10187 - From Dusk Till Dawn

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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by funanue »

Can the StarAt time (train start time) be of type:

or only:

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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by Jan »

2nd part is the correct one.
Ami ekhono shopno dekhi...
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by crip121 »

finally got it. :D

Code: Select all

Last edited by crip121 on Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by JohnTortugo »

Hello there!

I'm trying the following algorithm:

1. Create a directed graph, using city names as vertices and travel time as edges. I ignore all travels that satisfies this condition: (dep > 6 && dep < 18) OR (dep+tt > 30).
2. Do Dijkstra algoritm.

I'm using a stl map to lookup what's the city number and "dep-tt" as the weight of the edges.

This is a weighted graph oks? If yes, the edges weight can be (dep-tt)? and how i solve this using BFS (it isn't only for unweighted graphs?) ?

Thanks in advance!

PS: Sorry for my poor english.
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by wh81 »

Hi guys!

I am using Dijkstra algorithm and I get the right answers for all the test cases mentioned above. When I upload the code, I get RE. Does anyone have further test cases?

Thanks, wh81.
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by marcelhp »

Anyone has some more test cases? My algorithm works well with all the ones posted here + the ones from the sample, but I still can't find out what's wrong =(

Anyway, here's my code, if you spot anything wrong let me know! :)

I did a BFS searching for the least time it takes to arrive to a certain city (where each day is counted as 12 hours - since I skipped the 6-18 period, being 18-24 the 0-6 and 0-6 the 6-12). So at the end I count the total time and the answer is (total-1)/12, since that's the amount of times it crossed the 12.00 boundary.

Code: Select all

import java.util.*;

public class Prob10187 {

	public class Node{
		public String cityTo;
		public int depart;
		public int travel;

		public Node(int d, int t, String to){
			depart = d;
			travel = t;
			cityTo = to;

	//convert from 24-hr to 12-hr (skipping 6-18)
	private static int convert(int time){
		if (time<=6){
			return time+6;

		if (time==24){
			return 6;

		return (time-18);

	private static HashMap<String, Vector<Node>> map;

	private static int magia(String[] cities, String source, String dest){
		//hash used to map to the index
		HashMap<String, Integer> hash = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
		int time[] = new int[cities.length];
		for (int i=0; i<cities.length; i++){
			hash.put(cities[i], i);

		//biiiig number
		Arrays.fill(time, 12000000);
		if (source.equals(dest)){
			return 0;
		//if there's no way to get from or to, simply skip all
		if (!hash.containsKey(source) || !hash.containsKey(dest)){
			return 12000000;
		int indexSource = hash.get(source);
		time[indexSource] = 0;

		//to do BFS
		Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();

			int n = q.poll();
			Vector<Node> v = map.get(cities[n]);
			if (v==null){
			int size = v.size();
			for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
				//get time to get to the city
				int index = hash.get(v.get(i).cityTo);
				int newTime = newTime(v.get(i), time[n]);
					//if it's better, save it and add the node to the queue
					time[index] = newTime;

		int indexDest = hash.get(dest);
		return (time[indexDest]-1)/12;

	private static int newTime(Node node, int best){
		if (node.depart>=(best%12)){
			return (best/12)*12+node.depart+node.travel;

		//stay one day at the station and depart the next one
		return (best/12)*12+node.depart+node.travel+12;

	public static void main(String args[]){
		Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
		int cant = input.nextInt();

		Prob10187 x = new Prob10187();

		for (int z=0; z<cant; z++){
			int conn = input.nextInt();
			map = new HashMap<String, Vector<Node>>();
			HashSet<String> h = new HashSet<String>();

			for (int i=0; i<conn; i++){
				String from = input.next();
				String to = input.next();

				int dep = input.nextInt();
				int travel = input.nextInt();
				//skip if it's not a valid entry
				if ((dep>=6&&dep<18)||(travel+dep>6&&dep<=6)||(travel+dep>30)){
				//check if cities exist
				if (!h.contains(from)){
				if (!h.contains(to)){
				dep = convert(dep);
				Node n = x.new Node(dep, travel, to);

				if (!map.containsKey(from)){
					Vector<Node> v = new Vector<Node>(5);
					map.put(from, v);
			int size = h.size();
			String[] cities = new String[size];
			Object[] o = h.toArray();
			for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
				cities[i] = (String)o[i];
			String from = input.next();
			String to = input.next();
			int ans = magia(cities,from, to);
			System.out.println("Test Case "+(z+1)+".");
			if (ans > 10000000){
				System.out.println("There is no route Vladimir can take.");
				System.out.println("Vladimir needs " + ans + " litre(s) of blood.");

Thanks! =)
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by Angeh »

Hi , experts ...
I need some help , how to constrcut the Graph ????
how to manage the 2-D states ...
thanks in advance ....
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by Angeh »

I cant understand whats wrong with this code ...
could some one give some test case to break my algorithm ....:(

Code: Select all

using namespace std;
#define FOR(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
typedef pair<int ,int > Pii;
vector< Pii > Graph[110][15];
int mark[110][15];
vector<int> Graph1[110];
int level[110];
int mark1[110];
int CA=0;
int mapTime(int t){
	if(t>=18) return t-18;
	if(t<=6) return t+6;
void BFS(int start){
	queue< Pii > Q;
	Q.push(Pii(start,0) );
		Pii u = Q.front();Q.pop();
		if(u.second==12 ){ Graph1[start].push_back(u.first);continue;}
		FOR(i,Graph[u.first][u.second].size() ){
			Pii v= Graph[u.first][u.second][i];
int BFS1(int start,int des ){
	queue<int> Q;
	while(!Q.empty() ){
		int u =Q.front();Q.pop();
			int v= Graph1[u][i];
			if(v==des)return level[des];
	return -1;
int main(){
	int cas,n;
	for(int ca=0;ca<cas;++ca){
		map<string,int> m;
		char s1[100],s2[100];
		int C=0,start,duration;
			if( (start<18 && start>=6) || duration>12 )	{/*printf("ignored %s %s %d %d\n",s1,s2,start,duration);*/ continue;}
			if( ( (start+duration)%24<18 && (start+duration)%24 >6) ){/*printf("ignored %s %s %d %d\n",s1,s2,start,duration);*/ continue;}
			//cout << s1<<" "<<s2<<" "<<start <<" "<<duration <<endl;
			int src = m.find(s1)!=m.end() ?m[s1]:m[s1]=C++;	
			int des = m.find(s2)!=m.end() ?m[s2]:m[s2]=C++;	
			Graph[src][ mapTime(start) ].push_back( Pii(des,mapTime(start+duration)) );
		FOR(c,C) FOR(t,12) Graph[c][t].push_back(Pii(c,t+1) );
		/*FOR(c,C){ FOR(t,12){
				FOR(i,Graph[c][t].size() ){
					printf(" %d/%d ",Graph[c][t][i].first,Graph[c][t][i].second);
		FOR(c,C) BFS(c);
	/*	FOR(c,C){
			FOR(i,Graph1[c].size() ){
				printf(" %d",Graph1[c][i] );
		int src = m.find(s1)!=m.end() ?m[s1]:m[s1]=C++;	
		int des = m.find(s2)!=m.end() ?m[s2]:m[s2]=C++;	
		int blood = BFS1(src,des);
		printf("Test Case %d.\n",ca+1);
		if(blood>=0)printf("Vladimir needs %d litre(s) of blood.\n",blood-1);
		else puts("There is no route Vladimir can take.");
	return 0;
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by jenovano2sko »

Hi all, can anyone please post some more test cases that might break programs? I can't seem to break my algorithm, but it gets W.A. I have used every test case on the forum so far, as well as test cases I've written on my own, and all the samples.

If you're interested in my code, specifically:

Code: Select all

#include <map>
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <climits> 
#include <queue> 
using namespace std; 

bool isValid(int testDepartureTime, int testTravelTime);

//contains train data from city to city 
//edges of the graph. 
class trainRide {
    trainRide(int newDepartureTime, int newTravelTime) : departureTime(newDepartureTime), arrivalTime(newDepartureTime + newTravelTime) {}

    int departureTime, // the time the train departs
        arrivalTime; // the time the train arrives in the next city

//contains a table of train data.
//nodes of the graph
class cityNode{
    trainRide **outEdges[101];
    int outEdgeIndeces[101]; 
    int arrivalTime; //the time the best train arrives
    int weightToArrivalTime; //the weight to the arrival time
    bool visited; //whether this has been visited by Dijkstra

    void initialClear() {
        visited = false; 
        for(int i = 0; i < 101; i++) //for each node
            outEdges[i] = 0; 
            outEdgeIndeces[i] = 0;
        arrivalTime = weightToArrivalTime = LONG_MAX; 
    } //void initialClear

    void clear() {
        visited = false;
        for(int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
            if(outEdgeIndeces[i] != 0)
                for(int j = 0; j < outEdgeIndeces[i]; j++)
                    delete outEdges[i][j]; 

                outEdgeIndeces[i] = 0; 
            }//if there is a route from this city to that city at all 

            if(outEdges[i] != 0)
                delete outEdges[i]; 
                outEdges[i] = 0;
        }//for each possible other node

        arrivalTime = weightToArrivalTime = LONG_MAX; 
    }//void clear

    void addEdge(int destCityNum, int departTime, int travelTime)
            outEdges[destCityNum] = new trainRide*[1001]; 
            for(int j = 0; j < 1001; j++)
               outEdges[destCityNum][j] = 0; 

        outEdges[destCityNum][(outEdgeIndeces[destCityNum])++] = new trainRide(departTime, travelTime); 
    }//void addEdge

    bool isBetter(trainRide *testEdge, int weightToTestEdge) {
        if(weightToTestEdge < weightToArrivalTime)
            return true; 
        else if(weightToTestEdge == weightToArrivalTime && testEdge->arrivalTime < arrivalTime)
            return true; 
            return false; 
    }//bool isBetter

    trainRide *bestEdgeOverall(int destCity) {
        trainRide *currentBest = outEdges[destCity][0];

        int i = 1; 
        while(outEdges[destCity][i] != 0)
            if(outEdges[destCity][i]->arrivalTime < currentBest->arrivalTime)
                currentBest = outEdges[destCity][i]; 

        return currentBest; 

    trainRide *bestEdgeAfterArrivalTime(int destCity) {
        trainRide *currentBest = 0; 
        int i = 0; 

