10110 - Light, more light

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Md. Mijanur Rahman
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by Md. Mijanur Rahman »

why TLE???

int main()
long long int n,j,count;

{ count=0;
if(n%j==0) count++;
else for(j=1;j<=n;j+=2)
if(n%j==0) count++;

else printf("no\n");
return 0;
Md. Mijanur Rahman
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by Md. Mijanur Rahman »

why WA plz help

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int main()
	double n;
	  else printf("no\n");
return 0;
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by sohel »

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This condition will not always give you the correct result, since sqrt() of a square number will not give you the exact digits.
I mean, sqrt(25) != 5.00000000000000000000000.
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by shahedcsenu »

i cNT UNDERStand the problem...when light on and when off .;.plz anyone can explain it??
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by sauro »

shahedcsenu wrote:i cNT UNDERStand the problem...when light on and when off .;.plz anyone can explain it??
check my earlier post.
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by shuvrothpol1 »

runtime error...why??? (also tried with long long ) :(

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define N 70000

unsigned int status[N+1]={0},prime[N+1];
void list_prime();
unsigned int primefactor(unsigned int n);

int main ()
unsigned int n;
scanf ("%u",&n);
while (n!=0){
if (n%2==0)
printf ("yes\n");
else if (status[n]==0)
printf ("no\n");
if (n%2==0)
printf ("no\n");
printf ("yes\n");
scanf ("%u",&n);
return 0;

void list_prime() {
unsigned int i, j, sqrtN;

sqrtN = sqrt( N );
for( i = 3; i <= sqrtN; i += 2 ) {
if( status == 0 ) {
for( j = i * i; j <= N; j += i + i )
status[j] = 1;
for( i = 3; i <= N; i += 2 ) {
if( status == 0 ){

unsigned int primefactor(unsigned int n)
unsigned int listSize=0,i,j;
unsigned int sqrtN =sqrt(n);
for(i = 0; prime <= sqrtN; i++ ) {
if( n % prime == 0 ) {
while( n % prime == 0 ) {
n /= prime;
if( n > 1 ) {
return listSize;
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by brianfry713 »

It looks like you figured it out.
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Slow algorithm

Post by aybek »

Yesterday I have been solving 10110 problem and had wrote this algorithm,
the math model of the problem is very simple, solution is:
if the number of dividers of number is even then we have to print "no",
if odd we have to print "yes":
Here is solution of problem, how did I solve it

1. Get the number of dividers of number
|_1. Factorize number
|_2. Determine the number of dividers
2. If (number of dividers odd) print "yes"
else print "no"

Complexity of factorize algorithm is O(sqrt(n))
Complexity of div_num_of is not even O(n)
If input contains m number, the total complexity will be

Is it slow?


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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>

namespace nums {
	/* function will add factors of the numbers to the end of vector */
	/* TODO: optimizate for loop */
	template <class T>
	bool factorize(T n, std::vector<T> & v) {
		T i, c;
		for (c = n; (c%2) == 0; c /= 2) {
		for (i = 3; i <= static_cast<T>(sqrt(c)+1.0); ) {
			if ((c % i) == 0) {
				c /= i;
			} else { i += 2; }
		if (c > 1 && (c != n)) { v.push_back(c); }
		return true;

	/* Returns number of dividers of n */
	template <class T>
	size_t div_num_of(T n) {
		if (n == 0) { return 0; }
		if (n == 1) { return 1; }

		std::vector<T> v, el;
		std::map<T, size_t> d;

		factorize(n, v);
		for (const T & e : v) {
			if (d.find(e) != d.end()) {
			} else {
				d[e] = 1;

		size_t dn = 0;
		for (const T & e : el) {
			if (dn == 0) dn = 1;
				dn *= (d[e]+1);
		return dn;

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	using namespace nums;

	uint32_t n;
	for (;;) {
		cin >> n;
		if (n == 0) break;

		if (div_num_of(n)%2) {
			cout << "yes\n";
		} else {
			cout << "no\n";

	return 0;

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Re: Slow algorithm

Post by aybek »

problem is not in problem. I need help to count complexity of algorithms :D
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Re: Slow algorithm

Post by brianfry713 »

You can solve for each input value in constant time using sqrt().
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by rafid059 »

Can some help me?? im getting a runtime error everytime.

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Accepted   :D
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by lighted »

Change line

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int num = s.nextInt();
It must be

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long num = s.nextLong();
Don't forget to remove your code after getting accepted. 8)
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Re: 10110 - Light, More Light

Post by rafid059 »

thanks a lot, lighted! :D
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Re: 10110 - Light, more light

Post by xrenon »

Last edited by xrenon on Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 10110 - Light, more light

Post by brianfry713 »

Try input:

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