10026 - Shoemaker's Problem

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10026 - Shoemaker's Problem

Post by jhkim »

could someone give me an algorithm for this problem?
can't think of one except a backtracking solution that would take FOREVER. not sure how your supposed to sort the fields.

Whinii F.
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Post by Whinii F. »

A greedy algorithm suffices. :)
JongMan @ Yonsei
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Greedy Solution

Post by jhkim »

I thought about a greedy solution, but it didn't work.
For example with the input,
3 4 // (index 0)
2 2 // (index 1)
5 5 // (index 2)

You would first select 1 because (2 * 4) + (2 * 5) is the optimal solution in that case, but you should actually select index 0 instead.
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Post by Whinii F. »

I think you misunderstood the problem?

In this case my program's output is 1 2 3.
Choosing 2 (index 1) is not appropriate because a penalty for a job is the product of delays took before starting the job and it's fine per day. So if in the case

3 4
2 2
5 5

if you take order 2 3 1,
2 2 - > no penalty
5 5 -> 2 * 5 = 10
3 4 -> (2+5) * 4 = 7 * 4 = 28
total = 38

if you take order 2 1 3,
2 2 - > no penalty
3 4 -> 2 * 4 = 8
5 5 -> 5 * 5 = 25
total = 33

but in the order 1 2 3,
3 4 -> no penalty
2 2 -> 3 * 2
5 5 -> 5 * 5
total = 31

Hope I helped, but I became curios myself about my solution. :-? It's written a long ago and I didn't leave any notes or proofs for the algorithm.. so if you notice any counterexample or proof please reply.

Best regards
JongMan @ Yonsei
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got it

Post by jhkim »

Thanks for the help Chingu,
I solved the problem. Your right, a greedy solution does work,
I was just being greedy in the wrong way :) Your good real good

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10026 Shoemaker - Greedy algorithm?

Post by PJYelton »

I assume a greedy algorithm will solve this one, but the one I used got a WA. Basically I just kept choosing whichever task would cost the most money if it were left until the end. Is this the way to do it? And if so, then what is wrong with my program? Here it is:
/* @JUDGE_ID: 32250TW 10026 C++ "Simple Iteration" */
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct shoe
int time, cost, name;

int main()
int cases, num, x, y, z;


vector<shoe> vec;
vector<int> retVec;

for (x=0; x<cases; x++)
string buff;

int totalTime=0;


for (y=0; y<num; y++)
shoe s;

int worst;
int wNum;

for (y=0; y<vec.size();)
for (z=0; z<vec.size(); z++)
if (vec[z].cost*(totalTime-vec[z].time)>worst)

for (y=0; y<retVec.size(); y++)
if (y!=retVec.size()-1)
cout<<" ";

if (x!=cases-1)

return 0;

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Post by Larry »

No, it's the wrong approach.
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Post by PJYelton »

Okay, then can you give me an idea of what the correct approach is or an example of that breaks my above method?
Red Scorpion
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Post by Red Scorpion »

Larry, I would like to know how greedy solve this problem. I Think this is "Task scheduling problem", am I correct ?

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Post by Larry »

It is if you only have one processor, I guess... but it reduces to a sorting problem..
Julien Cornebise
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Post by Julien Cornebise »

Indeed, try sorting with an adequate comparison function (if you don't find it, I'll tell you the one I used).
Hint : use stl or libc sorting functions, you'll gain a lot of time.
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Post by Billy »

Hello, I need a Solution for this problem in a short period of time, but I don't have long time to solve it. For that reason I need that somebody sends a solution for me as long as possible, preferably in language C.

I will thank for it eternally.

You can send me the solution to the email: empecinao2@hotmail.com

Thank you very much.

Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman
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Post by Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman »

I am having real hard time finding out the selection function for solving this problem with greedy approach. Some hint is badly needed. :(
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try this...

Post by sohel »

It's clear that the consideration of just one parameter will not be enough..

.. both fine and time should be the ingredient in determining the value of any (time, fine).

Sorting the data in terms of time required per unit fine should lead you to the right direction.
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Re: try this...

Post by Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman »

sohel wrote:Sorting the data in terms of time required per unit fine should lead you to the right direction.
If this is the case, then come some real problems. I did exactly this & this resulted in WA. So, I started wondering what the actual strategy might be. :o Well, there may be some floating point error....
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