        //see if you can get any edge at all
        while(outEdges[destCity][i] != 0)
            if(outEdges[destCity][i]->departureTime >= arrivalTime)
                currentBest = outEdges[destCity][i]; 

        while(outEdges[destCity][i] != 0)
            if( outEdges[destCity][i]->arrivalTime < currentBest->arrivalTime
               && outEdges[destCity][i]->departureTime >= arrivalTime)
                currentBest = outEdges[destCity][i]; 

        return currentBest; 

    void update(trainRide *newInEdge, int newWeight) {
        arrivalTime = newInEdge->arrivalTime; 
        weightToArrivalTime = newWeight; 

int dijkstra(cityNode *cities, int numCities, int sourceCity, int destCity);

int main(void) {
    map<string, int> cityMap;
    string city1, city2; 
    int numCases, numEntries, numCity1, numCity2, currentCityIndex = 0;
    int departTime, travelTime, travelCost;
    cityNode cities[101]; 

    for(int i = 0; i < 101; i++)

    cin >> numCases; 

    for(int cases = 1; cases <= numCases; cases++)
        cin >> numEntries;

        //construct the graph
        for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
            cin >> city1 >> city2 >> departTime >> travelTime; 
            departTime = departTime % 24; 
            if(cityMap.find(city1) == cityMap.end())
                cityMap[city1] = currentCityIndex++; 
            if(cityMap.find(city2) == cityMap.end())
                cityMap[city2] = currentCityIndex++; 

            numCity1 = cityMap[city1]; 
            numCity2 = cityMap[city2]; 

            if(departTime < 18)   //recall that to arrive somewhere at 5:00 AM is worse than arriving at 10:00 P.M.
                departTime += 24;  //this normalization accounts for that. 

            if(isValid(departTime, travelTime))
                cities[numCity1].addEdge(numCity2, departTime, travelTime); 
        }//for each itinerary in this test case 

        //retrieve the source and destination nodes 
        cin >> city1 >> city2; 

        cout << "Test Case " << cases << ".\n"; 
        if(numEntries == 0)
            cout << "Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.\n";
        //run the modified version of Dijkstra's algorithm
        travelCost = dijkstra(cities, currentCityIndex, cityMap[city1], cityMap[city2]);

        //case 1: the destination is unreachable 
        if(travelCost == LONG_MAX)
            cout << "There is no route Vladimir can take.\n";
            cout << "Vladimir needs " << travelCost << " litre(s) of blood.\n"; 
        //clear the graph and map
        for(int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
        currentCityIndex = 0; 

    }//for each test case 


bool isValid(int testDepartureTime, int testTravelTime)
    if(testDepartureTime > 29)
        return false;
    if(testDepartureTime + testTravelTime > 30)
        return false; 

    return true; 

//nifty little things required by Dijkstra's algorithm
class dummyNode {
    dummyNode(int sourceCityNum, const cityNode &sourceCity)
        correspondingCity = sourceCityNum;
        arrivalTime = sourceCity.arrivalTime; 
        weightToArrivalTime = sourceCity.weightToArrivalTime; 

    int correspondingCity; //the city to which this node corresponds 
    int arrivalTime;       //the arrival time in that city
    int weightToArrivalTime; //the weight used to get to that arrival time

bool operator < (const dummyNode &lhs, const dummyNode &rhs) {
    if(rhs.weightToArrivalTime < lhs.weightToArrivalTime)
    else if(    rhs.weightToArrivalTime == lhs.weightToArrivalTime
             && rhs.arrivalTime < lhs.arrivalTime)

int dijkstra(cityNode *cities, int numCities, int sourceCity, int destCity)
    cities[sourceCity].arrivalTime = 18; 
    cities[sourceCity].weightToArrivalTime = 0; 
    cityNode *currentCity; 
    trainRide *bestAfterArrival, *bestOverall;
    int updateWeight; 
    bool improved; 

    priority_queue<dummyNode> heap;

    heap.push(dummyNode(sourceCity, cities[sourceCity])); 

    //Dijkstra's algorithm begins here: 
    while(heap.empty() == false)
        //we grab the city that we're currently concerned with
        currentCity = &cities[ (heap.top()).correspondingCity ];
        //if the city has been visited, continue. (bad heap workaround)
        if(currentCity->visited == true)
        currentCity->visited = true; 

        //for each possible city we are connected to
        for(int i = 0; i < numCities; i++)
            improved = false; //assume you did not improve upon this city
            //if there is at least one edge to this city
            if(currentCity->outEdgeIndeces[i] == 0)
            if(cities[i].visited == true)

            updateWeight = currentCity->weightToArrivalTime; 

            //get the best arrival time to this city leaving after our departure time
            bestAfterArrival = currentCity->bestEdgeAfterArrivalTime(i); 
            //if such a departure time exists, use it, because there is no way you can improve by waiting one day
            if(bestAfterArrival != 0)
                if(cities[i].isBetter(bestAfterArrival, updateWeight))
                    cities[i].update(bestAfterArrival, updateWeight); 

                improved = true; //you improved upon the city
            else //you must wait a day, so grab the best time you can get to the next city on the next day 
                updateWeight += 1; 
                bestOverall = currentCity->bestEdgeOverall(i); 
                if(cities[i].isBetter(bestOverall, updateWeight))
                    cities[i].update(bestOverall, updateWeight); 

                improved = true; //you improved upon the city 
            //also, if we can improve upon it, push a new dummy of it into the heap
            if(improved == true && i != destCity)
            heap.push(dummyNode(i, cities[i])); 
        //pop from the heap 

    return cities[destCity].weightToArrivalTime; 

The code is long, so if you feel like paging through it, you'll find everything you need in the function 'int dijkstra()' at the bottom ;-P
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by DD »

I got many W.As due to priority_queue in C++. After I used my hand-made heap, I got A.C. :o Still don't understand why this happen...
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If so, you need to read Elements of Programming Interviews.
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by chylek »

can anyone help?
my code works fine for every input I found and I created, but still WA :(

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Last edited by chylek on Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by brianfry713 »

Edit: removed incorrect I/O.
Last edited by brianfry713 on Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by chylek »

first of all - it 's incorrect input but if this is AC output there is no option this input could be in tests, because UVa's anwser is:

Code: Select all

Test Case 1.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 2.
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Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 91.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 92.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 93.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 94.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 95.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 96.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 97.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 98.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 99.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 100.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
and this is what my program says
what's more there is no numbers of trains in each test case so this is correct input in my opinion:

