Search found 5 matches: 11933

Searched query: 11933

by Zyaad Jaunnoo
Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:26 pm
Forum: Volume 119 (11900-11999)
Topic: 11933 - Splitting Numbers
Replies: 3
Views: 4651

Re: 11933 - Splitting Numbers

C++ function __builtin_ffs(x) was very handy for this problem. Used it to get the position of the least significant bit of an integer.
by brianfry713
Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:02 pm
Forum: Volume 119 (11900-11999)
Topic: 11933 - Splitting Numbers
Replies: 3
Views: 4651

Re: 11933 _ Splitting Numbers

Input: 2147483647 1804289384 846930887 1681692778 1714636916 1957747794 424238336 719885387 1649760493 596516650 1189641422 1025202363 1350490028 783368691 1102520060 2044897764 1967513927 1365180541 1540383427 304089173 1303455737 35005212 521595369 294702568 1726956430 336465783 861021531 27872286...
by uDebug
Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:15 pm
Forum: Volume 119 (11900-11999)
Topic: 11933 - Splitting Numbers
Replies: 3
Views: 4651

Re: 11933 _ Splitting Numbers

Here's some input / output that I found useful during testing / debugging.


Code: Select all

AC Output:

Code: Select all

17 8
4360 640
671808 328192
1378124800 621875200
1431655765 715827882
by plamplam
Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:04 pm
Forum: Volume 119 (11900-11999)
Topic: 11933 - Splitting Numbers
Replies: 3
Views: 4651

11933 - Splitting Numbers

Alright Im writing this post because this problem gave me quite a headache at first. The problem description is very unclear and it is hard to understand how to get the two numbers a and b from n(atleast it was difficult for me). Anyway the problem is really very easy if you understand what you have...
by sohel
Wed May 05, 2004 12:38 pm
Forum: Volume 106 (10600-10699)
Topic: 10650 - Determinate Prime
Replies: 67
Views: 36037

not sure

... 10657 10663 10847 10853 10859 11287 11299 11311 11399 11411 11423 11491 11497 11503 11719 11731 11743 11801 11807 11813 11897 11903 11909 11927 11933 11939 12491 12497 12503 12541 12547 12553 12577 12583 12589 12641 12647 12653 12659 12829 12841 12853 12967 12973 12979 13037 13043 13049 13171 ...

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