem:
It seems to be OK but I got WA??? I can't find error!
Can somebody help me?

{ @JUDGE_ID: XXX 113 Pascal}
program proga;
var datan,datap:string;

procedure nsqrt(ns,ps:string);
var n,p,ost,res:integer;
v:=(length(ps) div n)+1;
if ost>0 then
end else

while not eof(input) do
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&#65283;113 why compile error???pliz help

Post by Morning »

void main(void)
long n,p,loop;
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deddy one
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Post by deddy one »

don't use conio.h
it will produce compile error
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Post by Morning »

yeah,i got it.thanks:)
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Post by sohel »

From your stats, it looks like that you have 39 posts (experienced) and still you don't know that 'conio.h' gives a compile error. Very Strange!!!
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