Code: Select all

znpqwmoh r 16 2
ehxlt caduuvtadxezwvp
oprppbdrgs hjeznttneonex 19 12
oprppbdrgs vll 2 5
o ogtdbchrojc 22 11
bfveomuzpri xkrqtczrqxcd 16 5
hladn vll 17 11
hjeznttneonex otyjt 2 1
evilqozfiawbicmh o 7 9
ynvdicjajtgdonbmnx lxi 4 1
evilqozfiawbicmh oprppbdrgs 9 3
ibutzaqozffzmqwyf z
qtxcge wor 2 1
ehsmnqhxz ftyvbardzengt 11 2
ssexrkmzdqp tuh 15 1
yrdnpzzt owtkdjgyoqicw 16 10
xkihnoh ftyvbardzengt 22 8
ssexrkmzdqp xkihnoh 24 4
ftyvbardzengt qmifxskhcibtbt 23 1
ftyvbardzengt n 19 5
ibejulhizbmwisxg qmifxskhcibtbt 22 1
wor owtkdjgyoqicw 19 8
qmifxskhcibtbt ssexrkmzdqp 15 1
tuh ehsmnqhxz 14 7
n xkihnoh 15 11
n xkihnoh 21 7
ehsmnqhxz vllsexheaxtxqp 9 7
aekuufvnjidijysprq o 17 4
qmifxskhcibtbt vllsexheaxtxqp 9 2
yrdnpzzt ssexrkmzdqp 24 7
owtkdjgyoqicw ehsmnqhxz
hoo xtyaszaeqmbmmnzjw 20 9
uzwvwipwiwlzrkspm lagzxmry 10 7
xtyaszaeqmbmmnzjw lagzxmry 23 10
lagzxmry xtyaszaeqmbmmnzjw 1 4
porhavtoiszgjvffse uzwvwipwiwlzrkspm 11 11
xtyaszaeqmbmmnzjw lagzxmry
fbvfvjtjdmr nj 23 3
x ckcuxulgb 13 9
wmvpjffoicvd x 7 12
oopchtbqwmuslodsssq x 20 5
lfru x 11 4
mjb fbvfvjtjdmr 8 3
xyf jpaltpnqphfcqkgsxj 16 7
lfru khci 3 2
nj wmvpjffoicvd 19 6
lfru wmvpjffoicvd 17 11
mjb fbvfvjtjdmr 15 5
wmvpjffoicvd mjb 19 7
khci grncwkzvu
rl xubj 5 10
rl vfwqbsf 9 12
vfwqbsf emcohjgi 24 1
tpedn mjaespfovssmcragyrk 10 7
mjaespfovssmcragyrk aykpemiaoixlv 10 4
qsrnisfpzcjcnoefl vfwqbsf 16 12
gp vfwqbsf 9 1
qsrnisfpzcjcnoefl aykpemiaoixlv 2 2
vfwqbsf bpxqvlmpfarwcauv 11 10
aykpemiaoixlv bpxqvlmpfarwcauv 18 7
vfwqbsf rl
kyi gdtdrxhfr 14 12
gdtdrxhfr wwodsdrmvxezohyg 5 11
fp erdxqsgxrvm 24 6
mkxyitmnnrezoben dotqfry 9 1
gdtdrxhfr exbocsgctnp
qklsctux jokmnzejzateqlue 3 11
txgcww jokmnzejzateqlue 8 4
txgcww jokmnzejzateqlue 24 7
txgcww jokmnzejzateqlue 13 4
qklsctux jokmnzejzateqlue 18 1
qklsctux txgcww
lu rmpqh 23 6
rbybmrd ivtgdwrurxqzvyd 24 2
lqtd rmpqh 18 6
iqussxclxqlihwuqtn lu 5 5
rbybmrd kgxdln 6 1
gwidbhlviabiryoakpl rmpqh 16 9
ivtgdwrurxqzvyd rbybmrd
fzmfnmsd sfolhvysh 10 7
glcceafhymyn fpwdkwnywfw 11 2
fzmfnmsd utwdcyhpmcssxt 5 5
iaiauv utwdcyhpmcssxt 5 12
iaiauv fpwdkwnywfw 2 10
utwdcyhpmcssxt iaiauv 18 5
yes glcceafhymyn
kyntwdtwb wueecbrdpgckjygxps 24 6
krrjhvk zobzoy 13 12
gfdmrksiayono zobzoy 5 4
kbpxod mykmkczjxqxywx 19 4
xurxzfokamynodhq wueecbrdpgckjygxps 10 4
xurxzfokamynodhq qogekqbmykayu 13 8
xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr dqxeorjtw 4 9
xurxzfokamynodhq emdkf 8 2
qogekqbmykayu kbpxod 10 12
zobzoy mykmkczjxqxywx 4 2
mzdscnccvbronzajxdp mykmkczjxqxywx 5 12
gz xurxzfokamynodhq 22 11
mzdscnccvbronzajxdp wueecbrdpgckjygxps 6 11
emdkf mzdscnccvbronzajxdp 14 7
xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr kbpxod 21 9
zeajintgtaegynwkvzi kyntwdtwb 14 8
kyntwdtwb qogekqbmykayu 21 11
fkuy dqxeorjtw 21 4
gfdmrksiayono xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr 18 5
qogekqbmykayu xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr 13 7
mykmkczjxqxywx mzdscnccvbronzajxdp 22 6
xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr gz 11 4
wueecbrdpgckjygxps gz 5 7
krrjhvk xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr 5 6
kbpxod fkuy 10 6
xurxzfokamynodhq qogekqbmykayu 21 10
kbpxod kyntwdtwb 5 4
kyntwdtwb krrjhvk 6 2
wueecbrdpgckjygxps ywatufmrgfzlklcwdmxd 9 1
gfdmrksiayono xhokhdykmqcykqnxvr
jjck pksicknolkijcpqhgn 6 4
ysasqwsdzth kccvoicmwvmrmwlvayi 1 7
kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz jjck 4 10
jxjuulrvd ota 13 3
jxjuulrvd ota 10 11
mtuwuamdycfqcvb kccvoicmwvmrmwlvayi 3 3
kxuvgteswrffd mtuwuamdycfqcvb 22 6
kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz mtuwuamdycfqcvb 9 4
kxuvgteswrffd lvzuzqlixavjczgq 1 7
a eaezmjasbibgogyna 23 5
eaezmjasbibgogyna kxuvgteswrffd 2 7
kxuvgteswrffd jxjuulrvd 7 2
jxjuulrvd idgfrxsqln 15 4
kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz idgfrxsqln 6 5
ota kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz 1 7
idgfrxsqln kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz 22 2
ota kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz 18 3
jjck mtuwuamdycfqcvb 2 5
ysasqwsdzth kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz 9 2
pksicknolkijcpqhgn jxjuulrvd 8 4
ysasqwsdzth jxjuulrvd 11 6
ota mtuwuamdycfqcvb 21 1
a jjck 19 6
lvzuzqlixavjczgq ysasqwsdzth 3 6
kjpuglhxhkdlnhmz jjck 19 1
mtuwuamdycfqcvb eaezmjasbibgogyna 11 9
lvzuzqlixavjczgq pksicknolkijcpqhgn 23 8
mtuwuamdycfqcvb ysasqwsdzth
yuonmzojitnfznlivfp mheqcrkwcd 23 5
aqvxsz h 16 11
bzpioibnfmnvhmpiyjf hh 19 12
aqvxsz yuonmzojitnfznlivfp 18 3
mheqcrkwcd twx 16 9
yuonmzojitnfznlivfp zalkicryiqzowfwvbhke 20 7
xghwvrnfuckgrfqgw aqvxsz 2 5
sv itoercalhjlhuxqyqqjg
rezgichvvfpfr mamsnarcqpnepe
oqwhdcdilmfhepkcxv mvehpnngskozzxbctv
fowwugnllyuioedjfq llevmwykprvqvelzuk 2 2
goyekkhtljbcrranm fowwugnllyuioedjfq 22 8
hvpkstylxbvsywjcjbah tvyrclq 12 1
wndhfpeiqqf tvyrclq 3 3
tvyrclq goyekkhtljbcrranm 13 1
djpmvdzmvtpqeavbotca ngtxqcteouifnjsbrvan 20 4
psrc hkl
rlhvpvggxm vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 9 9
smvanobedcpzccl znayg 6 7
smvanobedcpzccl vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 4 5
znayg vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 16 3
rlhvpvggxm smvanobedcpzccl 13 10
rlhvpvggxm smvanobedcpzccl 21 6
znayg rlhvpvggxm 5 2
rlhvpvggxm smvanobedcpzccl 21 5
rlhvpvggxm smvanobedcpzccl 8 6
smvanobedcpzccl rlhvpvggxm 22 3
vgyrzrpbkualmpxze znayg 3 4
znayg vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 1 4
znayg rlhvpvggxm 9 1
smvanobedcpzccl vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 12 2
vgyrzrpbkualmpxze smvanobedcpzccl 10 2
znayg smvanobedcpzccl 13 6
rlhvpvggxm vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 17 3
smvanobedcpzccl rlhvpvggxm 13 5
vgyrzrpbkualmpxze rlhvpvggxm 6 4
vgyrzrpbkualmpxze smvanobedcpzccl 11 10
vgyrzrpbkualmpxze smvanobedcpzccl 4 11
znayg rlhvpvggxm 22 9
znayg rlhvpvggxm 10 6
smvanobedcpzccl rlhvpvggxm 24 11
rlhvpvggxm smvanobedcpzccl 4 8
vgyrzrpbkualmpxze znayg 14 10
znayg vgyrzrpbkualmpxze 16 2
smvanobedcpzccl rlhvpvggxm
irhrrfdgpwada qmwjmdcqh 1 11
zf bkfmmvykgm 10 8
bkfmmvykgm lqpvqxdgabkvrhrt 16 10
agwdvzpcldzjnfvdqaaq hbjccyendfysmww 2 3
qmwjmdcqh xlwscvxkvzwt 17 3
uhqixyknjssmcoyjqj oyukztm 2 4
hbjccyendfysmww irhrrfdgpwada 12 1
lqpvqxdgabkvrhrt k 18 3
zf zccf 11 10
aojv hbjccyendfysmww 2 8
hbjccyendfysmww acvpydeo 2 9
irhrrfdgpwada oyukztm 17 3
irhrrfdgpwada acvpydeo 21 10
qmwjmdcqh ekljmqgcoliec 16 10
umfbjqydutafrbbku agwdvzpcldzjnfvdqaaq 22 3
acvpydeo agwdvzpcldzjnfvdqaaq 22 8
umfbjqydutafrbbku ekljmqgcoliec 9 12
agwdvzpcldzjnfvdqaaq qmwjmdcqh 10 2
k irhrrfdgpwada 10 12
zf acvpydeo 1 3
oyukztm xlwscvxkvzwt 10 9
r irhrrfdgpwada 21 2
aojv qmwjmdcqh 5 11
lqpvqxdgabkvrhrt umfbjqydutafrbbku 7 6
irhrrfdgpwada lqpvqxdgabkvrhrt 19 3
qmwjmdcqh zf 4 5
ekljmqgcoliec r 4 6
zccf r
wakryihxxsayomuh aibotb 17 12
uszdcxcwzbmlvtvbhbqz azzybpnelncqskldp 24 4
vxydfgtidf ifdbj 20 7
nqwytmrolyfzdjbud aon 13 9
ifdbj s 20 10
decrtsbru diihvv 12 6
y txgr 7 7
aibotb txgr
sshapeuzy ergncfoxjurxkle 16 12
tviu ergncfoxjurxkle 7 5
tviu sshapeuzy 11 2
tviu sshapeuzy 7 2
ergncfoxjurxkle sshapeuzy 10 3
ergncfoxjurxkle tviu 18 10
sshapeuzy ergncfoxjurxkle 23 9
tviu sshapeuzy 16 9
tviu sshapeuzy 10 2
gzvbpp ergncfoxjurxkle 14 11
tviu ergncfoxjurxkle 15 11
tviu sshapeuzy 11 12
ergncfoxjurxkle gzvbpp 2 3
ergncfoxjurxkle tviu 19 6
ergncfoxjurxkle sshapeuzy 11 8
sshapeuzy tviu 3 12
sshapeuzy gzvbpp 12 5
tviu sshapeuzy 15 10
gzvbpp sshapeuzy 11 8
gzvbpp ergncfoxjurxkle 2 6
gzvbpp tviu 6 5
tviu sshapeuzy
o vyidnynpoajbn
fip jcyocrlcbxig 21 2
ngtsyfztuy fprwtr 9 11
k fprwtr 14 10
xnyoeyyhougxrpk jcyocrlcbxig 22 4
fip ngtsyfztuy 2 11
k ngtsyfztuy 8 3
fip xnyoeyyhougxrpk 18 2
ngtsyfztuy fprwtr 1 4
k xnyoeyyhougxrpk 5 11
k fip 24 10
ngtsyfztuy k 23 1
fprwtr k 5 7
fip ngtsyfztuy 12 10
fip ngtsyfztuy 21 5
z xnyoeyyhougxrpk 14 6
ngtsyfztuy z 6 4
jcyocrlcbxig xnyoeyyhougxrpk 15 9
jcyocrlcbxig xnyoeyyhougxrpk 9 1
jcyocrlcbxig z 11 5
fip k 1 6
z ngtsyfztuy 18 5
xnyoeyyhougxrpk jcyocrlcbxig 13 7
xnyoeyyhougxrpk k 13 6
fip z
wzftbwioegyztyvxi dlecjqlrmhbp 3 5
bhhhocgvsboeeyjcn ejhmekimqyjmzko 17 9
hfv avkkjvcrplgviuny 5 2
svetylsaonmzd sh 3 8
svetylsaonmzd hfv 16 9
avkkjvcrplgviuny svetylsaonmzd 20 3
hfv wzftbwioegyztyvxi 21 2
zbctkjomwsjs svetylsaonmzd 1 11
nmdsqmicfwjimlq hfv 2 2
zbctkjomwsjs kbkcypxwaryqfmpkmli 22 7
kbrefhjlfuovcrnesvli xqfmqauxl 13 6
huhqgmmwjrpwv ejhmekimqyjmzko 3 9
ejhmekimqyjmzko avkkjvcrplgviuny 6 10
huhqgmmwjrpwv sh 24 5
f ejhmekimqyjmzko 15 12
sh kbrefhjlfuovcrnesvli
mdvrnznsmh oin 18 3
oin mdvrnznsmh 5 1
oin nxislka 22 12
mdvrnznsmh c 19 5
nxislka mdvrnznsmh 20 3
c mdvrnznsmh 23 12
oin mdvrnznsmh 3 8
oin mdvrnznsmh 21 5
nxislka mdvrnznsmh 18 10
mdvrnznsmh c 16 7
mdvrnznsmh oin 18 7
mdvrnznsmh c 24 10
c mdvrnznsmh 11 12
oin nxislka 4 2
c nxislka 8 7
mdvrnznsmh nxislka 21 5
mdvrnznsmh nxislka
hfjaskslqjcdinowshb junxbaijceoybzxyvui 15 10
qqxipmek dvmvzxickswjn 24 1
dvmvzxickswjn ouvmr 22 6
junxbaijceoybzxyvui axhyeybi 21 2
vyfbkhvwc dxhdyvhgtvothpkpk 16 7
gglbeuopwwrmbvwnpb jjacvwvquovt 6 7
gglbeuopwwrmbvwnpb ytlyyauq 17 12
yqterqnxjknerdrgnms ouvmr 12 1
hfjaskslqjcdinowshb dvmvzxickswjn 24 2
zochw qqxipmek 2 3
iakzpgvjsweqmwtvwqdw ytlyyauq 9 3
axhyeybi ouvmr 20 10
gglbeuopwwrmbvwnpb junxbaijceoybzxyvui 18 3
yqterqnxjknerdrgnms dvmvzxickswjn 20 4
dvmvzxickswjn zochw 22 12
dvmvzxickswjn zochw 20 9
qqxipmek axhyeybi 2 4
dvmvzxickswjn zfcqfejmudsjuaxhob 21 5
xsedcwxfowsmoezmhlj yqterqnxjknerdrgnms 19 5
djnblitztn axhyeybi 18 2
cwd jjacvwvquovt 20 11
ouvmr djnblitztn 15 2
zfcqfejmudsjuaxhob ytlyyauq 6 6
djnblitztn dvmvzxickswjn 4 8
yqterqnxjknerdrgnms ouvmr 20 9
ytlyyauq gglbeuopwwrmbvwnpb
abnruiuhshxq ccutavvqhbqpso 6 5
hqfpgvxlawm yomxk 10 12
quw nfctv 21 2
yomxk hqfpgvxlawm 2 7
yomxk okblofghfdeylhqccgp 9 3
hqfpgvxlawm ekbhrbuyrx 23 11
xzbomeyirxvn nfctv 6 12
cpuyoo ekbhrbuyrx 5 6
xzbomeyirxvn quw 3 11
cpuyoo blinowd 6 7
cpuyoo ekbhrbuyrx 15 1
xzbomeyirxvn abnruiuhshxq 23 9
cpuyoo quw 5 8
ccutavvqhbqpso qgoqgcdybsqxh 6 9
nfctv abnruiuhshxq 1 7
blinowd yomxk 19 6
hqfpgvxlawm ekbhrbuyrx 22 12
hqfpgvxlawm ccutavvqhbqpso 15 3
okblofghfdeylhqccgp qgoqgcdybsqxh 6 8
blinowd yomxk 15 1
blinowd xzbomeyirxvn 10 9
ccutavvqhbqpso yomxk 6 8
ekbhrbuyrx xzbomeyirxvn 10 12
xubdryor qgoqgcdybsqxh 9 9
abnruiuhshxq xzbomeyirxvn 2 3
ccutavvqhbqpso quw 4 5
xzbomeyirxvn abnruiuhshxq 12 2
nfctv ekbhrbuyrx 7 2
blinowd yomxk 23 11
abnruiuhshxq ccutavvqhbqpso
oqmetxgrmtvdu yopxotjcoiscf 18 9
yopxotjcoiscf mjenonyibkmqcjg 19 2
tfojiptla esawnnw
xfoj tjnstekqfpikdd 16 4
zpkuonqxirpxydrfot tjnstekqfpikdd 15 4
ufqlfefogtwaxcs tjnstekqfpikdd 5 5
tdtxdujtbsnfmuf ael 9 5
cxuhdbvluultw wqhmbi 21 7
cxuhdbvluultw zpkuonqxirpxydrfot 14 2
g xfoj 13 3
wqhmbi g 16 8
ael kafly 2 2
tjnstekqfpikdd ne 5 1
ufqlfefogtwaxcs wqhmbi 19 12
dmwdqjnozuac ne 5 8
tdtxdujtbsnfmuf zstekdong 17 4
tjnstekqfpikdd tdtxdujtbsnfmuf 20 9
cxuhdbvluultw tdtxdujtbsnfmuf 1 8
kafly tjnstekqfpikdd 21 3
dmwdqjnozuac kafly 16 2
dmwdqjnozuac zstekdong 2 10
zpkuonqxirpxydrfot tjnstekqfpikdd 3 10
cxuhdbvluultw hsdaqkbfu 13 3
tjnstekqfpikdd hsdaqkbfu 21 1
zpkuonqxirpxydrfot ael
hzkwzohybeeivcaxw alfbpjjlnlklnflyjnby 5 1
iwgsihpxhattpf ggdapac 24 3
epz xm
cwnozafpplhtmmnptwx pmzgklklyfw 15 7
pmzgklklyfw cwnozafpplhtmmnptwx 1 1
fi cwnozafpplhtmmnptwx 24 6
pmzgklklyfw qvzxmbmpqnfqczes 6 7
ixrskddk btqyjebnt 23 1
btqyjebnt cwnozafpplhtmmnptwx 1 10
qvzxmbmpqnfqczes fi 24 11
qvzxmbmpqnfqczes ixrskddk 18 4
fi qvzxmbmpqnfqczes
jduq eqzmeg 11 9
wyagcuwtkfre xe 20 4
ffsoixjrh qkijpk 9 4
jduq a 22 2
a ntdfirraowoyhywntl 22 5
uvlcvlvltvpsqc axtqgxdzv 5 8
ijhvgvpbmjtoqfumvkm amwjlpuvyliimnsjsljy 19 3
axtqgxdzv aqbeqsnnk 18 6
uvlcvlvltvpsqc eqzmeg 2 8
jduq kveszemnmemjmtda 9 10
lfhkespqqhwrbht uvlcvlvltvpsqc 14 5
ijhvgvpbmjtoqfumvkm eqzmeg 4 3
ijhvgvpbmjtoqfumvkm axtqgxdzv 23 1
a uvlcvlvltvpsqc 17 7
zjmizkkngyhbcvikox ffsoixjrh 3 4
ntdfirraowoyhywntl wyagcuwtkfre 4 12
wyagcuwtkfre ohenqvinwnwllt
mpzkrcpzufuqi xabdgsqvwaqp 14 10
t kvs 12 9
myfshewkbevz g 12 5
m bmlecgjxcbvhkxmpo 19 5
t xabdgsqvwaqp 9 5
m u 3 7
h sopwlby 20 2
u t 4 6
eobemex myfshewkbevz 1 5
bmlecgjxcbvhkxmpo mgtnboseswswdhc 1 12
xabdgsqvwaqp eobemex 9 1
sopwlby u 11 7
g sopwlby 6 7
u sopwlby 14 12
u xabdgsqvwaqp 7 9
eobemex h 14 10
kvs xabdgsqvwaqp 1 3
buzxsvghlwg xabdgsqvwaqp
acw qmpspzngveaemcqac 20 10
cimvlgucpdepwtwgggv hkprnzr 18 3
dcazcegdadkvptptj udmskbk 24 2
jfmumgzdlfsjypqexnez qmpspzngveaemcqac 19 10
aklamfoevvbdlfilg qmpspzngveaemcqac 5 3
qeadacrosohvi acw 12 7
acw jfmumgzdlfsjypqexnez 23 3
hkprnzr acw 5 9
qmpspzngveaemcqac cwamluzmloxtcthisk 12 9
aefyvxftkjue acw
thv luoyakeorcxzjyravpu 19 3
thv zvnymneuglgvhghyspx 15 10
thv luoyakeorcxzjyravpu 9 11
k thv 19 4
zvnymneuglgvhghyspx ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp 9 12
luoyakeorcxzjyravpu thv 15 10
ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp k 18 5
thv ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp 16 6
fgazxfvw ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp 22 10
ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp k 14 4
thv zvnymneuglgvhghyspx 9 8
k thv 17 6
luoyakeorcxzjyravpu fgazxfvw 5 4
ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp fgazxfvw 14 7
zvnymneuglgvhghyspx k 20 9
fgazxfvw thv 13 9
zvnymneuglgvhghyspx fgazxfvw 12 6
ltomqvimxvjmtlwxzp fgazxfvw 5 8
zvnymneuglgvhghyspx fgazxfvw
oawberprmi brqbpxwt 11 10
jkjypzidy fjvvk 13 12
fjvvk brqbpxwt 9 6
oawberprmi klynjczncsnktrn 9 8
fjvvk klynjczncsnktrn 12 5
brqbpxwt klynjczncsnktrn 2 11
fjvvk brqbpxwt 8 4
brqbpxwt oawberprmi 4 4
brqbpxwt fjvvk 13 9
klynjczncsnktrn brqbpxwt 13 10
klynjczncsnktrn fjvvk 6 7
fjvvk brqbpxwt 15 7
jkjypzidy klynjczncsnktrn 13 2
brqbpxwt klynjczncsnktrn
phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb 10 12
svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq 18 11
ezeomodhgdbe h 1 11
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx h 17 2
ezeomodhgdbe svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb 8 12
ezeomodhgdbe wtqxgfhixfxldatjx 22 1
ezeomodhgdbe svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb 20 1
svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb wtqxgfhixfxldatjx 10 5
phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq h 9 3
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq 23 6
svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb h 24 12
svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq 19 2
phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq h 24 4
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq 18 7
ezeomodhgdbe wtqxgfhixfxldatjx 18 8
svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq 10 6
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx h 20 12
phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq wtqxgfhixfxldatjx 1 10
phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq wtqxgfhixfxldatjx 3 12
h ezeomodhgdbe 13 9
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb 4 2
h svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb 17 9
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq 20 7
wtqxgfhixfxldatjx h 13 3
ezeomodhgdbe h 17 12
h svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb 1 7
svvdbvzkvrtcgajxugqb h 2 11
h phgpuvrfmovjhnipvq
qhsd iqmpnfkcyghg 5 5
t uvehbv 7 6
seewxvtfmznobypw qvivdykvlpf
f f
f mpqeabzkuk 14 7
hkctojrrjjvktjawx mbfyf 17 2
f hkctojrrjjvktjawx 2 2
mpqeabzkuk fgymd
ibzmkzobph zipszx 2 2
yutzrbcqomqcp zipszx 20 12
yutzrbcqomqcp acehycqoqwut 13 4
lorn thtxh 10 10
zipszx qirqnceoykpji 16 12
msxqzpmtumwqkk qirqnceoykpji
rwdjisenoqfwkqbdn w 11 4
w uroiobbtf 3 5
rgulfsvqtaysaox orftnplrs
okbzdfnq nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt 8 1
zadav nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt 22 9
nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt okbzdfnq 23 6
rrdn zadav 1 8
okbzdfnq nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt 10 12
nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt zadav 1 3
zadav nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt 6 12
nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt nbvsrtymkjakug 23 2
okbzdfnq zadav 8 10
okbzdfnq nbvsrtymkjakug 24 10
okbzdfnq nbvsrtymkjakug 23 12
okbzdfnq nbvsrtymkjakug 9 12
rrdn nbvsrtymkjakug 7 3
okbzdfnq zadav 14 6
rrdn okbzdfnq 10 2
okbzdfnq rrdn 7 2
rrdn nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt 17 4
okbzdfnq rrdn 11 8
nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt nbvsrtymkjakug 9 9
nxkehuekjsconpdygwzt zadav 20 4
nbvsrtymkjakug rrdn 7 11
okbzdfnq zadav
ualrlehzyozpnnfrignf lzafivepcxvpsd 21 6
kdt lqbtzwxoyulp 4 4
pypysqkk rkdm 21 4
mvxpmcxisnmuhap lzafivepcxvpsd 11 10
o pypysqkk 24 9
lzafivepcxvpsd lqbtzwxoyulp 17 6
kdt lzafivepcxvpsd 12 8
lzafivepcxvpsd o 11 8
rkdm mvxpmcxisnmuhap 2 11
mvxpmcxisnmuhap ualrlehzyozpnnfrignf 23 6
kdt lzafivepcxvpsd 9 11
lzafivepcxvpsd qrcqfe 5 8
kdt ualrlehzyozpnnfrignf 1 2
rkdm mvxpmcxisnmuhap 5 4
mvxpmcxisnmuhap pypysqkk 4 6
lzafivepcxvpsd lqbtzwxoyulp 5 12
mvxpmcxisnmuhap pypysqkk 8 11
o qrcqfe 16 8
ualrlehzyozpnnfrignf qrcqfe 7 4
mvxpmcxisnmuhap lzafivepcxvpsd 21 6
lqbtzwxoyulp mvxpmcxisnmuhap 19 9
lzafivepcxvpsd rkdm 3 11
mvxpmcxisnmuhap lzafivepcxvpsd 18 10
mvxpmcxisnmuhap lqbtzwxoyulp 19 2
lzafivepcxvpsd lqbtzwxoyulp 13 2
mvxpmcxisnmuhap rkdm
ygehggtlnnjgxcb pq 14 8
ygehggtlnnjgxcb pq 12 3
ygehggtlnnjgxcb pq 14 9
pq ygehggtlnnjgxcb 18 5
ygehggtlnnjgxcb pq
gburrbvlm ainlpfcsihiwv 5 5
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh gburrbvlm 2 1
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh okjncmfgzcyikagr 10 2
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh okjncmfgzcyikagr 21 11
okjncmfgzcyikagr qnmysdqclxrjfcvh 19 2
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh gburrbvlm 10 12
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh ainlpfcsihiwv 2 10
gburrbvlm qnmysdqclxrjfcvh 24 11
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh okjncmfgzcyikagr 17 3
gburrbvlm okjncmfgzcyikagr 13 11
qnmysdqclxrjfcvh okjncmfgzcyikagr 7 7
gburrbvlm qnmysdqclxrjfcvh 9 7
ainlpfcsihiwv gburrbvlm 2 3
ainlpfcsihiwv okjncmfgzcyikagr
jiecoibhqbzgquoveidx tvzbygszhascpn 23 2
vhjwcr tssbvclwsoyrurvpag 5 11
awbdjtdanh tssbvclwsoyrurvpag 23 11
vhjwcr jiecoibhqbzgquoveidx 3 7
yzmicjgn bbcvscm 13 10
exxdx yzmicjgn 2 8
yzmicjgn dxwkyn 15 6
tssbvclwsoyrurvpag czonuunh 23 4
jgaijzqdaxes tvzbygszhascpn 24 7
jiecoibhqbzgquoveidx yzmicjgn 12 1
dxwkyn nbutodnjxo 19 11
tixsoptiehsg tssbvclwsoyrurvpag 12 9
yzmicjgn z 9 12
awbdjtdanh jiecoibhqbzgquoveidx 22 2
czonuunh fmwgb
dspmejhpzsqltr hluvjpkbkzbfohyj 17 11
hluvjpkbkzbfohyj bbqpnzzq 12 8
seodeftotp mkwandhhtdylaun 14 4
lajarqjmt p 1 10
lajarqjmt hluvjpkbkzbfohyj 2 6
phwbwuoqfh seodeftotp 7 5
xwaklzywq kartqic 11 3
kartqic vngtse 10 2
kartqic bhinpxojpzcjpolijdr 8 2
kartqic dspmejhpzsqltr 22 12
dspmejhpzsqltr lajarqjmt 19 11
seodeftotp zyfbyivdww 23 8
hluvjpkbkzbfohyj seodeftotp 6 12
dspmejhpzsqltr zyfbyivdww 14 5
kartqic lajarqjmt 4 4
xwaklzywq dspmejhpzsqltr 23 1
vngtse hluvjpkbkzbfohyj 21 11
bbqpnzzq kartqic 7 7
vngtse yjlnwl 16 2
ltfxj lajarqjmt 6 1
ltfxj yjlnwl 23 6
bbqpnzzq yjlnwl 13 2
seodeftotp hluvjpkbkzbfohyj 16 3
seodeftotp dspmejhpzsqltr 11 12
cupnaenflkqmjabmxtpq xwaklzywq
t miqmwbquvaqoqkojiu
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 9 4
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 18 12
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 8 11
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 2 5
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 8 2
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 19 5
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 8 1
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 2 8
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 17 11
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 7 7
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 21 6
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 4 3
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 9 11
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 14 4
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb 10 10
mmsvwkjvrb fsnj 11 4
fsnj mmsvwkjvrb
k yqczardzm 22 2
efobijgpqxjcgkgq qwrecyugjeoyw 19 8
uwglshbxidomd uvanbfmwlvczvalha 3 5
qwrecyugjeoyw efobijgpqxjcgkgq 15 10
yqczardzm uvanbfmwlvczvalha 4 6
dityrwvazloepicpw uvanbfmwlvczvalha 8 4
mqzgzimexvb dityrwvazloepicpw 6 2
mqzgzimexvb psxnj 6 9
ukdhhfjchumj uvanbfmwlvczvalha 16 6
uwglshbxidomd kk 11 6
uvanbfmwlvczvalha uwglshbxidomd
gomnrymwc tonrgzubfintalh 13 10
ucvjuasjtkuaocc mrfdkzfeivdpmuxgwur 11 10
a gomnrymwc 16 4
ucvjuasjtkuaocc gomnrymwc 7 8
gomnrymwc mrfdkzfeivdpmuxgwur
lf rj
kyjjxthnyovieyx sxaqdrxmtitfkuclcba 11 2
kbzxbfymwzfsrcwwzxc sxedxbdetvwxerhhaj 24 11
cfqtjpsjmuphtrzziwn ikodfs 14 12
ikodfs tuznvbg 8 10
ikodfs ypunhdbd 2 11
cfqtjpsjmuphtrzziwn fooni 8 7
waebpy ikodfs 6 11
ikodfs als 8 2
vngdar hmkcntefnyt 15 11
nljzfcsfjkxwyhqspciv lpaq 24 5
egkqdoefpeft cfqtjpsjmuphtrzziwn 20 11
djcxkqtlye vngdar
chinypfhrezalva ymkrsgebaqzpmjr 2 8
smwotk chinypfhrezalva 3 7
chinypfhrezalva ymkrsgebaqzpmjr 20 2
ymkrsgebaqzpmjr x 18 12
chinypfhrezalva x 8 10
hfwyb smwotk 8 10
chinypfhrezalva hfwyb 17 7
hfwyb kxsfwn 2 9
smwotk ymkrsgebaqzpmjr 9 12
ymkrsgebaqzpmjr hfwyb 13 6
kxsfwn chinypfhrezalva 12 11
chinypfhrezalva x 3 3
ymkrsgebaqzpmjr chinypfhrezalva 4 5
ymkrsgebaqzpmjr kxsfwn 6 1
chinypfhrezalva kxsfwn 1 7
hfwyb ymkrsgebaqzpmjr 13 9
chinypfhrezalva hfwyb 8 2
chinypfhrezalva x 3 7
chinypfhrezalva kxsfwn 20 9
smwotk kxsfwn 18 5
hfwyb smwotk 19 1
smwotk x 11 7
smwotk x 3 4
hfwyb kxsfwn 17 10
chinypfhrezalva x 19 2
hfwyb smwotk 15 8
hfwyb ymkrsgebaqzpmjr 18 1
hfwyb chinypfhrezalva
vlglrjxlipyofurqvwz kumjnwqgamsxsmg 2 5
ucibdhnxdjizabxkx vlglrjxlipyofurqvwz 21 6
w ugw 4 8
vlglrjxlipyofurqvwz ugw 11 2
tcueexfbhdndqwqjfoun ucibdhnxdjizabxkx 5 9
ucibdhnxdjizabxkx ugw 16 10
wkx ebw 21 9
ugw ruujwpt 4 3
vlglrjxlipyofurqvwz ucibdhnxdjizabxkx
docvd upvqqqfqpirheae 19 12
ybmzvsgdrctncvxzdsl mkqoqlbpihcfbkx 9 11
upvqqqfqpirheae ybmzvsgdrctncvxzdsl 9 12
nxvenwugqvnvmvygmv lncvdfvuzvpzwdzsv 8 8
lncvdfvuzvpzwdzsv zqkqczp
doeclwzgn gr 20 4
hnbqwgx muydjlhcv 24 7
doeclwzgn qwtqre 6 5
hnbqwgx qwtqre 2 8
doeclwzgn muydjlhcv 4 6
edwls doeclwzgn 1 2
qwtqre hnbqwgx
mabtrys wzyrih 19 6
wzyrih izel 19 5
wzyrih mabtrys
xy oimpasmswcvmpjbepi 14 10
xy reobnlnpoghmao 24 7
xy uc
kzlclfyqamfjo byetzluodukm 7 12
byetzluodukm kzlclfyqamfjo 22 1
byetzluodukm kzlclfyqamfjo
tvqiiy ymnm 23 7
hddpodwjzsrmhxswj yhvnhaxy 4 7
vaxvpgjbujh inyymx 1 1
inyymx zylmfllg 4 12
hddpodwjzsrmhxswj onepixuvibpsqsjx 11 9
inyymx cjuihgtdigordp 14 8
ntizpfacfqel vuwgnmgfpknmbp 3 1
emqkuxanaqceftyuzi rzuvpolhxkuolrqzqde
lykyjioywsrhhkl dcjwusfwurinvblwg 2 5
dcjwusfwurinvblwg lykyjioywsrhhkl 21 4
lykyjioywsrhhkl qxrsij 7 9
qxrsij clkterwyeujcf 9 11
dcjwusfwurinvblwg lykyjioywsrhhkl 24 3
clkterwyeujcf dcjwusfwurinvblwg 22 10
lykyjioywsrhhkl qxrsij 23 4
qepixxpj lykyjioywsrhhkl 16 12
qxrsij qepixxpj 4 1
lykyjioywsrhhkl dcjwusfwurinvblwg 16 12
dcjwusfwurinvblwg qepixxpj 15 7
dcjwusfwurinvblwg lykyjioywsrhhkl 7 1
dcjwusfwurinvblwg qxrsij 19 4
qepixxpj clkterwyeujcf 8 1
clkterwyeujcf qepixxpj 15 2
dcjwusfwurinvblwg lykyjioywsrhhkl 2 6
qxrsij lykyjioywsrhhkl 15 11
qepixxpj dcjwusfwurinvblwg 3 11
qxrsij lykyjioywsrhhkl 22 2
dcjwusfwurinvblwg lykyjioywsrhhkl 15 5
qepixxpj lykyjioywsrhhkl
mjlanaqzqzgnggyp dr 15 5
rivhwriszhkbfxb mkmvsqys 8 11
dr daxffjyxlof 24 9
wqawlaaer mkmvsqys 21 10
qjfvea rivhwriszhkbfxb 22 12
uxgvlasrprfqgbcsoff nflwpmcno 17 5
daxffjyxlof cbmomwbw 8 7
wqawlaaer fmrpzoi 1 2
daxffjyxlof hewhuzouwdnzozn 22 5
mjlanaqzqzgnggyp rivhwriszhkbfxb
ftjtaxzydzbzfkzfg bxmxmbncgzpfpcnwci 1 3
fp zmtcb 7 11
shooweexedzp zmtcb 4 3
fp ivgusg 16 3
nxonhgyvmkdendudqtjj vipunxzyuhumnnzyzbjj 11 2
mc fp 19 5
ftjtaxzydzbzfkzfg bxmxmbncgzpfpcnwci 11 5
shooweexedzp aukqpykohrdmlst 19 7
ftjtaxzydzbzfkzfg citaoxxsbyiq 13 8
ljkaiihdrbdrcbub mbmssqtouyjepdun 16 8
gmctatyted aukqpykohrdmlst 17 7
shooweexedzp mc 19 12
mgk qdxqnnxetlrlfunpond 17 5
nopcrlf vipunxzyuhumnnzyzbjj
qms zczugzccunam 9 10
yv megrsxfbmeedoaajo 17 12
qms vvptrhwgzxveyg 12 9
zrgjkoct bekjetabumljcernwfz 1 8
nqrgiqomcuqfisithtc xqllaguxfoimdehytdrb 1 3
hbfmkvyisxlsdmoohnyd itxto 16 10
uxkubjqhjtlfgl bekjetabumljcernwfz 2 7
zczugzccunam nofhokywwbagbu 19 4
uxkubjqhjtlfgl gnl 21 7
uxkubjqhjtlfgl u 21 1
qms awrtzspnf 2 12
r xqllaguxfoimdehytdrb 2 6
nofhokywwbagbu itxto 3 7
jliaqhajrwak zrgjkoct 21 6
itxto hbfmkvyisxlsdmoohnyd 16 2
yv zrgjkoct 12 2
r nqrgiqomcuqfisithtc 21 8
zrgjkoct bekjetabumljcernwfz 3 9
r zrgjkoct 9 4
awrtzspnf uxkubjqhjtlfgl 7 3
r nqrgiqomcuqfisithtc
bwuqjrmmicvtbgjly qpupw 8 5
qpupw llqzcskqbcjmduw 6 3
jjfsqjdvk lgboseinvsw 22 2
dmdutphjqjdcafel zqezspusdyuvcci
bnhqzrswmtevgdord mslpsh 11 4
rpzkugyabbsqkzn yv 4 4
bnhqzrswmtevgdord yardeeh 10 11
esrjoxoerrk bnhqzrswmtevgdord 20 9
lxtdgmfvcqph dsywxwtblffmnp 4 1
yv bnhqzrswmtevgdord 23 6
dsywxwtblffmnp bnhqzrswmtevgdord 6 9
hvhphdmgmjrcxxepm esrjoxoerrk 4 5
e lxtdgmfvcqph 9 1
xuhfbgmtxxjvlome rpzkugyabbsqkzn 4 12
lxtdgmfvcqph zgkailddbncrtlobaxg 13 4
zgkailddbncrtlobaxg mslpsh 8 9
yardeeh mslpsh
lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn kjsrdkxmsee 2 8
kjsrdkxmsee lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn 15 5
kjsrdkxmsee hsruxme 2 8
hsruxme lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn 15 11
kjsrdkxmsee lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn 6 4
hsruxme kjsrdkxmsee 12 11
hsruxme lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn 18 9
kjsrdkxmsee hsruxme 3 9
hsruxme kjsrdkxmsee 20 10
kjsrdkxmsee lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn 6 10
lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn hsruxme 15 5
lwaczbpcccwjvnfsbjgn kjsrdkxmsee
ljjmvdsjvsrhdvp exwpdtkcnkwos 18 8
ljjmvdsjvsrhdvp laoaoeiisacucj
pknrcafdcn wyejpgl 7 8
xhljuwbcwvtu gwjyagkxrmxqdegqke 23 10
xhljuwbcwvtu odaqbvkxkcyxpgp 10 4
cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf ewwwcjqoxajksr 12 7
wyejpgl ivlrg 2 4
lg pknrcafdcn 13 5
odaqbvkxkcyxpgp j 6 11
gwjyagkxrmxqdegqke hohfccpnlbaieu 23 12
pknrcafdcn ivlrg 18 6
odaqbvkxkcyxpgp ivlrg 12 4
wyejpgl cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf 5 3
hohfccpnlbaieu ewwwcjqoxajksr 5 8
pknrcafdcn qa 1 12
cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf xhljuwbcwvtu 14 5
lg xhljuwbcwvtu 8 9
qa cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf 14 6
cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf hohfccpnlbaieu 24 5
cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf j 3 4
ivlrg cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf 9 10
gwjyagkxrmxqdegqke ivlrg 18 2
odaqbvkxkcyxpgp lg 3 12
ewwwcjqoxajksr lg 7 10
qa cmljqiaspvrwgwvgf
iltjiwdhtokd bkrwuztx 24 2
mevucfcaseygblsyjqo olstxoyryfiojbcvj
fgeaukdezldspvpzsmdy ndtsgnpxplevpfpbkwa 1 11
gwtesvjxxcdvkfjd ndtsgnpxplevpfpbkwa 2 1
bulyjmtyprkeufzcso svra 13 6
jzgepn svra 5 7
bulyjmtyprkeufzcso tarzrexl 14 2
tgvqwd bgjlnfqmhka 2 2
fgeaukdezldspvpzsmdy tarzrexl 2 10
gwtesvjxxcdvkfjd jzgepn 6 1
tgvqwd bulyjmtyprkeufzcso 18 3
svra bulyjmtyprkeufzcso 3 6
fgeaukdezldspvpzsmdy tarzrexl 19 6
fgeaukdezldspvpzsmdy jzgepn 12 12
svra gwtesvjxxcdvkfjd 1 5
svra fgeaukdezldspvpzsmdy 12 1
jzgepn bgjlnfqmhka 7 3
fgeaukdezldspvpzsmdy bgjlnfqmhka 15 4
ndtsgnpxplevpfpbkwa jzgepn 9 6
ndtsgnpxplevpfpbkwa tgvqwd 22 11
svra gwtesvjxxcdvkfjd 3 7
svra ndtsgnpxplevpfpbkwa 4 4
svra sxuvsxpfxbr
tjeifskupjagkeruen eqzejkywszolnec 16 5
ehhb gda 6 4
pxyduxemitpvoapv eqzejkywszolnec 5 4
hc tjeifskupjagkeruen 6 6
lkpox tjeifskupjagkeruen 7 12
hc gda 10 4
tjeifskupjagkeruen eqzejkywszolnec 7 9
lkpox gda 5 2
tjeifskupjagkeruen hc 1 12
tjeifskupjagkeruen hc 13 10
hc ehhb 22 5
hc ehhb 24 7
hc eqzejkywszolnec 7 6
tjeifskupjagkeruen ehhb 16 4
eqzejkywszolnec gda 3 2
eqzejkywszolnec lkpox 1 7
gda lkpox
zbdrgwxw pyllkgqjdiiltliuc 17 10
nimkjpqhcmrqtppi tuxgdwubdgvlukmhxyp 6 3
nimkjpqhcmrqtppi isyqfrdoogqhc 14 10
d isyqfrdoogqhc 7 9
tuxgdwubdgvlukmhxyp pyllkgqjdiiltliuc 23 7
nimkjpqhcmrqtppi pyllkgqjdiiltliuc 1 10
tuxgdwubdgvlukmhxyp nimkjpqhcmrqtppi 22 2
zbdrgwxw nimkjpqhcmrqtppi 10 3
isyqfrdoogqhc zbdrgwxw
sbvnhypy ounswbevdqjoftad 4 5
diqqetj yosoeu 16 7
sbvnhypy vdnwnyilc 19 3
jmwxdiepkpvoocjnq sbvnhypy 19 8
fmz tgwjxvhnvjwb 8 5
iopmuhffmscjmjznlb diqqetj 24 10
tnmhhccfdidibmwghz tgwjxvhnvjwb 19 11
jmwxdiepkpvoocjnq gsrjdnxvteqzcbwxil 11 8
pcjyhokatuo jlvdffzgugaao 5 2
mzckmi jlvdffzgugaao 12 1
iopmuhffmscjmjznlb tgwjxvhnvjwb 23 11
tnmhhccfdidibmwghz pcjyhokatuo 13 9
fmz gsrjdnxvteqzcbwxil 6 12
siwanes diqqetj 11 5
diqqetj siwanes 23 6
fmz yosoeu 8 9
mzckmi pcjyhokatuo 15 1
siwanes yosoeu 18 2
pcjyhokatuo ounswbevdqjoftad 6 8
mzckmi sbvnhypy 12 11
beycb jlvdffzgugaao 12 5
fmz jlvdffzgugaao 17 10
tnmhhccfdidibmwghz pcjyhokatuo 24 3
jlvdffzgugaao jmwxdiepkpvoocjnq 20 8
diqqetj eaxekmqkhkajgdyetxo
cfformh xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg 8 1
miasybbegkszfsga fqozycnc 16 6
fqozycnc jnrsagvsudsm 1 11
cfformh xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg 21 10
cfformh xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg 18 10
cfformh bnsdfqh 5 12
bnsdfqh xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg 11 7
xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg bnsdfqh 14 5
jnrsagvsudsm xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg 6 4
xptprajzbwbidszrzhdg fqozycnc 3 11
fqozycnc cfformh
rnxshmqzenv hlpjwgdigbbw 21 9
ozdalktve fsjoq 1 9
hlpjwgdigbbw ldgho 17 12
vkevpgizbdgwiyhzobs ypruudzfxzvvjbqbky 11 11
tzxxaudmejsy hlpjwgdigbbw 3 11
vkevpgizbdgwiyhzobs ypruudzfxzvvjbqbky 11 8
ozdalktve kiggtfb
ikwsxaezhyqpuqqatnam oddqzeevgfurokkom 17 2
kfnzf nwelwlk 23 10
w nwelwlk 9 1
hwrrpndcby nwelwlk 22 12
nwelwlk bedvxrhhiuhswknm 4 5
hwrrpndcby ikwsxaezhyqpuqqatnam 23 7
w iaatnjuybilcmzhrrgw 16 10
ikwsxaezhyqpuqqatnam nwelwlk 5 1
hwrrpndcby nwelwlk 10 9
w jcuf 22 8
bedvxrhhiuhswknm nwelwlk 20 10
w nwelwlk 14 9
nwelwlk oddqzeevgfurokkom 1 9
ikwsxaezhyqpuqqatnam jcuf 19 11
nwelwlk ikwsxaezhyqpuqqatnam 3 2
w hwrrpndcby 16 11
w kfnzf 14 2
hwrrpndcby oddqzeevgfurokkom
kcbs zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 2 12
kcbs evlmeenporsjtudqbk 19 4
evlmeenporsjtudqbk kcbs 8 8
evlmeenporsjtudqbk puxdaiiqa 24 1
zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes kcbs 24 3
puxdaiiqa zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 17 5
puxdaiiqa evlmeenporsjtudqbk 6 7
kcbs zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 21 8
evlmeenporsjtudqbk kcbs 16 8
evlmeenporsjtudqbk zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 3 5
zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes evlmeenporsjtudqbk 15 7
zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes kcbs 9 8
puxdaiiqa evlmeenporsjtudqbk 13 12
evlmeenporsjtudqbk kcbs 9 6
evlmeenporsjtudqbk zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 7 3
evlmeenporsjtudqbk kcbs 23 2
evlmeenporsjtudqbk zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 18 5
kcbs zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 9 12
evlmeenporsjtudqbk zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes 24 5
zuwhfjwwvlstuaoes evlmeenporsjtudqbk
xbdtpbbsayrgtpany ozdkl 8 4
xbdtpbbsayrgtpany cwfqhi 16 3
fsagnbbmzlrsouanf qsnhbrcaxjszrhasta 21 4
rr gaocwnvbiamenwgpxg 4 2
rr kvncexdwphbvx 15 7
rr fsagnbbmzlrsouanf 5 6
zuztxykdtbdgz ejwnjccb 15 12
nuczbpvhgvozxlbvz qsnhbrcaxjszrhasta 9 7
acpkuocsm dgqaht 1 4
acpkuocsm zuztxykdtbdgz 18 8
coldjkjakn zuztxykdtbdgz 5 7
lsm dgqaht 19 12
nuczbpvhgvozxlbvz kvncexdwphbvx 5 1
hcp qsnhbrcaxjszrhasta
yxwnoue dilpk 20 3
dilpk cbvwvdgr 19 2
cbvwvdgr zwvbioaqupuhfrfob 18 8
jkxzjswwcgyrrv yb 14 6
zwvbioaqupuhfrfob yb 19 6
tlpmmnnztxmk vpnxfms 18 3
yxwnoue vpnxfms 3 1
tlpmmnnztxmk yb 15 4
jkxzjswwcgyrrv zwvbioaqupuhfrfob
wegofoiawcfsviaq fahzram 13 6
dkeipsnlutgczct g
rl hqrplughfpcyqzc 13 1
rgxwhnvlibfdath l 13 12
smp iunyidiwzx 12 3
rl hqrplughfpcyqzc 1 11
rl zpwfyvg 8 8
fuuxlczvepsd fmgnjndxerkdtsndb 1 7
hqrplughfpcyqzc l
bvzypjvbkfebrmtkl jm 20 12
jm bvzypjvbkfebrmtkl 20 7
vqrjjbuklveriaov pl 12 2
ysvodsrn xrhsofmk 17 4
xrhsofmk kiqtxhxqrwkcpyfmha 5 12
harvknmmcqqmojgugvl pcneckwtufwo 17 1
vqrjjbuklveriaov aw 12 12
bvzypjvbkfebrmtkl tlemcqanxut 24 7
pcneckwtufwo tlemcqanxut 13 1
kiqtxhxqrwkcpyfmha hbsgnwvlbjubt 16 1
kiqtxhxqrwkcpyfmha pl 21 8
harvknmmcqqmojgugvl jm 24 2
pcneckwtufwo tlemcqanxut 5 8
wmbia aw 22 12
wmbia aw 6 10
qu ysvodsrn 19 9
tlemcqanxut aw 13 2
tlemcqanxut ysvodsrn 22 9
hbsgnwvlbjubt kiqtxhxqrwkcpyfmha 9 1
hbsgnwvlbjubt jm 5 3
jjsfikzlalxjlpfx pl 5 9
harvknmmcqqmojgugvl bvzypjvbkfebrmtkl 17 7
pl harvknmmcqqmojgugvl 14 2
jm pcneckwtufwo 20 8
jm kiqtxhxqrwkcpyfmha
dmsiqwjwndarees bbczoixadfa 12 6
orurwwqauxiknzp gpvxmovievedfpreekq 14 3
mhzcflyvoaov orurwwqauxiknzp 17 9
gpvxmovievedfpreekq vvtgerhjopvodedzdru 24 2
pwzmtykhyvngyksi mhzcflyvoaov 3 9
o orurwwqauxiknzp 15 9
cvhgoop dmsiqwjwndarees 11 2
o pwzmtykhyvngyksi
qdjgwajtnhtydz rii 2 4
oclhhwngwyzlitklsje gzb 7 6
flxujebmsx qdjgwajtnhtydz 2 12
flxujebmsx uqtdgrftlztyv 11 5
gzb ilzrfhmqg 15 6
qdjgwajtnhtydz rii 18 4
qgmfmkenwm uqtdgrftlztyv 2 1
oclhhwngwyzlitklsje ifprrbxlwylwgbn 18 12
uqtdgrftlztyv wcnrsanwi 11 12
mzrlrhtdnhntujhdrgej uqtdgrftlztyv 5 5
ilzrfhmqg ifprrbxlwylwgbn 8 6
qdjgwajtnhtydz uqtdgrftlztyv 3 7
oclhhwngwyzlitklsje rii 12 9
gzb oclhhwngwyzlitklsje 13 3
wcnrsanwi rii 20 3
mzrlrhtdnhntujhdrgej gzb
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 17 9
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 4 10
dznxsnwnqcsxrvw yqtcutygbaesyz 8 8
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 11 1
dznxsnwnqcsxrvw yqtcutygbaesyz 23 10
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 13 5
ffnbz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 5 5
yqtcutygbaesyz ffnbz 16 11
dznxsnwnqcsxrvw yqtcutygbaesyz 19 7
yqtcutygbaesyz ffnbz 16 6
yqtcutygbaesyz ffnbz 23 3
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 8 4
dznxsnwnqcsxrvw yqtcutygbaesyz 14 5
ffnbz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 12 3
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 6 1
ffnbz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 12 12
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 9 11
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 24 9
ffnbz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 6 5
ffnbz yqtcutygbaesyz 6 4
ffnbz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 5 1
yqtcutygbaesyz dznxsnwnqcsxrvw 9 5
dznxsnwnqcsxrvw yqtcutygbaesyz 23 2
yqtcutygbaesyz ffnbz
fyluvjdcxzpoxp mrfah 5 2
atfp davw 16 10
atfp fyluvjdcxzpoxp 24 11
atfp davw 17 11
cubzrkcvjd mrfah 14 8
mrfah davw 19 11
davw cubzrkcvjd 13 9
davw fyluvjdcxzpoxp 19 9
fyluvjdcxzpoxp davw 3 10
mrfah atfp 5 11
fyluvjdcxzpoxp cubzrkcvjd 16 6
atfp davw 5 9
atfp fyluvjdcxzpoxp
jiudvvzvufsviijddwba lrhzeafqt 14 4
sktoolrgmt tumgmc 22 12
msv bscszalzqdrmbjrevsl 11 12
bscszalzqdrmbjrevsl mjvfvyomdlholakxhybw 21 11
msv mjvfvyomdlholakxhybw 6 3
mjvfvyomdlholakxhybw qtnmodvimcrw 14 8
qtnmodvimcrw wxvpquvtohui 1 10
mjvfvyomdlholakxhybw sktoolrgmt 14 6
mjvfvyomdlholakxhybw tumgmc 11 7
jiudvvzvufsviijddwba msv 15 12
mjvfvyomdlholakxhybw jiudvvzvufsviijddwba
mgpddzywu gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm 23 5
mgpddzywu uqtdxnxskkjitw 14 5
mgpddzywu uqtdxnxskkjitw 12 5
uqtdxnxskkjitw mgpddzywu 23 6
gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm uqtdxnxskkjitw 22 2
dzpplsrquittu gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm 18 10
gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm uqtdxnxskkjitw 15 5
mgpddzywu uqtdxnxskkjitw 15 5
uqtdxnxskkjitw gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm 20 11
gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm mgpddzywu 5 6
dzpplsrquittu gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm 8 6
dzpplsrquittu mgpddzywu 15 6
dzpplsrquittu mgpddzywu 6 8
dzpplsrquittu gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm 19 7
uqtdxnxskkjitw mgpddzywu 21 8
mgpddzywu gprzjxwywriiatdyvgzm
qwctrmkitrr puw 4 9
ppszrvtorceqgy ere 14 8
skrodlblolhhoexzto paujvrjjsl 23 10
xmjcmsjdsdtauvdb ibiwrauq 1 2
ere mjccumjk 20 4
ulqovctmj lqrimfpfghcurkkwv 24 8
qwctrmkitrr jfpmcdarahxungtzqv 8 2
skrodlblolhhoexzto uhrzxxzislbg 22 12
xmjcmsjdsdtauvdb ere 11 2
skrodlblolhhoexzto adciowcgimy 15 5
uhrzxxzislbg xmjcmsjdsdtauvdb 3 5
jfpmcdarahxungtzqv xmjcmsjdsdtauvdb 7 4
tlvnvglsclxeundytlkt ulqovctmj 11 6
jfpmcdarahxungtzqv paujvrjjsl 17 11
ppszrvtorceqgy adciowcgimy 18 1
ibiwrauq paujvrjjsl 22 7
ibiwrauq uhrzxxzislbg 1 12
skrodlblolhhoexzto mjccumjk 22 3
adciowcgimy xsqiocdhrgbadvmmpx 3 12
skrodlblolhhoexzto mjccumjk 7 9
ugn ffcdahh 16 5
adciowcgimy skrodlblolhhoexzto 9 12
ibiwrauq lqrimfpfghcurkkwv 22 6
uhrzxxzislbg paujvrjjsl 18 7
xsqiocdhrgbadvmmpx ppszrvtorceqgy
plcetebl kquonncpjuwzyqix 2 8
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 24 4
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 11 11
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi 14 3
plcetebl pizxqfaghi 6 10
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi 21 4
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 4 8
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi 19 9
plcetebl kquonncpjuwzyqix 22 9
pizxqfaghi kquonncpjuwzyqix 24 10
pizxqfaghi kquonncpjuwzyqix 23 2
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 1 2
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi 13 9
pizxqfaghi kquonncpjuwzyqix 2 11
plcetebl kquonncpjuwzyqix 5 11
plcetebl kquonncpjuwzyqix 3 8
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi 5 6
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 6 3
pizxqfaghi kquonncpjuwzyqix 22 12
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi 10 10
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 13 2
kquonncpjuwzyqix plcetebl 13 2
pizxqfaghi plcetebl 7 9
pizxqfaghi plcetebl 14 5
plcetebl kquonncpjuwzyqix 23 11
kquonncpjuwzyqix pizxqfaghi
gqkurnzobbycjgdek gbtekyrpoxnyaltjk 24 5
gbtekyrpoxnyaltjk gqkurnzobbycjgdek 13 9
gbtekyrpoxnyaltjk a 3 9
gbtekyrpoxnyaltjk gqkurnzobbycjgdek 1 11
gqkurnzobbycjgdek a
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 18 4
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 17 3
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 6 10
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 2 7
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 22 9
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 7 11
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 16 7
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 16 9
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 16 2
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 10 9
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 17 6
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 19 3
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 3 9
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 17 9
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 20 7
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 24 7
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 23 8
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 1 3
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 4 7
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 10 3
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 5 6
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 20 2
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 1 11
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 2 1
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 24 7
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh 20 3
ooh kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle 13 8
kzvqnjiyfqvyufqmsle ooh
yxlivbtuhesj m 10 5
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 14 3
bdgfwygywvyxbg m 6 3
bdgfwygywvyxbg m 22 12
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 23 7
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 14 7
yxlivbtuhesj m 5 11
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 4 9
m bdgfwygywvyxbg 16 10
m yxlivbtuhesj 21 2
bdgfwygywvyxbg yxlivbtuhesj 2 1
bdgfwygywvyxbg yxlivbtuhesj 9 10
bdgfwygywvyxbg yxlivbtuhesj 20 11
bdgfwygywvyxbg yxlivbtuhesj 7 1
bdgfwygywvyxbg yxlivbtuhesj 5 11
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 14 1
yxlivbtuhesj m 18 2
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 22 11
yxlivbtuhesj m 2 5
bdgfwygywvyxbg m 9 10
bdgfwygywvyxbg m 15 7
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 7 9
m bdgfwygywvyxbg 21 12
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 20 11
m yxlivbtuhesj 24 9
bdgfwygywvyxbg yxlivbtuhesj 20 1
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 20 4
bdgfwygywvyxbg m 23 5
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg 10 5
yxlivbtuhesj bdgfwygywvyxbg
oojbxodkrvuk hvsjhzqvjw 6 3
orjddfztuiwtyze hvsjhzqvjw 14 6
hvsjhzqvjw vaa 6 3
oojbxodkrvuk hvsjhzqvjw 15 5
hvsjhzqvjw oojbxodkrvuk 2 7
vaa orjddfztuiwtyze 22 4
hvsjhzqvjw vaa 14 6
hvsjhzqvjw vaa 3 7
hvsjhzqvjw oojbxodkrvuk 7 8
orjddfztuiwtyze vaa 16 2
orjddfztuiwtyze vaa 23 9
oojbxodkrvuk orjddfztuiwtyze 16 10
vaa oojbxodkrvuk 3 6
hvsjhzqvjw orjddfztuiwtyze 15 10
vaa orjddfztuiwtyze 19 3
oojbxodkrvuk vaa 9 3
hvsjhzqvjw oojbxodkrvuk 15 4
oojbxodkrvuk hvsjhzqvjw 21 10
vaa hvsjhzqvjw
wreatqbf sgzdkk 16 1
ojbws e 16 12
e oloe 21 7
cbgpio mbksldofj 22 9
oloe e 4 5
mbksldofj oloe 22 7
sgzdkk wreatqbf 1 11
oloe wreatqbf 14 8
sgzdkk oloe 17 11
wreatqbf mbksldofj 13 5
sgzdkk ojbws 8 2
wreatqbf cbgpio 22 10
sgzdkk e 10 12
wreatqbf cbgpio 1 1
oloe wreatqbf 1 7
cbgpio sgzdkk 21 5
sgzdkk wreatqbf
fuupzuuzzegchgqpjhw hxhomrzg 22 7
hxhomrzg midrfiyyofnijuoz 21 1
hxhomrzg fuupzuuzzegchgqpjhw 12 12
fuupzuuzzegchgqpjhw hxhomrzg 20 10
hcd hxhomrzg 16 11
hcd midrfiyyofnijuoz 11 5
midrfiyyofnijuoz hxhomrzg 12 11
fuupzuuzzegchgqpjhw hcd 22 9
midrfiyyofnijuoz hcd 6 10
hxhomrzg hcd 22 5
hcd midrfiyyofnijuoz 4 6
hcd hxhomrzg 13 7
fuupzuuzzegchgqpjhw hcd 19 8
midrfiyyofnijuoz hxhomrzg
glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst czeyeiv 15 9
glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst czeyeiv 7 2
glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst czeyeiv 8 12
czeyeiv glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst 8 2
glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst czeyeiv 14 8
glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst czeyeiv 9 4
czeyeiv glzhtzmisttjbkbmncst
rqqwemevvrvzd laejdxekdvyo 4 4
laejdxekdvyo rqqwemevvrvzd 2 12
laejdxekdvyo djewehckpfowir 15 7
lonozrnd whkbfjrowibnhua 6 12
laejdxekdvyo djewehckpfowir 15 3
rqqwemevvrvzd lonozrnd 19 8
laejdxekdvyo djewehckpfowir 21 7
whkbfjrowibnhua laejdxekdvyo 8 12
djewehckpfowir lonozrnd 10 3
djewehckpfowir rqqwemevvrvzd 4 3
whkbfjrowibnhua laejdxekdvyo 16 7
whkbfjrowibnhua lonozrnd 6 6
lonozrnd laejdxekdvyo 11 8
djewehckpfowir rqqwemevvrvzd 18 8
whkbfjrowibnhua rqqwemevvrvzd 23 5
djewehckpfowir whkbfjrowibnhua 5 12
lonozrnd djewehckpfowir
UVa's anwser:

Code: Select all

Test Case 1.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 2.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 3.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 4.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 5.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 6.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 7.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 8.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 9.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 10.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 11.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 12.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 13.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 14.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 15.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 16.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 17.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 18.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 19.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 20.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 21.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 22.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 23.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 24.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 25.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 26.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 27.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 28.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 29.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 30.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 31.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 32.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 33.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 34.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 35.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 36.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 37.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 38.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 39.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 40.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 41.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 42.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 43.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 44.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 45.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 46.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 47.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 48.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 49.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 50.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 51.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 52.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 53.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 54.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 55.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 56.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 57.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 58.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 59.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 60.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 61.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 62.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 63.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 64.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 65.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 66.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 67.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 68.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 69.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 70.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 71.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 72.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 73.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 74.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 75.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 76.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 77.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 78.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 79.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 80.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 81.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 82.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 83.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 84.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 85.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 86.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 87.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 88.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 89.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 90.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 91.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 92.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 93.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 94.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 95.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 96.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 97.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 98.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 99.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
and AC anwser: (my anwser is the same)

Code: Select all

Test Case 1.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 2.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 3.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 4.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 5.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 6.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 7.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 8.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 9.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 10.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 11.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 12.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 13.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 14.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 15.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 16.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 17.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 18.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 19.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 20.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 21.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 22.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 23.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 24.
Vladimir needs 0 litre(s) of blood.
Test Case 25.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 26.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 27.
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Test Case 95.
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Test Case 96.
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Test Case 97.
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Test Case 98.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Test Case 99.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
so I still have no idea what is wrong with my code :(
but thank you for your anwser anyway ;)
Posts: 5947
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:09 am
Location: San Jose, CA, USA

Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by brianfry713 »

I forgot the number of routes in my previous post. Try this input:

Code: Select all

a b 6 12
a b
AC output:

Code: Select all

Test Case 1.
There is no route Vladimir can take.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
New poster
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Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:50 pm
Location: Poland

Re: 10187 - From Dusk till Dawn

Post by chylek »

I've already wrote another code - AC
now my old code got AC too, after one little change, thanks to your input ;)
thank you very much
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